The role of cell adhesion molecules in the pathogenesis of tumors, with emphasis on liver cancers
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Kiss A., Páska Cs., Orbán E., Szijarto A., Kupcsulik P., Schaff Zs.: Markedly altered expression of tight junction proteins differentiate primary human hepatocellular carcinomas and metastatic liver tumors., 20th European Congress of Pathology, Paris, France, September 3-8, 2005. Virchows Arch 447: 170, 2005, 2005 | Orbán E., Schaff Zs., Kiss A., Kupcsulik P., Szijarto A., Páska Cs.: Different expression of tight junction proteins in HCC and metastatic liver tumors, ECCO 13, Paris, France, 30 October - 3 November, 2005, Eur J Cancer 3S: 50, 2005, 2005 | Holczbauer Á, Szabó E, Kiss A, Lotz G, Páska Cs, Szijártó A, Kupcsulik P, Schaff Zs: Claudinok expressziója primer és áttéti májrákokban, Fiatal Hepatológusok Napja Szimpózium, Budapest, november 25, 2006 | Halász J, Horváth A, Folhoffer A, Szalay F, Nagy P, Schaff Zs: Hepatocellular carcinoma in biliary cirrhosis with stem cell markers, XXVI International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 16-21 September, 2006. Mod Pathol 19 S3: 122-123, 2006 | Kiss A, Törzsök P, Páska Cs, Lotz G, Riesz P, Romics I, Schaff Zs: Altered claudin expression in human urinary bladder carcinogenesis, XXVI International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 16-21 September, 2006. Mod Pathol 19 S3: 139, 2006 | Holczbauer Á, Lotz G, Batmunkh E, Szijartó A, Kupcsulik P, Schaff Z, Kiss A: Human hepatocellular carcinoma is characterized by different claudin expression pattern with respect to cirrhosis and HCV infection, 42nd Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver, Barcelona, Spain, April 11-15, 2007. J Hepatol 46 S1: S165,, 2007 | Kiss A, Holczbauer Á, Batmunkh E, Szijartó A, Kupcsulik P, Schaff Z: HCV infection increases claudin-1 and claudin-7 expression by inducing cirrhosis, Hep Dart 2007, The Westin Maui, Hawaii, December 9-13, 2007 | Illyés Gy, Luczay A, Benyó G, Kálmán A, Borka K, Köves K, Rácz K, Tulassay T, Schaff Zs: Cushing's syndrome in a child with pancreatic acinar cell carcinoma, Endocr Pathol 18: 95-102, 2007 | Győrffy H., Holczbauer Á., Nagy P., Szabó Zs., Kupcsulik K., Páska Cs., Papp J., Schaff Zs., Kiss A.: Claudin expression in Barrett's esophagus and adenocarcinoma, Virchows Arch 447: 961-968, 2005 | Halász J, Holczbauer Á, Páska Cs, Kovács M, Benyó G, Verebély T, Schaff Zs, Kiss A: Claudin-1 and claudin-2 differentiate fetal and embryonal components in human hepatoblastoma, Human Pathol 37: 555-561,, 2006 | Sobel G, Németh J, Kiss A, Lotz G, Szabó I, Udvarhelyi N, Schaff Zs, Páska Cs: Claudin 1 differentiates endometrioid and serous papillary endometrial adenocarcinoma, Gynecol Oncol 103: 591-598, 2006 | Tátrai P, Dudás J, Batmunkh E, Máthé M, Zalatnai A, Schaff Zs, Ramadori G, Kovalszky I: Agrin, a novel basement membrane component in human and rat liver, accumulates in cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, Lab Invest 86: 1149-1160, 2006 | Batmunkh E, Tátrai P, Szabó E, Lódi Cs, Holczbauer Á, Páska Cs, Kupcsulik P, Kiss A, Schaff Zs, Kovalszky I: Comparison of the expression of agrin, a basement membrane heparan sulfate proteoglycan, in cholangiocarcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma, Human Pathology 38: 1508-1515, 2007 | Borka K, Kaliszky P, Szabó E, Lotz G, Kupcsulik P, Schaff Zs, Kiss A: Claudin expression in pancreatic endocrine tumors as compared with ductal adenocarcinomas, Virchows Archiv 450: 549-557, 2007 | Moldvay J, Jackel M, Páska Cs, Soltész I, Schaff Zs, Kiss A: Distinct claudin expression profile in histologic subtypes of lung cancer, Lung Cancer 57: 159-167, 2007 | Szabó E, Lódi Cs, Korpos É, Batmunkh E, Rottenberger Zs, Deák F, Kiss I, Tőkés A-M, Lotz G, László V, Kiss A, Schaff Zs, Nagy P: Expression of matrilin-2 in oval cells during rat liver regeneration, Matrix Biology 26: 554-560, 2007 | Orbán E, Szabó E, Lotz G, Kupcsulik P, Páska Cs, Schaff Zs, Kiss A: Different expression of occludin and ZO-1 in primary and metastatic liver tumors, Pathol. Oncol. Res. 14: 299-306, 2008 | Szabó E, Korpos É, Batmunkh E, Lotz G, Holczbauer Á, Kovalszky I, Deák F, Kiss I, Schaff Zs, Kiss A: Expression of matrilin-2 in liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, Pathol. Oncol. Res. 14: 15-22, 2008 |




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