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Zs. Pándi, Á. Gricser: Availability Analysis of Shared Protection Schemes for On-line Connection Provisioning, IV Workshop in G/MPLS Networks, Girona, Spain, 2005 | T. Kárász, Zs. Pándi, T. Jakab: Network Consolidation - How to Improve the Efficiency of Provisioning Oriented Optical Networks, DRCN 2005 Conference, Island of Ischia, Italy, 2005 | T. Kárász, Zs. Pándi: Optimal reconfiguration of provisioning oriented optical networks, HET-NETs 2005 Conference, Ilkley, United Kingdom, 2005 | Zs Lakatos, P. Szegedi: Effective Resilience Design for Recovery Time Restricted Applications, DRCN 2005 Conference, Island of Ischia, Italy, 2005 | T. Kárász, Zs. Lakatos: A potential consolidation approach to improve the efficiency of SWAP multi-class optical channel provisioning algorithm, NOC2005, 10th European Conference on Networks & Optical Communications, July 5th - 7th, 2005, London, 2005 | Zs. Pándi, M. Tacca, A. Fumagalli: A Threshold Based On-line RWA Algorithm with Reliability Guarantees, ONDM 2005 Conference, Milan, Italy, 2005 | T. Kárász, T. Jakab: Simple provisioning, complex consolidation – A pragmatic step towards a new optical layer, Proceedings of ICISP 2006, Cőte d’Azur, France, August, 2006 | T. Kárász: Simple provisioning, complex consolidation – An approach to improve the efficiency of Provisioning Oriented Optical Networks'', Proceedings of CSNDSP 2006,, Proceedings of CSNDSP, 2006 | T. Kárász, T. Jakab, B. Kárász, P. Wilcsinszky: Triggering approaches for the consolidation of provisioning oriented optical networks'',, Proceedings of NOC, Berlin,, 2006 | T. Kárász: Valós időben konfigurált optikai csatorna szolgáltatást nyújtó hálózatok kapacitás-kihasználtságának javítása konszolidáció alkalmazásával, Híradástechnika, vol. LXI, no. 2, Febr., pp. 47-53, 2006 | E. Babics, É. Csákány, T. Jakab, R. Konkoly, L. Szandi: Operational Databases-related Multi-Layer Network Modeling to Support Network Development at Magyar Telekom, CD Proceedings of 13th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symposium, NETWORKS 2008, Budapest, Sept. 28 - Oct., page 1-8., 2008 | Z. Zsóka, B. Farkas, R. Lo Cigno: Augmented Grooming in IP over Optical Networks with Elastic Traffic, In Proceedings of International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, SPECTS 2008, Edinburgh 2008. June 16-18, page 1-7., 2008 | B. Farkas: Traffic Grooming in IP over Optical Networks, Universita di Trento, Oral Presentation, 2008 | Zs. Pándi: Assessing and Guaranteeing Availability in Networks with Multiple Failures, PhD Thesis, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2006 | Z. Zsóka: Performance modelling and analysis of IP over WDM Networks, PhD Thesis, 2006 | Zs. Pándi, M. Tacca, A. Fumagalli: Efficient Computation of Multi-Component Failure Stratum Probabilities, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 9., No. 10., pp. 939-941, 2005 | P. Szegedi, Zs. Lakatos, J. Späth,: Signaling Architectures and Recovery Time Scaling for Grid Applications in IST Project MUPBED, IEEE Communications Magazine, Special Issue on GRID, Vol. 44, Issue 3, March, pp. 74-82, 2006 | T. Kárász: Consolidation strategies of provisioning oriented optical networks, Journal of Optical Networking, Optical Society of America (OSA), vol. 5, no. 6, June, pp. 445-462., 2006 | Zs. Pándi, Á. Gricser: Analysis of the Trade-off between Availability and Backup Resource Sharing, IEEE ICTON 2005 Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2005 | Jereb L., Sipos A.: Hálózatok tervezése és analízise, Magyar Tudomány, 2007/7, pp. 880-887, 2007 | Sipos A., Jereb L.: Kommunikációs hálózatok modellezése és tervezése a gyakorlatban, Híradástechnika, 2008/8, pp., 2008 | Unghváry F.: Megbízhatóság-központú tervezés, Magyar Távközlés, Vol. XVII/2, pp. 13-17., 2006 | Z. Zsóka, L. Jereb, T. Izsó, F. Unghváry,: FLEXPLANET, a Flexible Multi-Layer Network Design Tool, CD Proceedings of 13th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symposium, NETWORKS 2008, Budapest, Sept. 28 - Oct., page 1-7, 2008 |




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