Studies on Quaternary surface evolution in the Mid-Transdanubian region bz Surface Processes Modelling (SPM), remotely sensed data and field observations
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Székely B; Molnár G; Ferencz E; Dövényi P; Krumrei I; Timár G: Swaths of topographic sink depressions interpreted as remnants of paleomeanders in the vicinity of Lake Balaton, Hungary: evidences of young uplift or base level drop?, Geophysical Research Abstracts 7:09989, 2005 | Molnár G; Székely B: The effect of the recent differential vertical movements on the course of Cinca-Csíkgát Creek, Hungary -- a case study, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 10294, 2005, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-10294, 2005 | Székely B; Molnár G; Timár G: Lázár deák és a folyódinamika – térképezési hibák vagy valós mederváltozás?, Kázmér M.(szerk.):Környezettörténet – Az utóbbi 500 év környezeti eseményei történeti és természettudományi források tükrében.Hantken Kiadó,Bp,pp.75-98,ISBN 9789638701596, 2007 | Timár G; Molnár G; Ferencz Cs; Lichtenberger J; Székely B; Pásztor Sz; Bognár P;: Deforestation as a primary cause of the recent flood peaks in the Pannonian Basin? - Counter-evidences from the Upper Tisza catchment., Geophysical Research Abstracts 7:01032, 2005 | Székely B; Molnár G: Watershed reorganization in Külső-Somogy, Hungary: insights from Surface Processes Modelling, Geophysical Research Abstracts 8:09837, 2006 | Kázmér M; Mikes T; Benkő Z; Kovács I; Pocsai T; Prohászka A; Krolopp E; Fekete N; Timár G; Székely B: Small-scale Quaternary flexural basins in the Carpathian-Pannonian system: the Transdanubian Sárrét Basin as an example, Geophysical Research Abstracts 7:09450, 2005 | Kóródy G; Kázmér M; Székely B: Dendrochronological and GIS methods in the monitoring of the linear erosion near Bátaapáti, Geophysical Research Abstracts 8:09542, 2006 | Molnár G; Székely B; Dövényi P; Horváth F; Ferencz E; Lipovics T: Multimethod geophysical surveying of active tectonic setting of Balatonfő line, Hungary: a case study, Geophysical Research Abstracts 8:09812, 2006 | Molnár G; Komoróczi Z; Székely B: Reconstructing Roman road network in Pannonia using anaglyph technology of rectified archive aerial photographs, Geophysical Research Abstracts 8:09788, 2006 | Timár G; Székely B; Molnár G: Estimation of the maximum Holocene water level of the Lake Balaton (Hungary) based on geomorphic maps and geodetic uplift rate indicators, Geophysical Research Abstracts 7:04495, 2006 | Zámolyi A; Székely B; Timár G; Draganits E: Quantitative river channel analysis based on georeferenced historical maps - documenting vertical movements in the Little Hungarian Plain, Geophysical Research Abstracts 9:06624, 2007 | Kóródy G; Kázmér M; Székely B: Estimating runoff and maximum flood on DTM by the Raindrop program for the Bátaapáti nuclear waste repository, Hungary, Geophysical Research Abstracts 9:09421, 2007 | Kázmér M; Kóródy G; Székely B: Dendrochronological and GIS methods in monitoring areal erosion - Bátaapáti, Mecsek Hills, Hungary, Geophysical Research Abstracts 9:09596, 2007 | Zlinszky A; Molnár G; Horváth A; Hámori Z; Székely B: Mapping of lacustrine sediment thickness and water depth of the Lake Balaton, Geophysical Research Abstracts 9:10273, 2007 | Dövényi P; Molnár G; Székely B; Ferencz E; Galsa A; Lenkey L; Horváth F: Neotectonic interpretation of geophysical measurements in the Balatonfő region, Geophysical Research Abstracts 9:10288, 2007 | Komoróczi Z; Székely B; Molnár G; Catt L; Booth A; Dövényi P: Multimethod geophysical study of anomalous light-grey stripes in Quaternary sediments revealed by archive aerial photography, Geophysical Research Abstracts 9:10711, 2007 | Zámolyi A; Székely B; Timár G; Draganits E: Geomorphologic and drainage network analysis at the western margin of the Little Hungarian Plain, Houseman, G., Horváth, F. (eds.): Collision and extension in the Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian system, Siófok, September 14-16, 2007, Abstract volume, p. 35., 2007 | Zámolyi A; Székely B; Timár G; Draganits E: Geomorfológiai vizsgálatok a Kisalföld nyugati peremén georeferált történelmi térképek és digitális domborzati adatok alapján, HUNTEK Workshop, Problems and recent advances in the geodynamics of the Pannonian–East Alpine–Carpathian–Dinaridic domain, 20-21 Sep 2007, Sopron, Magyarhoni Földt. Társ., 2007 | Zlinszky, A; Székely, B; Clement, A: Comparing sediment load and deposit thickness values in the eastern embayment of shallow Lake Balaton, Hungary, Geophysical Research Abstracts 10: 06101, 2008 | Székely, B; Molnár G: Do the post-Miocene volcanic features really mark a single paleoaltitude in the Transdanubian Range (Pannonian basin)?, Geophysical Research Abstracts 10: 11566, 2008 | Kovács G; Zámolyi A; Székely B; Papp S: Tectonically induced drainage system in the Western Pannonian Basin, Geophysical Research Abstracts 10: 04354, 2008 | Timár G; Székely B; Zámolyi A; Houseman G; Stuart G; Grasemann B; Dombrádi E; Galsa A; Spahić D; Draganits E; ELTE-Leeds-UniWien Workgroup Team: Neotectonic implications by geophysical surveys of topographic features identified by Airborne Laser Scanning in the Neusiedlersee/Fertő area (Austria/Hungary), Geophysical Research Abstracts 11:09240, 2009 | Zámolyi A; Horváth F; Kovács G; Timár G; Székely B: Geologic map of Mészáros revisited: Pioneering tectonic mapping of the Transdanubian Range in the early 1980s, Geophysical Research Abstracts 11:11622, 2009 | Zámolyi A; Székely B; Draganits E; Timár G;: Historic maps and landscape evolution: a case study in the Little Hungarian Plain, Geophysical Research Abstracts 11:11929, 2009 | Draganits E; Zámolyi A; Székely B; Timár G; Molnár G: Reconstruction of the Neusiedlersee (Austria/Hungary) based on historical topographic maps from 1507 to present, Geophysical Research Abstracts 10:08644, 2008 | Zámolyi A; Székely B; Draganits E; Timár G: Neotectonic control on landscape evolution in the Little Hungarian Plain, Journal of Alpine Geology, 49: 119-120, 2008 | Zlinszky A; Molnár G: Georeferencing the first bathymetric maps of Lake Balaton, Hungary, Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica 44(1): 79-94, 2009 | Kovács G: Structural lineaments derived from planforms of watercourses in the Second Military Survey of the Habsburg Empire, pp. 923-931 in Gartner G; Ortag F (eds.): Proceedings of the First ICA Symposium for Central and Eastern Europe 2009, Vienna University of Technology, 2009 | Timár G; Molnár G; Székely B; Biszak S; Jankó A: Projection of and datum parameters of the second military survey of the Habsburg Empire (1806-1869) for GIS data integration purposes, Geophysical Research Abstracts 9:02867, 2007 | Karátson D; Németh K; Székely B; Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger Zs; Pécskay Z: Incision of a river curvature due to exhumed Miocene volcanic landforms: Danube Bend, Hungary, Int J Earth Sci 95, 929-944, 2006 | Kovács G; Zámolyi A; Székely B: Megfigyelések a Pinka-sík felszínfejlödéséhez: csuszamlásos folyamatok és neotektonika, pp. 119-125 in Szabó V; Orosz Z; Nagy R; Fazekas I (szerk.): IV. Magyar Földrajzi Konferencia, Debreceni Egyetem, Debrecen, ISBN 978-963-06-6004-4, 2008 | Molnár G; Timár G; Székely B;: Lázár térképének georeferálásáról, Geodézia és Kartográfia 60(4):26-30, 2008 | Székely B: Rediscovering the old treasures of cartography -- What an almost 500-year-old map can tell to a geoscientist, Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica 44(1):3-16, 2009 | Székely B; Molnár G; Roncat A: Domborzat- és felületmodellek teljes jelalakos légi lézerszkenneléssel, Geodézia és Kartográfia 59(12):8-13, 2007 | Székely B; Zámolyi A; Draganits E; Briese Ch: Geomorphic expression of neotectonic activity in a low relief area in an Airborne Laser Scanning DTM: A case study of the Little Hungarian Plain (Pannonian Basin), Tectonophysics doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2008.11.024, 2009 | Timár G; Székely B; Molnár G; Biszak S: Lipszky János térképének (Magyarország és társországai, 1804-1810) georeferálása térinformatikai alkalmazásokban, Geodézia és Kartográfia 58(10), 13-17, 2006 | Timár G; Székely B; Molnár G; Ferencz Cs; Kern A; Galambos Cs; Gercsák G; Zentai L: Combination of historical maps and satellite images of the Banat region – re-appearance of an old wetland area, Global and Planetary Change, 62(1-2): 29-38, doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2007.11.002, 2008 |




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