Investigation of electromagnetic field problems on large scale
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M. Kuczmann: Identification of isotropic and anisotropic Preisach model, Preisach Memorial Book, ed. by A. Iványi, pp. 89-102, 2005 | M. Kuczmann: Neural Network Based Vector Hysteresis Model and the Nondestructive Testing Method, BME, Szélessávú Hírközlés és Villamosságtan Tanszék, PhD értekezés, 2005 | I. Sebestyén, and M. Kuczmann: Investigation of Different Approaches for Iron Loss Prediction Methods Using TEAM Problem 21, Proc. the TEAM Workshop June 28, 2005. Shenyang, China. pp. 5-6, 2005 | Benkő Péter Tamás: Nyitott végű csőtápvonal elektromágneses terének számítása, Alkalmazás hibrid módusú tölcsérantennákra, Diplomaterv, BME Szélessávú Hírközlés és Villamosságtan Tanszék, 2005 | J. Pávó, Sz. Gyimóthy, I. Kiss and I. Sebestyén: Reconstruction of Logistic Marker Codes Using Spatial Deconvolution of NDT Signals, Proceedings of the 12th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering, September 17-20, 2006, pp.224-227, 2006 | Y. Le Bihan, J. Pavo, C. Marchand: Study and experimental validation of the calculation of the ECT signal induced by a minute crack using a FEM-BIM combination, NDT&E International, vol. 39, No. 6, pp.476-486, September 2006, 2006 | Y. Le Bihan, Sz. Gyimóthy, J. Pávó, C. Marchand: Optimized database for crack reconstruction by neural network, ECNDT 2006, Sept. 25-29, 2006, Berlin (Germany), pp. 1-8, 2006 | P. T. Benkő, B. Ladányi-Turóczy, J. Pávó: Computational tool for the study and design of low wind-load parabolic antennas, Proceedings of the 12th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering, September 17-20, 2006,pp.55-58., 2006 | M. Kuczmann: Finite Element Simulation of a RRSST system Under Investigation, Proceedings of the 12th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering Graz, Austria, September 17-20, pp.258-263, 2006 | M. Kuczmann: Numerical Analysis of a 2D Vector Hysteresis Measurement System Under Construction, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 57, No. 8/S, 2006 (Special Issue), pp. 44-47 ISSN 1335-3632, 2006 | I. Sebestyén, and B. Ladányi-Thuróczy: Optimal Design of Matched Waveguide Bends, Proceedings of the 12th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering,Graz, Austria, September 17-20, 2006, pp. 59-62., 2006 | Sz. Gyimóthy, Y. Le Bihan, J. Pávó: Crack reconstruction with neural networks using a consistent inversion database, Proceedings of OIPE 2006, Sept 13-15, 2006, Sorrento (Italy), pp. 27-28., 2006 | J. Pávó, L. Maurice, D. Prémel, and D. Lesselier: Error estimation of calculated ECT signals due to thin cracks in a plate using a global approximation of the dipole density, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol. 25, no. 1-4, pp. 347-356, 2007 | Sz. Gyimóthy, J. Pávó, I. Kiss, A. Gasparics, Z. Kalincsák, I. Sebestyén, G. Vértesy, J. Takács, and H. Tsuboi: Electromagnetic reading of laser scribed logistic markers on metallic components, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (X), ser. Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, S. Takahashi and H. Kikuchi, Eds. Amsterdam: IOS Press, vol.28,pp13, 2007 | P. T. Benkő, B. Ladányi-Turóczy, and J. Pávó: A coupled analytical - Fnite element technique for the calculation of radiation from tilted rectangular waveguide slot antenna, T MAGN 44: (6)1666-1669 (2008), 2008 | L. Maurice, D. Prémel, J. Pávó, D. Lesselier, and A. Nicolas: Volumetric and surface flaw models for the computation of EC T/R probe signal due to thin opening flaw, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (X), ser. Studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, S. Takahashi and H. Kikuchi, Eds. Amsterdam:IOS Press, vol.28,pp.49, 2007 | Kiss, I: Fémtárgyakba lézerrel írt logisztikai kódok elektromágneses elvű kiolvasása, XXVIII. Országos Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia, Műszaki szekció, Győr, 2007. április 2-4., 2007 | Bilicz, S.: Roncsolásmentes, örvényáramú anyagvizsgálati módszer elektromágneses szimulációja, BME Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia, Budapest, 2007. november 16., 2007 | Z. Pólik, T. Ludvig, M. Kuczmann: Measuring of the Scalar Hysteresis Characteristics with a Controlled Flux Density Using Analog and Digital Integrators, Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 58, no. 2, 236-239, 2007 | Sebestyén I., Bilicz S., Pávó J., Gasparics A., Szöllősy J.: Eddy current modeling for location holes in metallic plates, Proceedings of the 13th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering, 2008, Graz (Austria), pp. 56-60., 2008 | Gyimóthy Sz., Kiss I., Pávó J.: Data-equidistant evaluation set of the direct problem with application to electromagnetic NDT, Proceedings of the 13th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering, 2008, Graz (Austria), pp. 406-411, 2008 | Maurice L., Prémel D., Pávó J., Lesselier D., Nicolas A.: Hybridization of volumetric and surface models for the computation of the T/R EC probe response due to a thin opening flaw, COMPEL 27: (1)298-306 (2008), 2008 | Gyimóthy Sz., Kiss I., Pávó J.: Adaptive sampling technique based on moving meshes for building data-equidistant inversion databases for NDT, INT J APPL ELECTROM 27. 2009. (publikálásra elfogadva), 2009 | Bilicz S., Vazquez E., Lambert M., Gyimóthy Sz., Pávó J.: Characterization of a 3D defect using the Expected Improvement algorithm, COMPEL 28. 2009. (publikálásra elfogadva), 2009 | Benkő P.T., Gyimóthy Sz.., Pávó J., Sebestyén I.: Reflexiómentes EMC kamrák számítógépes szimulációja, Tanulmány, 1. rész., INNOTECH, Budapest 2007, 2007 | M. Kuczmann: The polarization method combined with the Newton-Raphson technique in magnetostatic field problems, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, (publikálásra elfogadva), 2008 | M. Kuczmann: Newton-Raphson Method in Nonlinear Magnetics, COMSOL Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2008, 2008 | M. Kuczmann: Simulation of a vector hysteresis measurement system taking hysteresis into account by the vector Preisach model, Physica B, vol. 403, 2008, pp. 433-436., 2008 | M. Kuczmann: Handling Nonlinearity by the Polarization Method and the Newton-Raphson Technique, Proceedings of the 13th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical EngineeringGraz, Austria, September 21-24, 2008, 2008 | Hajdu Csaba: Elektromágneses eszköz optimalizációja modern statisztikus kísérlettervezési módszerrel, BME-VIK Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia, Budapest, 2008. november 19. (I. helyezett), 2008 | Kiss Imre: Optimalizált adatbázis az elektromágneses elvű roncsolásmentes anyagvizsgálathoz, BME-VIK Tudományos Diákköri Konferencia, Budapest, 2008. november 19. (I. helyezett), 2008 | Pávó József: Szimulációs és rekonstrukciós eljárások örvényáramú, roncsolásmentes anyagvizsgálathoz, MTA doktori értekezés, 2008. szeptember., 2008 | Acikgoz H, Santandrea L, Bihan Y Le, Gyimóthy Sz, Pávó J, Meyer O, Pichon L.: Generation and use of optimized databases in microwave characterization, IEE PROCEEDINGS-SCIENCE MEASUREMENT AND TECHNOLOGY 2:(6) pp. 467-473. (2008), 2008 | H. Tsuboi, Sz. Gyimóthy, J. Pávó, I. Sebestyén: Defect reconstruction in eddy current testing using optimized mesh database, Annual Meeting Record, IEE Japan, vol. 5, 2005, pp. 325-326 [japán nyelven], 2005 | Sz. Gyimóthy, J. Pávó: Qualification of the inverse problem of defect reconstruction using optimized mesh database, COMPEL, vol. 24, no. 2, 2005, pp. 436-442, 2005 | J. Pavo, D. Lesselier: Calculation of eddy current probe signal with global approximation, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol.42. No.4. pp.1419-1422, 2006 | Sz. Gyimóthy, J. Pávó, H. Tsuboi: Conceptual evaluation of inversion models used for layered structures, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol.42. No.4, pp. 1091-1094, 2006 | Y. Le Bihan, J. Pavo, M. Bensetti, C. Marchand: Computational environment for the fast calculation of ECT probe signal by field decomposition, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol.42, No.4, pp.1411-1414, 2006 | J. Pávó and Sz. Gyimóthy: Adaptive inversion database for electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation, NDT&E International, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 192-202, April 2007, 2007 | M. Kuczmann: Numerical Analysis of a 2D Vector Hysteresis Measurement System, Pollack Periodica, vol. 2 (2007), no. 1, pp. 17-26, 2007 | Sebestyén, I. Ladányi-Turóczy, B: Illesztett hullámvezető komponensek optimalizálása, Híradástechnika, LXII. évf. 2007/3 13-18. oldal, 2007 | Sz. Gyimóthy, Y. Le Bihan, and J. Pávó: Optimized database for training neural networks used in non-destructive testing, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, vol. 25, no. 1-4, pp. 717-721, 2007 | Gyimóthy Sz., Pávó J., Kiss I., Sebestyén I: Practical criteria for the separability of the ECT signal of multiple defects, IEEE T MAGN 44: (6)1634-1637 (2008), 2008 |




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