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Rupp PA, Czirok A, Little CD: alphavbeta3 integrin-dependent endothelial cell dynamics in vivo, Development. 131(12):2887-97, 2004 | Filla MB, Czirok A, Zamir EA, Little CD, Cheuvront TJ, Rongish BJ.: Dynamic imaging of cell, extracellular matrix, and tissue movements during avian vertebral axis patterning., Birth Defects Res C Embryo Today. 72(3):267-76., 2004 | Kornyei Z, Szlavik V, Szabo B, Gocza E, Czirok A, Madarasz E.: Humoral and contact interactions in astroglia/stem cell co-cultures in the course of glia-induced neurogenesis., Glia. 49(3):430-44., 2005 | Mehes E, Czirok A, Hegedus B, Szabo B, Vicsek T, Satz J, Campbell K, Jancsik V.: Dystroglycan is involved in laminin-1-stimulated motility of Muller glial cells: Combined velocity and directionality analysis., Glia. 49(4):492-500., 2005 | Tarnok K, Czirok A, Czondor K, Schlett K.: Cerebellar granule cells show age-dependent migratory differences in vitro, J Neurobiol. 65(2):135-45., 2005 | Kozel BA, Rongish BJ, Czirok A, Zach J, Little CD, Davis EC, Knutsen RH, Wagenseil JE, Levy MA, Mecham RP.: Elastic fiber formation: A dynamic view of extracellular matrix assembly using timer reporters, J Cell Physiol. 207(1):87-96., 2006 | Czirok A, Zach J, Kozel BA, Mecham RP, Davis EC, Rongish BJ.: Elastic fiber macro-assembly is a hierarchical, cell motion-mediated process, J Cell Physiol. 207(1):97-106., 2006 | Zamir EA, Czirok A, Rongish BJ, Little CD.: A digital image-based method for computational tissue fate mapping during early avian morphogenesis., Ann Biomed Eng. 33(6):854-65., 2005 | A. Czirok, E.A. Zamir, M.B. Filla, C.D. Little and B.J. Rongish: Extracellular matrix macro-assembly dynamics in early vertebrate embryos, Current Topics in Developmental Biology 73:237-58., 2006 | P. Sivakumar, A. Czirok, B.J. Rongish, V.P. Divakara, Y.P. Wang and S.L. Dallas: New insights into extracellular matrix assembly and reorganization from dynamic imaging of extracellular matrix proteins in living osteoblasts., J Cell Sci 119(7):1350-60., 2006 | Zamir EA, Czirok A, Cui C, Little CD, Rongish BJ.: Mesodermal cell displacements during avian gastrulation are due to both individual cell-autonomous and convective tissue movements., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 103(52):19806-11., 2006 | Szabo A, Perryn ED, Czirok A.: Network formation of tissue cells via preferential attraction to elongated structures., Phys Rev Lett. 98(3):038102., 2007 | Czirok A, Zamir EA, Szabo A, Little CD: Multicellular sprouting during vasculogenesis, Curr Top Dev Biol (in press), 2007 | Perryn ED, Czirok A, Little CD: Vascular sprout formation entails tissue deformations and VE-cadherin dependent cell-autonomous motility, Dev Biol. (under revision), 2007 | Visconti RP, Rupp PA, Czirok A, Cheresh DA, Little CD: MMP2/Integrin avb3-dependent mesenchymal cell invasive behavior, Mol Biol Cell (under revision), 2007 | Tarnok K, Czondor K, Czirok A, Schlett K: MMP2/Integrin avb3-dependent mesenchymal cell invasive behavior, J Neurochemistry (under review), 2007 | Mehes E, Campbell KP, Czirok A: Dystroglycan transmits motility signals but does not transduce substantial traction forces., J Cell Sci (under review), 2007 | Nagy G: Sejtmozgás és sejtmagmozgás során fellépõ erõk analízise., Szakdolgozat, ELTE TTK Fizikai Intézet, 2006 | Szabo A, Mehes E, Kosa E, Czirok A: Multicellular sprout formation of tissue cells, manuscript in preparation, 2008 | Szabo B, Unnep R, Mehes E, Nagy G, Kornyei Zs, Vicsek T, Czirok A: Mechanism of nuclear motion in tissue cells, manuscript in preparation, 2008 |




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