Determination of the carnitine ester profiles as a tool in study of human carnitine metabolism
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Bene J, Komlósi K, Havasi V, Talián G, Gasztonyi B, Horváth K, Mózsik G, Hunyady B, Melegh B, Figler M: Changes of the plasma fasting carnitine ester profile in patients with ulcerative colitis, World J Gastroenterol, 2006 | Bene J, Komlósi K, Gasztonyi B, Juhász M, Tulassay Z, Melegh B: Plasma carnitine ester profile in adult celiac disease patients maintained on long-term gluten free diet, World J Gastroenterol, 2005 | Bene J, Magyari L, Talián G, Komlósi K, Gasztonyi B, Tari B, Várkonyi Á, Mózsik G, Melegh B: Prevalence of SLC22A4, SLC22A5 and CARD15 gene mutations in Hungarian pediatric patients with Crohn's disease., World J Gastroenterol, 2006 | Kisfali P, Mohás M, Maasz A, Hadarits F, Markó L, Horvatovich K, Oroszlán T, Bagosi Z, Bujtor Z, Gasztonyi B, Wittmann I, Melegh B.: Apolipoprotein A5 IVS3+476A allelic variant associates with increased trigliceride levels and confers risk for development of metabolic syndrome in Hungarians, Circ J, 2008 | Talián G, Lakner L, Bene J, Komlósi K, Horváth K, Gasztonyi B, Miheller P, Fogler M, Mószik G, Tulassay Z, Melegh B: Plasma carnitine ester profiles in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis patients with different IGR2230a_1 genotypes, Int J Immunogen, 2009 | Magyari L, Bene J, Komlosi K, Talian G, Farago B, Csongei V, Jaromi L, Safrany E, Sipeky C, Lakner L, Varga M, Gasztonyi B, Melegh B.: Prevalence of SLC22A4 1672T and SLC22A5 -207C Combination Defined TC Haplotype in Hungarian Ulcerative Colitis Patients, Pathol Oncol Res, 2007 | Illes Z, Safrany E, Peterfalvi A, Magyari L, Farago B, Pozsonyi E, Rozsa C, Komoly S, Melegh B.: 3'UTR C2370A allele of the IL-23 receptor gene is associated with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, Neurosci Lett, 2008 | Bene J, Komlosi K, Magyari L, Talian G, Horvath K, Gasztonyi B, Miheller P, Figler M, Mozsik G, Tulassay Z, Melegh B.: Plasma carnitine ester profiles in Crohn's disease patients characterized for SLC22A4 C1672T and SLC22A5 G-207C genotypes, Br J Nutr, 2007 | Komlósi K, Havasi V, Bene J, Süle N, Pajor L, Nicolai R, Benatti P, Calvani M, Melegh B: Histopathologic abnormalities of the lymphoreticular tissues in organic cation transporter 2 deficiency: Evidence for impaired B cell maturation, J Pediatrics, 2007 | Talian GC, Komlosi K, Decsi T, Koletzko B, Melegh B.: Determination of Carnitine Ester Patterns During the Second Half of Pregnancy, at Delivery, and in Neonatal Cord Blood by Tandem Mass Spectrometry: Complex and Dynamic Involvement of Carnitine in the Intermediary Metabolism, Pediatr Res, 2007 | Farago B, Magyari L, Safrany E, Csongei V, Jaromi L, Horvatovich K, Sipeky C, Maasz A, Radics J, Gyetvai A, Szekanecz Z, Czirjak L, Melegh B.: Functional variants of interleukin-23 receptor gene confer risk for rheumatoid arthritis but not for systemic sclerosis, Ann Rheum Dis, 2008 | Komlosi K, Talian C G, Farago B, Magyari L, Cserep V, Kovacs B, Bene J, Havasi V, Kiss G C, Czirjak L, Melegh B.: No influence of SLC22A4 C6607T and RUNX1 G24658C genotypic variants on the circulating carnitine ester profile in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, Clin Exp Rheumatol, 2008 | Maasz A, Kisfali P, Jaromi L, Horvatovich K, Szolnoki Z, Csongei V, Safrany E, Sipeky C, Hadarits F, Melegh B.: Apolipoprotein A5 gene IVS3+G476A allelic variant confers susceptibility for development of ischemic stroke, Circ J, 2008 | Maász A, Kisfali P, Szolnoki Z, Hadarits F, Melegh B.: Apolipoprotein A5 gene C56G variant confers risk for the development of large-vessel associated ischemic stroke, J Neurol, 2008 | Maász A, Komlósi K, Hadzsiev K, Szabó Z, Willems PJ, Gerlinger I, Kosztolányi G, Méhes K, Melegh B.: Phenotypic variants of the deafness-associated mitochondrial DNA A7445G mutation, Curr Med Chem, 2008 | Komlósi K, Magyari L, Talián GC, Nemes É, Káposzta R, Mogyorósy G, Méhes K, Melegh B: Plasma Carnitine Ester Profile in Homozygous and Heterozygous OCTN2 Deficiency, J Inher Metab Dis, 2009 | Lakner L, Csöngei V, Sarlós P, Járomi L, Sáfrány E, Varga M, Orosz P, Magyari L, Miheller P, Tulassay Z, Melegh B: IGR2096a_1 T and IGR2198a_1 C alleles on IBD5 locus of chromosome 5q31 region confer risk for Crohn’s, Int J Colorect Dis, 2009 |




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