A Dunántúli-középhegység és környezetének mozgástörténete 160 és 50 millió év között: integrált paleomágneses, tektonikai, üledékföldtani-ősföldrajzi kutatás
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Közleményjegyzék |
Márton E, Moro A, Cosovic V: A preliminary report on paleomagnetic Investigations of the Cretaceous limestones, Istria, Third Croatian Geological Congress, Abstract Book. p93., 2005 | Márton E, Zampieri D, Cosovic V, Moro A: Inclination shallowing in Scaglia Rossa, IAGA 10th New Trends in Geomagnetism, Valtice, Czech Republik, September 3-8. Travaux Géophysiques 28, 80., 2006 | Márton E, Convert P, Haas J: Old conglomerate test applied to a new problem, IAGA 10th New Trends in Geomagnetism, Valtice, Czech Republik, September 3-8. Travaux Géophysiques 28, 77-78., 2006 | Márton E, Zampieri D, Cosovic V, Moro A: Tectonic Implication of new paleomagnetic results from Late Cretaceous rocks of the stable part of the Adria microplate, International Geological Congress on the Adriatic area, Urbino, Italy, June 19-20., 2006 | Convert P., Márton E., Haas J: Are there olistoliths on the Eperkés Hill? The paleomagnetic answer, 4th Meeting of the Central European Tectonic Studies Group, Zakopane, Poland, April 19-22. GeoLines 20, 31., 2006 | Márton E, Zampieri D, Cosovic V, Moro A: Late Cretaceous paleomagnetic results from the Adriatic foreland, 7th Workshop on Alpine Geological Studies, Abstract Book, 57., 2005 | Márton E, Cosovic V, Moro A, Zampieri D.: Reference apparent polar wander curve for Adria from direct measurement on late Jurassic–Cretaceous sediments in autochthonous position, Geophysical Research Abstracts 9, EGU2007-A-04370., 2007 | Márton E, Cosovic V, Moro A, Zampieri D.: Reference apparent polar wander (APW) curve for the tectonic interpretation of the late Jurassic – Cretaceous paleomagnetic results from the Transdanubian Range, MFT és MGE vándorgyűlés, Huntek Workshop, Abstracts, 47., 2007 | Grabowski J, Haas J, Márton E, Pszczolkowski A.: Magnetostratygrafia wapieni pelagicznych z pogranicza jury i kredy w profilu Lokut (Góry Bakońskie, Węgry), Tomy Jurajskie IV, 136-137., 2007 | Márton E, Cosovic V, Zampieri D, Moro A, Drobne K.: Tithonian–Eocene apparent polar wander curve for Adria from direct measurements, Alpine Workshop 2007 Abstract Volume, 43., 2007 | Fodor L,: A Dunántúli-középhegység szerkezetfejlődése, HUNTEK találkozó Budakalász, 2007 | Grabowski J, Haas J, Márton E, Pszczolkowski A.: Paleomagnetism of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary beds in the Lókút section, Trasdanubian Range, Hungary: Application to magnetostratigraphy, Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy, special issue, 27-29., 2008 | Grabowski J, Haas J, Márton E, Pszczolkowski A.: Magnetostratigraphy of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary in the Lókút section, Trasdanubian Range, Hungary, IGCP 506 Abstract Volume, 80-81., 2008 | Fodor L, Márton E: Cretaceous tectonics and paleomagnetism of the Vértes Hills, central Transdanubian Range, Hungary: Local structures and fare-field speculations, SlovTec08 Proceedings and Excursion Guide, 33-34., 2008 | Kiss A, Fodor L.: Cretaceous structural evolution of the Bakony Mts., Hungary, Geolines 19, 61-63., 2005 | Convert P., Márton E., Haas J: Palaeomagnetic evidence for megabreccia horizon in the Upper Jurassic sequence of Eperkés Hill, Transdanubian Range, Hungary, Acta Geologica Hungarica – Central European Geology 54, 1, 43-56., 2006 | Haas J: Geological garden in Tata, Transdanubian Range, Hungary, Nova Acta Leopoldina NF94, 349, 237-251, 2007 | Márton E: Paleomágneses Adatok, A Vértes hegység földtana, Magyarázó a Vértes hegység földtani térképéhez, 1:50000, (Budai T, Fodor L. szerk.), Magyar Állami Földtani Intézet, Budapest, 151-155, 2008 | Márton E, Ćosović V, Moro A, Zvocak S: The motion of Adria during the Late Jurassic and Cretaceous: New paleomagnetic results from stable Istria, Tectonophysics 454, 44-53., 2008 | Tomljenović B, Csontos L, Márton E, Márton P: Tectonic evolution of the northwestern Internal Dinarides as constrained by structures and rotation of Medvednica Mountains, North Croatia, Geological Society, London, Spesial Publications 298, 145-167., 2008 | Grabowski J, Haas J, Márton E, Pszczółkowski A4: Magneto- and biostratigraphy of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary in the Lokut section (Transdanubian Range, Hungary), Geological Quarterly (benyújtva), 2009 | Márton E, Moro A: New paleomagnetic results from imbricated Adria: Ist Island and related areas, Geologica Croatica (benyújtva), 2009 |





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