The role of aberrant protein-protein interactions in neurodegeneration
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Orosz Ferenc, Kovács Géza Gábor, Oláh Judit, Lehotzky Attila, Vincze Orsolya, Zotter Ágnes, Ovádi Judit: TPPP/p25: the role of a new intrinsically unstructured protein in neurodegeneration., FEBS J. 272, (Suppl. 1), 52, 2005 | Oláh Judit: Characteristics of a unique glycolytic enzyme deficiency in relation to neurodegeneration. Ph.D Thesis., Ph.D. értekezés. MTA SzBK Enzimológiai Intézet, Budapest, 2005 | Orosz Ferenc, Oláh Judit, Lehotzky Attila, Ovádi Judit: Glycolysis in human pathological cells: common features for neurodegenerative diseases, 4th European Workshop on Glycolysis, Amsterdam, 2005 | Keller Angelika, Peltzer Juliette, Carpentier Gilles, Horváth István, Oláh Judit, Duchesnay Arlette, Orosz Ferenc, Ovádi Judit: Interactions of enolase isoforms with tubulin and microtubules during myogenesis., Biochim Biophys Acta. 1770(6), 919-926., 2007 | Ovádi Judit, Orosz Ferenc: Energy metabolism in conformational diseases, in ''Biosimulation in drug development'' (Eds: Bertau Martin, Mosekilde Erik, Westerhoff Hans V.) Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, pp. 233-257., 2007 | Lehotzky Attila, Tőkési Natália, Gonzalez-Alvarez Isabelle, Merino Virginia, Bermejo Marival, Orosz Ferenc, Lau Piere, Kovacs G. Gábor, Ovádi Judit: Progress in the development of early diagnosis and a drug with unique pharmacology to improve cancer therapy., Philos Transact A Math Phys Eng Sci. 366(1880):3599-3617., 2008 | Orosz Ferenc, Lehotzky Attila, Oláh Judit, Ovádi Judit: TPPP/p25: A New Unstructured Protein Hallmarking Synucleinopathies, in: Protein Folding and Misfolding: Neurodegenerative Diseases (Eds: Ovádi Judit and Orosz Ferenc) Springer, pp. 225-250., 2009 | Ovádi Judit, Orosz Ferenc (eds.): Protein Folding and Misfolding: Neurodegenerative Diseases (Focus on Structural Biology 7), Springer, 2009 | Vincze Orsolya, Hlavanda Emma, Zotter Ágnes, Horváth István, Orosz Ferenc, Vass Elemér, Perczel András, Ovádi Judit: Structure and heteroassociations of the TPPP/p25, a new brain-specific protein, FEBS J. 272, (Suppl. 1), 403, 2005 | Oláh Judit, Orosz Ferenc, Puskás László G., Hackler László Jr, Horányi Margit, Polgár László, Hollán Zsuzsa, Ovádi Judit: Triosephosphate isomerase deficiency: consequences of an inherited mutation at mRNA, protein and metabolic levels., Biochem. J. 392(3), 675-683., 2005 | Ovádi Judit, Orosz Ferenc, Lehotzky Attila: What is the biological significance of the brain specific tubulin-polymerization promoting protein (TPPP/p25)?, IUBMB Life 57(11), 765-768., 2005 | Orosz Ferenc, Oláh Judit, Ovádi Judit: Triosephosphate isomerase deficiency: facts and doubts., IUBMB Life 58(12), 703-715., 2006 | Vincze Orsolya, Tőkési Natália, Oláh Judit, Hlavanda Emma, Zotter Ágnes, Horváth István, Lehotzky Attila, Tirián László,Medzihradszky, F. Katalin, Kovács János, Orosz Ferenc, Ovádi Judit: TPPP proteins: members of a new family with distinct structures and functions., Biochemistry 45(46), 13818-13826., 2006 | Oláh Judit, Tőkési Natália, Vincze Orsolya, Horváth István, Lehotzky Attila, Erdei Anna, Szájli Emília, Medzihradszky F. Katalin, Orosz F, Kovács G. Gábor, Ovádi Judit: Interaction of TPPP/p25 protein with glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and their co-localization in Lewy bodies., FEBS Lett. 580(25), 5807-5814., 2006 | Orosz Ferenc, Horváth István, Ovádi Judit: New anti-cancer drugs with distinct anti-calmodulin activity, Mini-Rev Med Chem 6(10), 1145-1157., 2006 | Hlavanda Emma, Klement Éva, Kókai Endre, Kovács János, Vincze Orsolya, Tőkési Natália, Orosz Ferenc, Medzihradszky F. Katalin, Dombrádi Viktor, Ovádi Judit: Phosphorylation blocks the activity of tubulin polymerization-promoting protein (TPPP): identification of sites targeted by different kinases., J Biol Chem. 282(40):29531-29539., 2007 | Orosz Ferenc, Ovádi Judit: TPPP orthologs are ciliary proteins., FEBS Lett. 582(27):3757-3764., 2008 | Oláh Judit, Klivényi Péter, Gardián Gabriella, Vécsei László, Orosz Ferenc, Kovacs G. Gábor, Westerhoff Hans V., Ovádi Judit: Increased glucose metabolism and ATP level in brain tissue of Huntington's disease transgenic mice., FEBS J. 275(19), 4740-4755, 2008 | Ovádi Judit, Orosz Ferenc: An unstructured protein with destructive potential: TPPP/p25 in neurodegeneration, BioEssays (közlésre eldfogadva), 2009 |




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