Inhomogenety delineation based on electromagnetic frequency sounding
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PETHŐ, G.: Formalism comparison of 2-D MT and 2.5D FEM using electric dipole source, microCAD 2005 International Scientific Conference., SectionC: Geology & Mineral Resources, pp. 31-36, Miskolc, 2005 | TAKÁCS, E., PETHŐ, G.: Újabb vizsgálatok a villamos távvezetékek terének geofizikai alkalmazhatóságára, Magyar Geofizika Vol 47/1 pp. 20-26., 2006 | PETHŐ, G., FICSÓR, L.,SZABÓ, I.: Comparision of 2-D VLF and 2.5-D HED's far field regime EM fields, microCAD 2006 International Scientific Conference., SectionB: Geoinformatics-Spatial Informatics, pp. 35-40, Miskolc, 2006 | PETHŐ, G.: EM parameters of 2.5-D FEM using electric dipole source in the transition zone, Intellectual service for oil & gas industry, Analysis, solutions, perspectives. Vol. 4. pp. 110-117, ISBN 978-963-661-761-5, 2007 | PETHŐ, G.: Oktatási segédlet az EM FD modellezéshez pp.1-58, Miskolc, 2009 | TÓTH, A., FICSÓR,L.,PETHŐ, G.: WP4: Applications Progress Report ,FEM2.5D/2.5 Dimensional Frequency Domain Electromagnetic Numerical Modeling, SEE-GRID-2 5th PSC (Project Steering Comitee) meeting Thessalonica, Greece, 2007 | FICSOR, L., PETHŐ, G., TÓTH, A.: Upgrading 2.5-D FD modelling by parallelisation, microCAD 2008 International Scientific Conference., Section O: Applied Information Engineering, pp. 37-42, Miskolc, 2008 | FICSOR, L., PETHŐ, G., TÓTH, A.: Gridification of a geophysical electromagnetic modelling system, microCAD 2008 International Scientific Conference., Section O: Applied Information Engineering, pp. 43-48, Miskolc, 2008 | TAKÁCS, E., PETHŐ, G.: Information-content of the electric bipole source frequency sounding curves in the transition zone, Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung., Vol. 43(4), pp. 369-381, 2008 | TÓTH, A., FICSÓR, L., PETHŐ, G.: FEM 2.5D – Egy geofizikai elektromágneses modellező rendszer megvalósítása a GRID-ben, Szeged, 2009 | TAKÁCS, E., PETHŐ, G., SZABÓ, I: Comparative investigations about the applicability of current density pseudosections in the interpretation of 2D VLF vertical magnetic anomalies, Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung., Vol.40 (2) pp. 127-146, 2005 | PETHŐ, G., TAKÁCS, E.: Geophysical Application of Power Lines EM fields, 13th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Extended Abstract, P25, Istanbul, 2007 | TAKÁCS, E., PETHŐ, G.: A szekunder vertikális mágneses összetevő inverziójának tapasztalatai, Inverziós Ankét, Miskolc, 2008 | NÉMETH, N., PETHŐ, G.: Geological mapping by geobotanical and geophysical means: a case study from the Bükk Mountains (NE Hungary), Central European Journal of Geosciences, Vol.1 (1) pp. 84-94, Versita, Warsaw, 2009 | TAKÁCS, E., PETHŐ, G.: Exploration of lateral sequence-discontinuities using the vertical magnetic field generated by vertical electric dipole placed in borehole, Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung., Vol. 44(2), pp. 167-178, 2009 | PETHŐ, G.: Numerical modelling of CSAMT source effects for elongated conductivity structrures, 11th Scientific Assembly of International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Sopron, iaga_abstract\DIV1\107-WED-O1345-0452.pdf, 2009 | TAKÁCS, E.: Layer-discontinuity indications in the induction response of EM transillumination measurement, 11th Scientific Assembly of International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Sopron, iaga_abstract\DIV1\104-THU-P1610-0540.pdf, 2009 | PETHŐ, G.: FEM source effect investigation with 2.5D numerical modelling, 15th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geeophysics, Dublin, Near Surface 2009 Proceedings &Exhibitors’Cataloge, P59, 2009 |





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