Cooperation and communication in biology: game theoretical studies
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Cressman, R., Garay, J: A game–theoretical model for punctuated equilibrium: species invasion and stasis through coevolution, Biosystems, 2006 | Garay, J: Több fajra vonatkozó evolúciós stabilitási fogalom., Magyar Tudomány, 2005 | Garay, J: Adaptive phenotypic change based on ecological stability., ISDG, 2006 | Károlyi, G., Neufeld, Z., Scheuring I.: Rock-scissors-paper game in chaotic flow: The effect of dispersion on the cyclic competition of microorganisms., J. of Theor. Biol., 2005 | Antal, T. Scheuring I.: Fixation of strategies for an evolutionary game in finite populations., Bul. Math. Biol., 2006 | Kun, A. Scheuring I.: The evolution of density-dependent dispersal in a noisy metapopulation., Oikos, 2006 | Számadó, S. Szathmáry E.: Selective scenarios for the emergence of natural language, TREE, 2006 | Kun, A. Boza, G., Scheuring I.: Asynchronous snowdrift game with synergistic effect as a model of cooperation., Behav. Ecol., 2006 | Garay, J.: Partial change in mean fitness versus relative advantage in fundamental theorem of natural selection, Conference Proc. of ECMTB 2005, 2006 | Garay, J., Vargaz, Z.: Evolutionary dynamics for economic behaviour: competition versus optimization., PUMA, 2006 | Garay, J., Vargaz, Z.: Evolutionary dynamics for economic behaviour: competition versus optimization., PUMA, 2006 | Garay, J.: Adaptive dynamics based on ecological stability., Annals of Dynamical Games, 2006 | Scheuring, I: Az önzetlen lény: az emberi együttműködés evolúciója, Természet Világa, 2007 | Garay, J: Adaptive dynamics based on ecological stability., Annals of International Society of
Dynamics Games, Birkhauser, Boston, Basel, Berlin, 2007 | Garay, J: Relative advantage Partial change in mean
fitness versus relative advantage in fundamental theorem of natural
selection, Mathematical Modeling of Biological
System Vol. II., 2007 | Számadó, S., Szalai, F. és Scheuring, I.: The effect of dispersal and neighbourhood in games of cooperation., J. of Theor. Biol., 2008 | Számadó, S.: How threat displays work: species-specific fighting techniques, weaponry and proximity risk., Animal Behaviour, 2008 | Szathmáry, E., Számadó, S.: Language: a social history of words., Nature, 2008 | Gámez, M., López, I., Garay, J., Varga, Z.: Monitoring the effects of
human activities and environmental change on a population system, Proceedings of the
International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software iEMSs, 2008 | Kun, Á., Scheuring, I.: Evolution of cooperation on dynamical graphs., Biosystems, 2009 | Scheuring, I.: Evolution of generous cooperative norm by cultural group selection., J. of Theor. Biol., 2009 | Szilágyi, A., Scheuring, I., Edwards D. P., Orivel, J. and Yu, D. W.: The evolution of plant-ant coexistence and castration virulence in a spatially structured environmen, Ecol. Lett., 2009 | Scheuring, I.: Vak vezet rövidlátót: emberi hatások és evolúciós öngyilkosságok, Természet Világa, 2009 | Scheuring, I.: Az emberi együttműködés evolúciós háttere, Magyar Tudomány, 2010 | Z. Varga, A. Scarelli, R. Cressman, J. Garay: Evolutionary game model for a marketing cooperative with penalty for unfaithfulness., Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2010 | M. Gámez, I. López, J. Garay, Z. Varga: Observation and control in a model of a cell population affected by radiation, Biosystems, 2009 | Garay J: Cooperation in defence against predator, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2009 | I. López , J. Garay, R. Carreño, Z. Varga,: Observer Design for Ecological Monitoring, Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2009 | Cressman, R., Garay, J: A Predator-Prey Refuge System: Evolutionary Stability in Ecological Systems, Theor. Popul. Biol., 2009 | Szalai, F. & Számadó, Sz.: Honest and cheating strategies in a simple >> model of aggressive communication, Animal Behaviour, 2009 | Számadó, Sz., Hurford, J., Bishop, D., Deacon, T., d'Errico, F., Fischer, >> J., Okanoya, K., Szathmáry, E. and White, S.: What Are the Possible >> Biological and Genetic Foundations for Syntactic Phenomena?, Biological Foundations and Origin of Syntax. >> Strüngmann Forum Report, vol. 3., 2009 | Gácsi, M., McGreevy, P., Kara, E., Miklósi, Á.: Effects of selection for cooperation and attention in dogs, Behav. Brain Func., 2009 | Miklósi, Á.: Evolutionary approach to communications between humans and dogs, Vet. Res. Commun., 2009 |




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