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Gábor Kiss, Péter Csermely and Csaba Sőti: Chaperone levels and function in the ageing immune system: the effect of zinc, FEBS J, 272 Suppl 1, p. 354, 2005 | Csaba Sőti, István Peták and Péter Csermely: Targeting Hsp90 via a novel drug-binding site: implications for anti-tumour therapy, SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON STRESS RESPONSES IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, 2005 | Csermely P, Sőti Cs.: Cellular networks and the aging process., Arch Physiol Biochem. 112: 60-64, 2006 | Sőti Cs., Csermely, P.: Biogerontológia – az öregedés (pato)biokémiája., In: Orvosi Pathobiokémia (szerk.: Mandl J. és Machovich R.) Medicina, Budapest, 2007 | Kiss G, Putics Á, Végh E, Csermely P, Sőti Cs.: Oxidative stress fails to induce protein misfolding in replicating cells., Oral presentation, 31st FEBS Meeting, Isztambul, Törökország, 2006 | Putics Á, Arslan MA, Csermely P, Sőti Cs: Protein stress and the stress response: implications for aging and disease., Meghívott előadás, International Symposium on Environmental Factors, Cellular Stress and Evolution, Varanasi, India, 2006 | Fábián TK, Fejérdy P, Nguyen MT, Sőti Cs, Csermely P: Potential immunological functions of salivary Hsp70 in mucosal and periodontal defense mechanisms., Arch. Immunol. Ther. Exp., 55, 1–8, 2007 | Csermely, P. és Sőti, Cs: Az öregedésről – a hálózatok szemszögéből, Magyar Tudomány 167, 1309-1312, 2006 | Sőti Cs., Csermely, P: Sejtöregedés, In: (szerk.: Szabó G.) Sejtbiológia, Medicina, Budapest, nyomtatás alatt, 2008 | Végh EM, Putics Á, Váradi Z, Heng-Li M, Csermely P, Sőti Cs: Oxidative stress fails to induce protein misfolding in replicating cells, előkészületben, 2008 | Proctor CJ, Sőti C, Boys RJ, Gillespie CS, Shanley DP, Wilkinson DJ, Kirkwood TB.: Modelling the actions of chaperones and their role in ageing., Mech Ageing Dev. 126: 119-131, 2005 | Sőti Cs, Nagy E, Giricz Z, Vígh L, Csermely P, Ferdinándy P: Heat shock proteins as emerging therapeutic targets., Br. J. Pharmacol. 146: 769-780, 2005 | Sőti Cs, Pál Cs, Papp B, Csermely P: Molecular chaperones as regulatory elements of cellular networks., Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 2005, 17: 210-215, 2005 | Arslan A., Csermely, P., Sőti, Cs.: Protein homeostasis and molecular chaperones in aging., Biogerontology 7, 383-389, 2006 | Csermely, P., Blatch, G. és Sőti, Cs.: Chaperones as parts of cellular networks., Molecular aspects of the stress response: chaperones, membranes and networks (szerk.: Csermely, P. és Vígh. L.) Adv Exp Med and Biology 594, pp. 55-63 Springer, 2006 | Sőti, Cs., Csermely, P.: Aging cellular networks: chaperones as major participants., Exp. Gerontol. 42: 113-119, 2006 | Millson SH, Truman AW, Rácz A, Hu B, Panaretou B, Nuttall J, Mollapour M, Sőti Cs, Piper PW: Expressed as the sole Hsp90 of yeast, the alpha and beta isoforms of human Hsp90 differ with regard to their capacities for activation of certain client proteins, whereas only Hsp90beta generates sensitivity to the Hsp90 inhibitor radicicol., FEBS J 274: 4453-4463, 2007 | Sőti Cs, Csermely, P: Protein stress and stress proteins: implications in aging and disease., J. Biosci. 32: 511-515, 2007 | Putics Á, Végh EM, Csermely P and Sőti Cs: Resveratrol induces the heat shock response and protects human cells from severe heat stress, Antiox Redox Signaling, 10: 65-75, 2008 | Putics Á, Vödrös D, Malavolta M, Mocchegiani E, Csermely P, Sőti Cs: Zinc supplementation boosts the stress response in the elderly: Hsp70 status is linked to zinc availability in peripheral lymphocytes., Exp. Gerontol. nyomtatás alatt, doi:10.1016/j.exger.2008.01.002, 2008 |




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