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Tekes, K.; Hasan, M.Y.; Sheen, R.; Kuca, K.; Petroianu, G.; Ludanyi, K.; Kalasz, H: HPLC determination of the serum concentration of K-27; a novel oxime-type cholinesterase reactivator, Journal of Chromatography, A., 1122, 84-87, 2006 | Kalasz, H.; Benko, A.; Szucs, Z.; Szilagyi, A.; Szarvas, T.; Lengyel, J.: HPLC and HPLC-MS of urinary N(E)-monomethyl lysine, Journal of Chromatographic Science, 43, 165-168, 2005 | Kalasz, H.; Szucs, Z.; Szilagyi, A.; Tihanyi, M. Szarvas, T.; Lengyel, J.: Detection of N(E)-monomethyllysine using high-performace liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, Journal of Chromatography,A, 1079, 208-212, 2005 | Kalasz, H.: Spot and mobile-phase-front anomalies in planar (thin-layer) chromatography, Chromatographia, 62, S57-S62, 2005 | Kalasz, H.; Hunyadi, A.; Bathori, M.: Novel results of two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography, J. Liquid Chromatogr. Rel. Techn., 28, 2489-2497, 2005 | Kalasz, H.; Klebovich, I.; Balogh-Nemes, K.; Szilagyi, A.; Tihanyi, M.; Szarvas, T.; Lengyel, J.: Detection of N-monomethyl-lysine generated by metabolic transmethylation, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 382, 760-764, 2005 | Koti, J.; Hada, V.; Petroianu, G.; Hasan, M.Y.; Tekes, K.; Szucs, Z.; Kalasz, H.: Monitoring the metabolism of moexipril to moexiprilat using HPLC-ESI-MS, Journal of Chromatographic Science, , 44, 214-218, 2006 | Szilagyi, A.; Boor, K.; Orosz, I.; Szantai, E.; Szekely, A.; Kalasz, H.; Sasvari,M.:: Contribution of serotonin transporter gene, Headache, 46, 478-485, 2006 | Kalasz, H.; Hasan, M.Y.; Sheen, R.; Kuca, K.; Petroianu, G.; Ludanyi, K.; Gergely, A.; Tekes, K.:: HPLC analysis of K-48 concentration in plasma, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 385, 1062-1067, 2006 | Kalasz, H.; Antal, I.: Drug excipients, Current Medicinal Chemistry, 13, 2535-2563, 2006 | Adeghate, E.; Sotonzi, P.; Kalasz, H.: Chronic experimental diabetes accelarates urinary elimination of deprenyl and its metabolites., The Open Medicinal Chemistry Journal, 1, 24-28, 2007 | Koti, J; Hada, V.; Petroianu, G.; Hasan, M.Y.; Tekes, K.; Szucs, Z.; Kalasz, H.: Monitoring the metabolism of moexipril to moexiprilate using HPLC-ESI-MS, J. Chromatogr., 44, 214-218, 2007 | Kalasz, H.; Petroianu, G.; Tekes, K.; Klebovich, I.; Ludanyi, K; Gulyas, Zs.: Metabolism of moexipril to moexiprilate: Determination of in vitro metabolism using HPLC-ES-MS, Medicinal Chemistry, 3, 101-106, 2007 | Gyenge, M.; Kalasz, H.; Petroianu, G.; Laufer, R.; Kuca, K.;Tekes, K.: Measurement of K-27, an oxime type cholinesterase reactivator by HPLC with electrochemical detection from different biological samples., J. Chromatogr.A., 1161, 146-151, 2007 | Benko, B.; Kalasz, H.; Ludanyi, K.; Petroianu, G.; Kuca, K.; Darvas, F.; Tekes, K.: In vitro and in vivo metabolism of K-48, Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 1243-1247, 2007 | Benko, B.; Laufer, R.; Ohmacht, R.: HPLC analysis of microsomal metabolism of K-48, Acta Chromatogr., 19, 61-66, 2007 | Kalasz, H.; Laufer, R.; Szegi, P.; Kuca, K.; Musilek, K.; Tekes, K.: HPLC study of the pharmacokinetics of K-203, Acta Chromatogr., 20, 575-580, 2008 | Csermely, T.; Petroianu, G.; Kuca, K.; Furesz, J. Darvas, F.; Gulyas, Z.; Laufer, R.; Kalasz, H.: TLC of quaternary pyridinium aldoximes, antidotes of organophosphorous esterase inhibitors., J. Planar Chromatogr., 20, 30-42, 2007 | Csermely, T.; Kalasz, H.; Petroianu, G.; Kuca, K.; Darvas, F.; Ludanyi, K.; Mudhafar, A.A.; Tekes, K.: Analysis of pyridinium aldoximes - a chromatographic approach., Current Med. Chemistry, 15, 2401-2418, 2008 | Lorke, D.E.; Kalasz, H.; Petroianu, G.; Tekes, K.: Entry of oximes into the brain - a review., Current Med. Chemistry, 15, 743-753, 2008 | Laufer, R.; Bathori, M.; Csermely, T.; Petroianu, G.; Kuca, K.; Toth, N.; Kalasz, H.: TLC determination of hydrophilicity parameter of some pyridinium aldoximes, J. Liquid Chromatogr., 30, 2337-2344, 2007 | Csermely, T.; Kalasz, H.; Deak, K.; Darvas, F.; Hasan, M.Y.; Petroianu, G.: Lipophilicity determination of some ACE inhibitors by TLC, J. Liquid Chromatogr., 31, 2019-2034, 2007 | Kalasz, H.; Lengyel, J., szerk.: A gyogyszerek szervezetbeni sorsa es vizsgalo modszerei, Semmelweis Kiado, 2006 |




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