The role of heat shock proteins and genetic factors in the pathomechanism of ischemia induced acute renal failure
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A Fekete, Á Vér, K Bögi, A Treszl, Rigó J Jr: Is preeclampsia associated with higher frequency of HSP70 gene polymorphism?, European Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 2005 | Rigo J, Szendei Gy, Rosta K, Fekete A, Bogi K, Molvarec A, Ronai Zs, Ver A: Leptin receptor gene polymorphism in preeclamptic women, Gynecological Endocrinolgy, 2006 | A Fekete, A Ver, B Nagy, K Bogi, J Rigo Jr: Is preeclampsia associated with higher frequency of HSP70 gene polymorphisms?, European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2006 | Dr. Reusz György, Dr. Szabó Attila, Dr. Fekete Andrea: Idiopathiás nephrosis szindróma gyermekkorban, Orvosi Hetilap, 2006 | Molvarec A, Vér A, Fekete A, Rosta K, Derzbach L, Karádi I, Rigó J Jr.: Association between estrogen receptor-α (ESR1) gene polymorphisms and severe preeclampsia, Hypertension Research, 2007 | Rusai K, Ádám A, Szebeni B, Borgulya G, Fekete A, Vásárhelyi B, Tulassay T, Attila J Szabó AJ.: Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase T-786C and 27-bp Repeat Gene Polymorphisms in Retinopathy of Prematurity., Molecular Vision, 2008 | A Fekete, A Prokai V Muller, A Vannay, P Degrell, L Wagner, K Rusa, AJ Szabo: Dehydroepiandrosterone (dhea) and castration improves kidney function following ischemia/reperfusion (IR) injury: role of Na/K atpase (NKA) and HSP72, J Am Soc Nephr, 2008 | A Fekete, Á Vannay, Á Vér, K Rusai, Veronika Müller, György Reusz, Tivadar Tulassay, Attila J Szabó.: Gender differences in heat shock protein 72 expression and localisation following renal ischaemia-reperfusion injury in rats., American Journal of Physiology, Renal Phys, 2006 | A Fekete, O Viklický, R Kormendy, JA Hubáèek, G Erdei, K Rusai, A Treszl, © Vítko, T Tulassay, U Heemann, Gy Reusz, AJ Szabó: Association between Heat Shock Protein (HSP)70s and Toll like Receptor Polymorphisms with Long-Term Renal Allograft Survival., Transplant International, 2006 | A Fekete, E Karoly, NF Banki, B Szebeni, A Vannay, AJ Szabo, T Tulassay, GS Reusz: Heat Shock Protein 72 (HSPA1B) Gene Polymorphism and Toll-Like Receptor (TLR) 4 Mutation Are Associated with Increased Risk of Urinary Tract Infection in Children, Pediatric Research, 2007 | A Fekete, AJ Szabo, NF Banki, B Gyorffy, T Tulassay, B Vasarhelyi: Pooling Analysis of Genetic Data: Heat Shock Protein HSPA1B (1267)G Allele: a Possible Selection Factor for Civilization Diseases?!, in Heat Shock Proteins: New Research, szerk. E Morel, C Vincent, Nova Publishers, 2008 | A Prokai, A Fekete, E Kis, GS Reusz, P Sallay, A Korner, L Wagner, T Tulassay, AJ Szabo.: Post-transplant diabetes mellitus in children following renal transplantation., Pediatr Transplant, 2008 | É Kis; O Cseprekál, Zs Horváth; G Katona; BC Fekete; E Hrapka; A Szabó; AJ Szabó; A Fekete; GS Reusz: Pulse wave velocity in end stage renal disease: influence of age and body dimensions., Pediatr Res, 2008 | Rusai K, Fekete A, Szebeni B, Vannay A, Bokodi G, Müller V, Viklicky O, Bloudickova S, Rajnoch J, Heemann U, Reusz G, Szabó A, Tulassay T, Szabó AJ.: Effect of inhibition of neuronal nitric oxide synthase and L-arginine supplementation on renal ischaemia-reperfusion injury and the renal nitric oxide system., Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol, 2008 | Fekete A, Rosta K, Wagner L, Prokai A, Degrell P, Ruzicska E, Vegh E, Toth M, Ronai K, Rusai K, Somogyi A, Tulassay T, Szabo AJ, Ver A.: Na+,K+-ATPase is modulated by angiotensin II in diabetic rat kidney--another reason for diabetic nephropathy?, J Physiology, 2008 |




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