Regulation of cardiovascular responses by nitrosative stress
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Lacza Z, Horvath EM, Pankotai E, Csordas A, Kollai M, Szabo C, Busija DW.: The novel red-fluorescent probe DAR-4M measures reactive nitrogen species rather than NO., J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods. 2005 Nov-Dec;52(3):335-40., 2005 | Mabley JG, Horvath EM, Murthy KG, Zsengeller Z, Vaslin A, Benko R, Kollai M, Szabo C.: Gender differences in the endotoxin-induced inflammatory and vascular responses: potential role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activation., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. Nov;315(2):812-20., 2005 | Erdelyi K, Kiss A, Bakondi E, Bai P, Szabo C, Gergely P, Erdodi F, Virag L.: Gallotannin inhibits the expression of chemokines and inflammatory cytokines in A549 cells., Mol Pharmacol. Sep;68(3):895-904, 2005 | Lacza Z, Pankotai E, Csordas A, Gero D, Kiss L, Horvath EM, Kollai M, Busija DW, Szabo C.: Mitochondrial NO and reactive nitrogen species production: does mtNOS exist?, Nitric Oxide. Mar;14(2):162-8., 2006 | Szabo C.: Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activation by reactive nitrogen species--relevance for the pathogenesis of inflammation., Nitric Oxide. Mar;14(2):169-79., 2006 | Pacher P, Liaudet L, Mabley JG, Cziraki A, Hasko G, Szabo C.: Beneficial effects of a novel ultrapotent poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor in murine models of heart failure., Int J Mol Med. Feb;17(2):369-75., 2006 | Toth O, Szabo C, Kecskes M, Poto L, Nagy A, Losonczy H.: In vitro effect of the potent poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitor INO-1001 alone and in combination with aspirin, eptifibatide, tirofiban, enoxaparin or alteplas, Life Sci. Jun 20;79(4):317-23., 2006 | Pacher P, Nivorozhkin A, Szabo C.: Therapeutic effects of xanthine oxidase inhibitors: renaissance half a century after the discovery of allopurinol., Pharmacol Rev. Mar;58(1):87-114., 2006 | Lacza Z, Kozlov AV, Pankotai E, Csordas A, Wolf G, Redl H, Kollai M, Szabo C, Busija DW, Horn TF.: Mitochondria produce reactive nitrogen species via an arginine-independent pathway., Free Radic Res. Apr;40(4):369-78., 2006 | Beller CJ, Radovits T, Kosse J, Gero D, Szabo C, Szabo G.: Activation of the peroxynitrite-poly(adenosine diphosphate-ribose) polymerase pathway during neointima proliferation: a new target to prevent restenosis after endarterect, J Vasc Surg. 2006 Apr;43(4):824-30., 2006 | Hauser B, Groger M, Ehrmann U, Albicini M, Bruckner UB, Schelzig H, Venkatesh B, Li H, Szabo C, Speit G, Radermacher P, Kick J.: The parp-1 inhibitor ino-1001 facilitates hemodynamic stabilization without affecting DNA repair in porcine thoracic aortic cross-clamping-induced ischemia/reperfusion., Shock. Jun;25(6):633-40, 2006 | Szabo G, Bahrle S, Sivanandam V, Stumpf N, Gero D, Berger I, Beller C, Hagl S, Szabo C, Dengler TJ.: Immunomodulatory effects of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibition contribute to improved cardiac function and survival during acute cardiac rejection., J Heart Lung Transplant. Jul;25(7):794-804., 2006 | Beller CJ, Radovits T, Seres L, Kosse J, Krempien R, Gross ML, Penzel R, Berger I, Huber PE, Hagl S, Szabo C, Szabo G.: Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibition reverses vascular dysfunction after gamma-irradiation., Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. Aug 1;65(5):1528-35., 2006 | Haddad M, Rhinn H, Bloquel C, Coqueran B, Szabo C, Plotkine M, Scherman D, Margaill I.: Anti-inflammatory effects of PJ34, a poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor, in transient focal cerebral ischemia in mice., Br J Pharmacol. Sep;149(1):23-30., 2006 | Szabo C, Pacher P, Swanson RA.: Novel modulators of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase., Br J Pharmacol. Sep;149(1):23-30., 2006 | Kiss L, Chen M, Gero D, Modis K, Lacza Z, Szabo C.: Effects of 7-ketocholesterol on the activity of endothelial poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase and on endothelium-dependent relaxant function., Int J Mol Med. Dec;18(6):1113-7., 2006 | Csordás A, Pankotai E, Snipes JA, Cselenyák A, Sárszegi Z, Cziráki A, Gaszner B, Papp L, Benko R, Kiss L, Kovács E, Kollai M, Szabó C, Busija DW, Lacza Z.: Human heart mitochondria do not produce physiologically relevant quantities of nitric oxide., Life Sci. 2007 Jan 23;80(7):633-7., 2007 | Radovits T, Seres L, Gero D, Lin LN, Beller CJ, Chen SH, Zotkina J, Berger I, Groves JT, Szabó C, Szabó G.: The peroxynitrite decomposition catalyst FP15 improves ageing-associated cardiac and vascular dysfunction., Mech Ageing Dev. 2007 Feb;128(2):173-81, 2007 | Lenzsér G, Kis B, Snipes JA, Gáspár T, Sándor P, Komjáti K, Szabó C, Busija DW.: Contribution of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase to postischemic blood-brain barrier damage in rats., J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2007 Jul;27(7):1318-26, 2007 | Tóth-Zsámboki E, Horváth E, Vargova K, Pankotai E, Murthy K, Zsengellér Z, Bárány T, Pék T, Fekete K, Kiss RG, Préda I, Lacza Z, Gerö D, Szabó C.: Activation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase by myocardial ischemia and coronary reperfusion in human circulating leukocytes., Mol Med. 2006 Sep-Oct;12(9-10):221-8., 2006 | Seabra AB, Pankotai E, Fehér M, Somlai A, Kiss L, Bíró L, Szabó C, Kollai M, de Oliveira MG, Lacza Z.: S-nitrosoglutathione-containing hydrogel increases dermal blood flow in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats., Br J Dermatol. 2007 May;156(5):814-8, 2007 | Radovits T, Seres L, Gero D, Berger I, Szabó C, Karck M, Szabó G.: SSingle dose treatment with PARP-inhibitor INO-1001 improves aging-associated cardiac and vascular dysfunction., Exp Gerontol. 2007 Jul;42(7):676-85., 2007 | Radovits T, Lin LN, Zotkina J, Gero D, Szabó C, Karck M, Szabó G.: Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibition improves endothelial dysfunction induced by reactive oxidant hydrogen peroxide in vitro., Eur J Pharmacol. 2007 Jun 14;564(1-3):158-66., 2007 | Ihnat MA, Thorpe JE, Kamat CD, Szabó C, Green DE, Warnke LA, Lacza Z, Cselenyák A, Ross K, Shakir S, Piconi L, Kaltreider RC, Ceriello A.: Reactive oxygen species mediate a cellular 'memory' of high glucose stress signalling., Diabetologia. 2007 Jul;50(7):1523-31., 2007 | Szijártó A, Batmunkh E, Hahn O, Mihály Z, Kreiss A, Kiss A, Lotz G, Schaff Z, Váli L, Blázovics A, Geró D, Szabó C, Kupcsulik P.: Effect of PJ-34 PARP-inhibitor on rat liver microcirculation and antioxidant status., J Surg Res. 2007 Sep;142(1):72-80, 2007 | Gerö D, Módis K, Nagy N, Szoleczky P, Tóth ZD, Dormán G, Szabó C.: Oxidant-induced cardiomyocyte injury: identification of the cytoprotective effect of a dopamine 1 receptor agonist using a cell-based high-throughput assay., Int J Mol Med. 2007 Nov;20(5):749-61., 2007 | Szabó C, Ischiropoulos H, Radi R.: Peroxynitrite: biochemistry, pathophysiology and development of therapeutics., Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2007 Aug;6(8):662-80. ., 2007 | Bai P, Hegedus C, Erdélyi K, Szabó E, Bakondi E, Gergely S, Szabó C, Virág L.: Protein tyrosine nitration and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activation in N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine-treated thymocytes: implication for cytotoxicity., Toxicol Lett. 170(3):203-13, 2007 | Hegedus C, Lakatos P, Oláh G, Tóth BI, Gergely S, Szabó E, Bíró T, Szabó C, Virág L: Protein kinase C protects from DNA damage-induced necrotic cell death by inhibiting poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1., FEBS Lett. May 28;582(12):1672-8., 2008 | Pacher P, Szabo C.: Role of the peroxynitrite-poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase pathway in human disease., Am J Pathol. Jul;173(1):2-13., 2008 | Radovits T, Gerö D, Lin LN, Loganathan S, Hoppe-Tichy T, Szabó C, Karck M, Sakurai H, Szabó G.: Improvement of aging-associated cardiovascular dysfunction by the orally administered copper(II)-aspirinate complex., Rejuvenation Res. Oct;11(5):945-56., 2008 | Horváth EM, Benko R, Gero D, Kiss L, Szabó C.: Treatment with insulin inhibits poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase activation in a rat model of endotoxemia., Life Sci. Jan 16;82(3-4):205-9.., 2008 | Gerö D, Szabó C.: Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase: a new therapeutic target?, Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. Apr;21(2):111-2, 2008 | Stang R, Szijártó A, Ónody P, Tamás J, Tátrai M, Hegedûs V, Blázovics A, Lotz G, Szász M, Kiss A, Gerõ D, Szabó Cs, Kupcsulik P, Darvas K, Harsányi L.: Hosszú latenciájú preopertaív elõkezelés vizsgálata patkány ischaemia-reperfúziós modellben., Aneszteziológia és Intenzív Terápia 38 (4): 179-87, 2008 | Stang R, Szijártó A, Ónody P, Tamás J, Tátrai M, Hegedûs V, Blázovics A, Lotz G, Szász M, Kiss A, Gerõ D, Szabó Cs, Kupcsulik P, Darvas K, Harsányi L.: Hosszú latenciájú preopertaív elõkezelés vizsgálata patkány ischaemia-reperfúziós modellben., Aneszteziológia és Intenzív Terápia 38 (4): 179-87, 2008 | Bai P, Hegedus C, Szabó E, Gyüre L, Bakondi E, Brunyánszki A, Gergely S, Szabó C, Virág L.: Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase mediates inflammation in a mouse model of contact hypersensitivity., J Invest Dermatol. Jan;129(1):234-8, 2009 | Pankotai E, Lacza Z, Murányi M, Szabó C.: Intra-mitochondrial poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation: potential role for alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase., Mitochondrion. 2009 Apr;9(2):159-64, 2009 | Horváth EM, Magenheim R, Kugler E, Vácz G, Szigethy A, Lévárdi F, Kollai M, Szabo C, Lacza Z.: Nitrative stress and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activation in healthy and gestational diabetic pregnancies., Diabetologia. 2009 Sep;52(9):1935-43., 2009 | Horváth EM, Benko R, Kiss L, Murányi M, Pék T, Fekete K, Bárány T, Somlai A, Csordás A, Szabo C.: Rapid 'glycaemic swings' induce nitrosative stress, activate poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase and impair endothelial function in a rat model of diabetes mellitus., Diabetologia. 2009 May;52(5):952-61., 2009 |





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