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Közleményjegyzék |
Nagy, V., Agócs, A., Turcsi, E., Deli, J.: Isolation and Purification of Carotenoid Epoxides on Modified Silica Gels, Phytochemical Analysis 20 (2), 143-148, 2009 | Nagy, V., Agócs, A., Turcsi, E., Molnár, P., Szabó, Z., Deli, J: Latoxanthin a minor carotenoid isolated from yellow paprika (Capsicum annuum var. lycopersiciforme flavum), Tetrahedron Letters 48, 9012-9014 (2007), 2007 | Nagy, V., Agócs, A., Szabó, Z., Márk, L., Ohmacht, R., Deli, J: Comparative Study on the Carotenoid Composition of the Peel and the Pulp of Different Citrus Species, Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 8, 390-394 (2007), 2007 | Nagy, V., Agócs, A., Deli, J.: In vitro and in vivo Transformations of Lutein, Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry 6 (3), 211-219, 2009 | Nagy, V., Agócs, A., Turcsi, E., Deli J.: Experiments on the synthesis of carotenoid glycosides, Tetrahedron Letters 51 (15) 2020-2022 (2010), 2010 | Háda, M., Nagy, V., Takátsy, A., Deli, J., Agócs, A.: Dicarotenoid esters of bivalent acids, Tetrahedron Letters 49, 3524–3526 (2008), 2008 | Háda, M., Nagy, V., Gulyás-Fekete, G., Deli, J., Agócs A.:: Towards Carotenoid Dendrimers: Carotenoid dimers and trimers with aromatic cores, Helvetica Chimica Acta (közlésre elfogadva) doi: 10.1002/hlca.200900338, 2010 | Horváth, G., Molnár, P., Farkas, Á., Szabó, L.G., Turcsi, E., Deli J.: Separation and Identification of Carotenoids in Flowers of Chelidonium majus L. and Inflorescences of Solidago canadensis L., Chromatographia (közlésre elfogadva), 2010 | Focsan, A.L., Bowman, M.K., Konovalova, T.A., Molnár, P., Deli, J., Dixon, D.A., Kispert, L.D.: Pulsed EPR and DFT Characterization of Radicals Produced by Photo-Oxidation of Zeaxanthin and Violaxanthin on Silica-Alumina, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112, 1806-1819 (2008), 2008 | Lawrence, J., Focsan, A.L., Konovalova, T.A., Molnár, P., Deli, J., Bowman, M.K., Kispert, L.D.: Pulsed ENDOR Studies of Carotenoid Oxidation in Cu(II)-Substituted MCM-41 Molecular Sieves, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112, 5449-5457 (2008), 2008 | Focsan, A.L., Molnár, P., Deli, J., Kispert, L.: The structure and properties of 9’-cis- neoxanthin carotenoid radicals by EPR measurements and DFT calculations: Present in LHC II ?, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (17), 6087-6096, 2009 | Horváth, G., Turcsi, E., Molnár, P., Szabó, L.G., Deli, J.: Carotenoid content of the flower of tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.), Planta Medica 73, 911 (2007), 2007 | Horváth, G., Turcsi, E., Molnár, P., Szabó, L.G., Deli, J.: Isolation and identification of Carotenoids in the fruit of cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.), Planta Medica 73, 912 (2007), 2007 | Kovács, B., Oosterhuis, B., Jani, M., Juhász, V., Deli, J., Krajcsi, P.:: Interaction of nutrients with human efflux and uptake transporters, Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 51, (Suppl. 1), 154-155, 2007 | Molnár, J., Engi, H., Gyémánt, N., Schelz, Zs., Spengler, G., Ocsovszki, I., Szücs, M., Hohmann, J., Szabó, M., Tanács, L., Molnár, P., Deli, J., Krenn, L., Kawase, M., Wakabayashi, H., Kurihara, T.,: Multidrug Resistance Reversal on Cancer Cells by Selected Carotenoids, Flavonoids and Anthocyanines, Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry Vol. 15/2008, Bioactive Heterocycles VI. Flavonoids and Anthocyanins in Plants, and Latest Bioactive Heterocycles I. volume pp. 133-159, 2008 | Agócs, A., Háda, M., Nagy, V., Deli, J: Towards carotenoid dendrimers, Carotenoid Science 12(June), 96 (2008), 2008 | Nagy, V., Agócs, A., Deli, J.: Experiments on the synthesis of carotenoid glycosides, Carotenoid Science 12(June), 95 (2008), 2008 | Turcsi, E., Horváth, G., Molnár, P., Szabó, L.G., Deli, J.: Carotenoid Analysis of Flowers and Inflorescences of some Medical Plants, Carotenoid Science 12(June), 136 (2008), 2008 | Turcsi, E., Marton, K., Oláh, P., Deli, J.: Investigation of the Carotenoid Composition of Different Kinds of Fresh and Cooked Pumpkins (Cucurbita maxima), Carotenoid Science 12(June), 135 (2008), 2008 | Rákó, J., Turcsi, E., Szabó, Z., Deli, J: A beta-karotin oxidációjára tett kísérletek új reagensek kipróbálásával, MKE Centenáriumi Vegyészkonferencia, Sopron 2007. május 29-június 01. Előadásösszefoglalók 367.old., 2007 | Turcsi, E., Szabó, I., Murillo, E., Mosquera, Y., Deli, J.: Investigation of the Carotenoid Composition of „Mamey” (Pouteria sapota), 7th Balaton Symposium on High-Performance Separation Methods, Siófok, Sept. 03-07. 2007 Abstract P56., 2009 |





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