Identification for control of nonlinear vehicle systems
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GÁSPÁR, P., Z. SZABÓ, J. BOKOR: The design of an integrated control system in heavy vehicles based on an LPV method, Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, Seville, Spain, 2005 | GÁSPÁR, P., Z. SZABÓ, J. BOKOR: Brake control combined with prediction to prevent the rollover of heavy vehicles, IFAC World Congress, Praha, 2005 | GÁSPÁR, P., Z. SZABÓ, J. BOKOR: Prediction based combined control to prevent the rollover of heavy vehicles, 13th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Limassol, Cyprus, 2005 | Gáspár, Szabó, Bokor: Parameter Identification of a Suspension System and Road Disturbance Estimation, International Journal for Vehicle Systems Modeling and Testing, 2007 | GÁSPÁR, P., Z. SZABÓ, J. BOKOR: Gray-box continuous--time parameter identification for LPV models with vehicle dynamics applications, 13th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Limassol, Cyprus, 2005 | Gáspár, Bokor: A fault-tolerant rollover prevention system based on an LPV method, International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2006 | Gáspár, Kuti: The dynamic modeling of road vehicles for the numerical verification of active suspensions, International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2006 | Gáspár, Szabó, Bokor: Continuous-Time Parameter Identification for LPV Models Using Adaptive Observers, Robust Control Design, Toulouse, 2006 | Gáspár, Szabó, Bokor: Observer Based Estimation of the Wheel-Rail Friction Coefficient, Conference CCA/CACSD/ISIC, Munich, 2006 | Gáspár, Szabó, Bokor: Side force coefficient estimation for the design of active brake control, American Control Conference, Minneapolis, 2006 | Szabó, Gáspár, Bokor: Tracking Design for Wiener Systems Based on Dynamic Inversion, Conference on CCA/CASD/ISIC, Munich, 2006 | Gáspár, Szászi, Bokor: Rollover stability control in steer-by-wire vehicles based on an LPV method, International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, Vol. 13, No. 1/2, pp.125–143., 2006 | Gáspár, Szabó, Bokor: A grey-box identification of an LPV vehicle model for observer-based side slip angle estimation, American Control Conference, New York, 2007 | Gáspár, Szabó, Bokor: Brake control using an estimation of the wheel-rail friction coefficient, European Control Conference, Kos, 2007 | Gáspár, Szabó, Bokor: Tracking control by integrated steering and braking systems using an observer-based estimation, European Control Conference, Kos, 2007 | Rödönyi, Gáspár: Modeling for vehicle stability enhancement, Periodica Polytechnica, 2007 | Gáspár, Szabó, Bokor, Poussot-Vassal, Sename, Dugard: Towards global chassis control ny integrating the brake and suspension systems, 5th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control, Monterrey, 2007 | Gáspár, Szabó, Bokor, Poussot-Vassal, Sename, Dugard: Global chassis control using braking and suspension systems, 20th IAVSD Symposium, Berkeley, 2007 | Gáspár, Szederkényi: Combined LPV and nonlinear control of an active suspension system, ISIE Int. Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2007 | Gáspár, Szabó, Bokor: A grey-box identification of an LPV vehicle model with side slip angle estimation, International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Zurich, 2007 | Gáspár, Szabó, Bokor: Observer-Based Brake Control for Railways, NOLCOS, Pretoria, South Africa, 2007 | Poussot-Vassal, Sename, Dugard, Gáspár, Szabó, Bokor: An LPV based semi-active suspension control strategy, Symposium on System Structure and Control, Iguassu Falls, Brazil, 2007 | SZABÓ, Z., P. GÁSPÁR, J. BOKOR: Reference tracking for Wiener systems using dynamic inversion, 13th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, Limassol, Cyprus, 2005 | Rödönyi, Gáspár, Bokor: Vehicle stability enhancement by a robust cascade control of the brake system, European Control Conference, Kos, 2007 |




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