Statistical investigation of Gamma ray Bursts
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Z. Bagoly, I. Horváth, L.G. Balázs, L. Borgonovo, S. Larsson, A. Mészáros, F. Ryde,: Principal Component Analysis of Gamma-Ray Bursts' Spectra., Nuovo Cimento C, 28, 295, 2005 | P. Veres, I. Horváth, L.G. Balázs,: Analysis of the BATSE continuous MER data., Nuovo Cimento C, 28, 355, 2005 | I. Horváth, J.P. Norris, J.D. Scargle, L.G. Balázs,: Preliminary results of the analysis of the BATSE TTE data., Nuovo Cimento C, 28, 291, 2005 | A. Mészáros, Z. Bagoly, S. Klose, F. Ryde, S. Larsson, L.G. Balázs, I. Horváth, L. Borgonovo,: On the origin of the dark gamma-ray bursts., Nuovo Cimento C, 28, 311, 2005 | B. Varga, I. Horváth, L.G. Balázs,: A new approach of Analyzing GRB light curves., Nuovo Cimento C, 28, 861, 2005 | L.G. Balazs, I. Horvath, Z. Bagoly, A. Meszaros,: Survival analysis of the Swift Optical Transient data, Nouvo Cimento B, 121, 1433, 2007 | P. Veres, I. Horváth, Z. Bagoly, L.G. Balázs, A. Mészáros, G. Tusnády, F. Ryde: Model Independent Methods of Describing GRB Spectra Using BATSE MER Data, Nouvo Cimento B, 121, 1609, 2007 | I. Horváth, F. Ryde, L.G. Balázs, Z. Bagoly, A. Mészáros,: Properties of the intermediate type of gamma-ray bursts., Proc. of the 16th Maryland conference ''Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Swift Era'', eds. Holt, Gehlers, Nousek, AIP Conf. Ser. Vol. 836. Melville New York p125, 2006 | L.G. Balázs, P. Mészáros, P. Ábrahám, A. Moor, C. Kiss, Z. Bagoly, I. Horváth, A. Mészáros,: Far Infrared Study of SN Ia host galaxies, in proceedings of conference ''Vision for Infrared Astronomy'', 20-22 March 2006, Paris - France, nyomdaban, 2007 | P. Veres,: High energy astrophysics, Bolyai Szemle, XVI évfolyam, 1. kötet, 249-256., 2007 | J. Ripa, R. Hudec, A. Mészáros, W. Hajdas, C. Wigger,: Statistical analysis of RHESSI GRB database, Nouvo Cimento B, 121, 1493, 2007 | P. Veres, Z. Bagoly, J. Kelemen, I. Horváth, L. G. Balázs, A. Mészáros, G. Tusnády: Combined Swift BAT-XRT Lightcurves, 2008 NANJING GAMMA-RAY BURST CONFERENCE 1065, 35, 2008 | Z. Bagoly, L. G. Balázs, I. Horváth, J. Kelemen, A. Mészáros, P. Veres, G. Tusnády: Different satellites—different GRB redshift distributions?, 2008 NANJING GAMMA-RAY BURST CONFERENCE 1065, 119, 2008 | I. Horváth, L. G. Balázs, Z. Bagoly, J. Kelemen, P. Veres, and G. Tusnády: Analysis of the Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts duration, 2008 NANJING GAMMA-RAY BURST CONFERENCE 1065, 67, 2008 | L. G. Balázs, I. Horváth, R. Vavrek, Z. Bagoly, A. Mészáros: New Statistical Results on the Angular Distribution of Gamma-Ray Bursts, GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007: Proceedings of the Santa Fe Conference;1000, 52, 2007 | Z. Bagoly, L. Borgonovo, I. Horváth, A. Mészáros, L. G. Balázs: Factor analysis of the spectral and time behavior of long GRBs, GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007: Proceedings of the Santa Fe Conference;1000, 48, 2007 | L. G. Balázs, I. Horváth, Z. Bagoly, A. Mészáros, P. Veres: Observational difference between gamma and X-ray properties of optically dark and bright GRBs, GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007: Proceedings of the Santa Fe Conference;1000, 44, 2007 | J. Greiner, A. Iyudin, G. Kanbach, A. Zoglauer, R. Diehl, F. Ryde, D. Hartmann, A. v. Kienlin, S. McBreen, M. Ajello, Z. Bagoly, L.G. Balazs, I. Horvath, A. Meszeros, et. al.: Gamma-ray burst investigation via polarimetry and spectroscopy (GRIPS), Experimental Astronomy, 22, 23, 2008 | D. Perez-Ramirez, A. de Ugarte Postigo, J. Gorosabel, M. A. Aloy, M. A. Guerrero, J. P. Osborne, K. L. Page, R. S. Warwick, I. Horvath, P. Veres, M. Jelinek, P. Kubanek: Detection of the ultra-high z short GRB 080913 and its implications on progenitors and energy extraction mechanisms, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2009 | P. Veres, Z. Bagoly, J. Kelemen, J. Ripa: Joining Swift BAT and XRT Lightcurves, Proceedings of the 6th Huntsville Gamma-Ray Burst Symposium, C.A. Meegan, N. Gehrels, and C. Kouveliotou, 2009 | Z. Bagoly, P. Veres: Optical observational biases in the GRB redshift, Proceedings of the 6th Huntsville Gamma-Ray Burst Symposium, C.A. Meegan, N. Gehrels, and C. Kouveliotou, 2009 | A. Meszaros, L.G. Balazs, Z. Bagoly, P. Veres: Anisotropy in the sky distributions of the short and intermediate gamma-ray bursts: Breakdown of the cosmological principle?, Proceedings of the 6th Huntsville Gamma-Ray Burst Symposium, C.A. Meegan, N. Gehrels, and C. Kouveliotou, 2009 | I. Horvath, L.G. Balazs, P. Veres: Gamma-Ray Burst Groups Observed by Different Satellites, Proceedings of the 6th Huntsville Gamma-Ray Burst Symposium, C.A. Meegan, N. Gehrels, and C. Kouveliotou, 2009 | L.G. Balazs, I. Horvath, P. Meszaros, G. Tusnady, P. Veres: Canonical correlation between the gamma and X-ray data of Swift GRBs, Proceedings of the 6th Huntsville Gamma-Ray Burst Symposium, C.A. Meegan, N. Gehrels, and C. Kouveliotou, 2009 | J. Ripa; D. Huja; A. Mészáros; R. Hudec; W. Hajdas; C. Wigger: A Search for Gamma-ray Burst Subgroups in the SWIFT and RHESSI Databases, 2008 NANJING GAMMA-RAY BURST CONFERENCE. AIP Conference Proceeding, Volume 1065, 71, 2008 | J. Ripa; A. Mészáros; R. Hudec; C. Wigger; W. Hajdas: The RHESSI Satellite and Classes of Gamma-ray Bursts, GAMMA-RAY BURSTS 2007: Proceedings of the Santa Fe Conference. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1000, 56, 2007 | J. Ripa; D. Huja; R. Hudec; W. Hajdas; C. Wigger: A Comparison of Gamma-ray Burst Subgroups Measured by RHESSI and BATSE, HIGH ENERGY GAMMA-RAY ASTRONOMY: Proceedings of the 4th International Meeting on High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1085, pp. 674-676, 2008 | D. Huja; A. Mészáros: On the Intermediate Subgroup of the Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Swift Database, HIGH ENERGY GAMMA-RAY ASTRONOMY: Proceedings of the 4th International Meeting on High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1085, pp.668- 674, 2008 | F. Ryde, D. Kocevski, Z. Bagoly, N. Ryde, A. Meszaros,: Interpretations of gamma-ray burst spectroscopy. II. Bright BATSE bursts,, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 432, 105, 2005 | A. Mészáros, Z. Bagoly, L.G. Balázs, I. Horváth: Redshift distribution of gamma-ray bursts and star formation rate, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 455, 785-790, 2006 | Balázs L.G., Hetesi Zs., Regály Zs., Csizmadia Sz., Bagoly Zs., Horváth I., Mészáros A.,: A possible interrelation between the estimated luminosity distances and the internal extictions of type Ia supernovae, Astronomische Nachrichten, 327, 917-924, 2006 | I. Horváth, L.G. Balázs, Z. Bagoly, F. Ryde, A. Mészáros,: A new definition of the intermediate subgroup of gamma-ray bursts., Astronomy & Astrophysics, , 447, 23-30., 2006 | Z. Bagoly, A. Mészáros, L.G. Balázs, I. Horváth, S. Klose, S. Larsson, P. Mészáros, F. Ryde, G. Tusnády,: The Swift satellite and redshifts of long gamma-ray bursts,, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 453, 797-800., 2006 | L.G. Balázs, Z. Hetesi, M. Korsós,: Monte Carlo Simulation of a Possible Correlation between the Estimated Luminosity Distances and Internal extinctions of Type Ia Supernovae, Astronomische Nachrichten, 328, 858,, 2007 | I. Horváth, L.G. Balázs, Z. Bagoly, P. Veres: Classification of Swift's gamma-ray bursts, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 489, 1, 2008 | R. Vavrek, L.G. Balázs, A. Mészáros, I. Horvath, Z. Bagoly,: Testing the Randomness in the Sky-Distribution of Gamma-Ray Bursts., MNRAS, 391, 1741, 2008 | J. Ripa; A. Mészáros; C. Wigger; D. Huja; R. Hudec; W. Hajdas;: Search for Gamma-Ray Burst Classes with the RHESSI Satellite, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2009 | Z. Bagoly, L. Borgonovo, A. Mészáros, L.G. Balázs, I. Horváth,: Factor analysis of the long gamma-ray bursts, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 493, 51, 2009 |





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