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Spät A: Calcium microdomains and the fine control of cell function – An introduction, Cell Calcium 40, 403-404, 2006 | Gerencser AA, Adam-Vizi V: Mitochondrial Ca2+ Dynamics Reveals Limited Intramitochondrial Ca2+ Diffusion., Biophys. J. 88 (1): 698-714., 2005 | Sipos I. Torocsik B. Tretter L. Adam-Vizi V.: Impaired regulation of pH homeostasis by oxidative stress in rat brain capillary endothelial cells., Cellular & Molecular Neurobiology. 25 (1): 141-151,, 2005 | Tretter L, Adam-Vizi V.:: Alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase: a target and generator of oxidative stress, Phil. T. Roy. Soc. B. 360 (1464): 2335-2345,, 2005 | Adam-Vizi V.:: Production of reactive oxygen species in brain mitochondria: contribution by electron transport chain and non-electron transport chain sources., Antioxidants & Redox Signaling. 7 (9-10): 1140-1149, 2005 | Tretter L, Liktor B, Adam-Vizi V.:: Dual effect of pyruvate in isolated nerve terminals: generation of reactive oxygen species and protection of aconitase., Neurochemical Research. 30 (10): 1331-1338, 2005 | Vajda Sz, Leon C, Gachet C, Machovich R, Adam-Vizi V, Bartha K.:: PAR-4 mediates sustained calcium oscillations and ERK 1/2 phosphorylation in B10 endothelial cells from rat brain., Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology. submitted, 2005 | Sirokmany G, Szidonya L, Kaldi K, Gaborik Z, Ligeti E, Geiszt M.: Sec14 homology domain targets p50RhoGAP to endosomes and provides a link between Rab- and Rho GTPases., J Biol Chem. 2005 Dec 27; [Epub ahead of print], 2005 | Staines A., Bánhegyi G., Mandl J., Coughtrie M.W.H., Burchell B., Csala M.:: Application of high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry to measure microsomal membrane transport of glucuronides., Anal. Biochem. 342, 45–52, 2005, 2005 | Csala M., Senesi S., Bánhegyi G., Mandl J., Benedetti A.:: Characterization of sulfate transport in the hepatic endoplasmic reticulum., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 440, 173-180,, 2005 | Margittai É., Bánhegyi G., Nagy G., Kiss A., Mandl J., Schaff Z., Csala M.:: Scurvy leads to endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis in the liver of guinea pigs., J. Nutr. 135, 2530-2534, 2005 | Papp E., Nardai G., Mandl J., Bánhegyi G., Csermely P.:: FAD oxidizes the Ero1-PDI electron transfer chain. The role of membrane integrity., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 338, 938-945,, 2005 | Czegle I, Piccirella S, Senesi S, Csala M, Mandl J, Bánhegyi G, Fulceri R, Benedetti A.:: Cooperativity between 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 and hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase is based on a common pyridine nucleotide pool in the lumen of the, Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 2005 Dec 5; [Epub ahead of print], 2005 | Pitter J.G., Szanda G., Duchen M.R., Spät A.:: Prostaglandin F2alfa potentiates the calcium dependent activation of mitochondrial metabolism in luteal cells, Cell Calcium 37, 35-44, 2005 | Petersen O.H., Spät A., Verkhratsky A.:: Introduction: reactive oxygen species in health and disease, Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. B 360, 2197-2199,, 2005 | P. Moskwa, M.-H. Paclet, M.-C. Dagher and E. Ligeti: Autoinhibition of p50 Rho GTPase-activating protein (GAP) is released by prenylated small GTPases, J. Biol. Chem. 280. 6716-6720., 2005 | B.K. Rada, M. Geiszt, C. Hably and E. Ligeti: Consequences of the electrogenic function of the phagocytic NADPH oxidase, Phil. Transaction B 360. 2293-2300., 2005 | T. DeCoursey and E. Ligeti: Regulation and termination of NADPH oxidase activity, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 62. 2173-2193., 2005 | Chinopoulos C, Adam-Vizi V.:: Calcium, mitochondria and oxidative stress in neuronal pathology: novel aspects of an enduring theme, FEBS Journal 273(3), 433-450,, 2006 | Tretter L, Adam-Vizi V.: Moderate dependence of ROS formation on ΔΨm in isolated brain mitochondria supported by NADH-linked substrate, Neurochem Res 2006 Aug 24; PMID: 16933091, 2006 | Tretter L, Mayer-Takacs D, Adam-Vizi V.: The effect of bovine serum albumin on the membrane potential and reactive oxygen species generation in succinate-supported isolated brain mitochondria, Neurochem Int. 50(1), 139-47, 2007, 2006 | Adam-Vizi V, Christos Chinopoulos: Bioenergetics and the formation of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species, Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. 27(12), 639-645,, 2006 | Szidonya, L.; Süpeki, K.; Karip, E.; Turu, G.; Várnai, P.; Clark, A.J.L.; Hunyady, L.: AT1 receptor blocker-insensitive mutant AT1A angiotensin receptors reveal the presence of G protein-independent signaling in C9 cells, Biochem. Pharmacol. 73: 1582-92., 2007 | Czegle I., Piccirella S., Senesi S., Csala M., Mandl J., Bánhegyi G., Fulceri R., Benedetti A.: Cooperativity between 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 and hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase is based on a common pyridine nucleotide pool in the lumen ..., Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 248, 24-25,, 2006 | Piccirella S., Czegle I., Lizák B., Margittai É., Senesi S., Papp E., Csala M., Fulceri R., Csermely P., Mandl J., Benedetti A., Bánhegyi G.: Uncoupled redox systems in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum: pyridine nucleotides stay reduced in an oxidative environment, J. Biol. Chem. 281, 4671-4677,, 2006 | Kardon T., Nagy G., Csala M., Kiss A., Schaff Z., Literáti Nagy P., Wunderlich L., Bánhegyi G., Mandl J.: Influence of BGP-15, a nicotinic amidoxime derivative, on the vascularization and growth of murine hepatoma xenografts, Anticancer Res. 26, 1023-1028, 2006 | Csala M., Bánhegyi G., Benedetti A.: Endoplasmic reticulum: A metabolic compartment. (review), FEBS Lett. 580, 2160-2165, 2006 | Lizák B., Czegle I., Csala M., Benedetti A., Mandl J., Bánhegyi G: Translocon Pores in the Endoplasmic Reticulum Are Permeable to Small Anions, Am. J. Physiol. – Cell Physiol. 291, C511-517, 2006 | Gamberucci A., Konta L., Colucci A., Giunti R., Magyar É.J., Mandl J., Bánhegyi G., Benedetti B., Csala M: Green tea flavonols inhibit glucosidase II., Biochem. Pharmacol. 72, 640-646, 2006 | Nagy G., Kardon T., Wunderlich L., Szarka A., Kiss A., Schaff Zs., Bánhegyi G., Mandl J: Acetaminophen induces ER dependent signaling in mouse liver, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. doi:10.1016/j.abb.2006.11.021, 2006 | Révész K., Tüttő A., Margittai É., Bánhegyi G., Mandl J., Csala M: Glucuronide transport across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane is inhibited by epigallocatechin gallate and other green tea polyphenols, Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol., 2006 | Turu G., Szidonya L., Gáborik Zs., Buday L., Spät A., Clark A.J.L., Hunyady L.: Differential -arrestin2 binding of AT1 and AT2 angiotensin receptors, FEBS Letters, 580, 41-45, 2006 | Koncz P., Szanda G., Rajki A., Spät A: Reactive oxygen species, Ca2+ signaling and mitochondrial NAD(P)H level in adrenal glomerulosa cells, Cell Calcium 40, 347-357, 2006 | Szanda G., Koncz P., Várnai P., Spät A.: Mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake with and without the formation of high-Ca2+ microdomains, Cell Calcium 40, 527-537, 2006 | Bánhegyi G., Csala M., Benedetti A: Endoplasmic Reticulum: Topics in Chemical Biology, Wiley Encyclopedia of Chemical Biology (invited paper, revised version), 2006 | Femling JK, Cherny VV, Morgan D, Rada B, Davis AP, Czirjak G, Enyedi P, England SK, Moreland JG, Ligeti E, Nauseef WM, DeCoursey TE.: The antibacterial activity of human neutrophils and eosinophils requires proton channels but not BK channels, J Gen Physiol. 127. 659-72., 2006 | Ligeti E, Settleman J.: Regulation of RhoGAP specificity by phospholipids and prenylation, Methods Enzymol. 406. 104-17., 2006 | Turu, G.; Szidonya, L.; Gáborik, Z.; Buday, L.; Spät, A.; Clark, A.J.L.; Hunyady, L.:: Differential ß-arrestin binding of AT1 and AT2 angiotensin receptors, FEBS Letters 580:41-5, 2006 | B.Rada, Cs. Hably, A. Meczner, Cs. Timár, G. Lakatos, P. Enyedi, E. Ligeti: Role of Nox2 in elimination of microorganisms, Seminars in Immunopathology DOI 10.1007/s00281-008-0126-3, 2008 | Spät A., Szanda G., Csordás Gy., Hajnóczky Gy: High and low calcium-dependent mechanisms of mitochondrial calcium signalling, Cell Calcium 44, 51-63, (published on-line: February 19, 2008, doi:10.1016/j.ceca.2007.11.015), 2008 | Szanda G., Koncz P., Rajki A., Spät A: Participation of p38 MAPK and a novel-type protein kinase C in the control of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake, Cell Calcium 43, 250-259, (published on-line: doi:10.1016/j.ceca.2007.05.013), 2008 | Turu, G.; Szidonya, L.; Gáborik, Z.; Buday, L.; Spät, A.; Clark, A.J.L.; Hunyady, L.:: Differential ß-arrestin binding of AT1 and AT2 angiotensin receptors, FEBS Letters 580:41-5, 2006 | Szanda G., Rajki A., Gallego-Sandín S., Garcia-Sancho J., Spät A.: Effect of cytosolic Mg2+ on mitochondrial Ca2+ signalling, Pflügers Archiv, in press (DOI: 10.1007/s00424-008-0551-0), 2008 | Komary Z, Tretter L, Adam-Vizi V: H(2)O(2) generation is decreased by calcium in isolated brain mitochondria, Biochim Biophys Acta 1777: 800-807., 2008 | Gerencser AA, Doczi J, Torocsik B, Bossy-Wetzel E, Adam-Vizi V: Mitochondrial swelling measurement in situ by optimized spatial filtering: astrocyte-neuron differences, Biophys J. Epub ahead of print, 2008 | Vajda S, Bartha K, Wilhelm I, Krizbai IA, Adam-Vizi V: Identification of protease-activated receptor-4 (PAR-4) in puromycin-purified brain capillary endothelial cells cultured on Matrigel, Neurochem Int 52: 1234-1239., 2008 | Tretter L, Adam-Vizi V: Uncoupling is without an effect on the production of reactive oxygen species by in situ synaptic mitochondria, J Neurochem 103: 1864-1871., 2007 | Tretter L, Takacs K, Kover K, Adam-Vizi V: Stimulation of H(2)O(2) generation by calcium in brain mitochondria respiring on alpha-glycerophosphate, J Neurosci Res 85: 3471-3479., 2007 | Tretter L, Takacs K, Hegedus V, Adam-Vizi V: ) Characteristics of alpha-glycerophosphate-evoked H2O2 generation in brain mitochondria, J Neurochem 100: 650-663., 2007 | Tretter L, Mayer-Takacs D, Adam-Vizi V: The effect of bovine serum albumin on the membrane potential and reactive oxygen species generation in succinate-supported isolated brain mitochondria, Neurochem Int 50: 139-147., 2007 | Tretter L, Adam-Vizi V: Moderate dependence of ROS formation on DeltaPsim in isolated brain mitochondria supported by NADH-linked substrates., Neurochem Res 32: 569-575., 2007 | Kardon T, Senesi S, Marcolongo P, Legeza B, Bánhegyi G, Mandl J, Fulceri R, Benedetti A.: Maintenance of luminal NADPH in the endoplasmic reticulum promotes the survival of human granulocytes, FEBS Lett. 582(13):1809-15., 2008 | Lizák B, Csala M, Benedetti A, Bánhegyi G.: The translocon and the non-specific transport of small molecules in the endoplasmic reticulum (Review), Mol Membr Biol 25(2):95-101., 2008 | Margittai E, Bánhegyi G.: Isocitrate dehydrogenase: A NADPH-generating enzyme in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, Arch Biochem Biophys 471:184-90., 2008 | Bánhegyi G, Benedetti A, Csala M, Mandl J.: Stress on redox, FEBS Lett. 581(19)3634-40. Review, 2007 | Csala M, Marcolongo P, Lizák B, Senesi S, Margittai E, Fulceri R, Magyar JE, Benedetti A, Bánhegyi G.: Transport and transporters in the endoplasmic retiuculum, Biochin Biophys Acta 1768(6)1325-41. Review, 2007 | Csala M, Margittai E, Senesi S, Gamberucci A, Bánhegyi G, Mandl J, Benedetti A.: Inhibition of hepatic glucose 6-phosphatase system by the green tea flavanol epigallocatechin gallate, FEBS Lett. 581(8):1693-8., 2007 |




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