Investigation of femto- and attosecond light-solid interactions with controlled-waveform laser pulses
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S. E. Irvine, P. Dombi, G. Farkas, A. Y. Elezzabi: Influence of Carrier-Envelope Phase of Few-Cycle Pulses on Surface-Plasmon-Ponderomotive Electron Interaction, Physical Review Letters 97, 146801, 2006 | P. Dombi, F. Krausz, G. Farkas: Ultrafast dynamics and carrier-envelope phase sensitivity of multiphoton photoemission from metals, Journal of Modern Optics 53,163, 2006 | P. Dombi, P. Antal: Cavity length and dispersion optimization of a chirped pulse Ti:sapphire oscillator, Laser Phys. Lett. 4, 538, 2007 | P. Dombi, P. Antal, R. Szipőcs, J. Fekete, Z. Várallyay: Chirped-pulse supercontinuum generation with a long-cavity Ti:sapphire oscillator, Applied Physics B 88, 379, 2007 | S. Varró, P. Dombi: Optikusok elismerése. A 2005-ös fizikai Nobel-díj, Természet Világa, 2006. március, 2006 | P. Dombi: Optikai frekvenciametrológia, avagy mire jók a frekvenciafésűk?, Fizikai Szemle, 2006. március, 2006 | S. Varró, P. Dombi: Kvantumoptika és szivárványfésű, Élet és Tudomány, 2006. május, 2006 | P. Dombi: Femtoszekundumos oszcillátorok fázisstabilizálása, A kvantumoptika és -eletronika legújabb eredményei (szerk.: Osvay Károly, Heiner Zsuszanna, Szegedi Egyetem, 2006), 2006 | P. Dombi: Surface plasmon enhanced electron acceleration with few-cycle laser pulses, XXX European Conference on Laser Interaction with Matter, Darmstadt, Germany, 2008 | P. Dombi, P.Rácz: Carrier-envelope phase-controlled laser-surface interactions, Proc. SPIE 6892, 1J, 2008 | N. Kroó, S. Varró, G. Farkas, P. Dombi, D. Oszetzky, A. Nagy, A. Czitrovszky: Nonlinear Plasmonics, J. Mod. Opt. 55, 3203, 2008 | P. Dombi, P.Rácz: Ultrafast monoenergetic electron source by optical waveform control of surface plasmons, Opt. Express 16, 2887 ill. Nature Photonics, "Research Highlights" vol. 2, 206, 2008 | I. F. Barna, P. Dombi: Coherent control for the spherical symmetric box potential in short and intensive XUV laser fields, Centr. Eur. J. Phys. 6, 205, 2008 | N. Kroó, G. Farkas, P. Dombi, S. Varró: Nonlinear processes induced by the enhanced, evanescent field of surface plasmons excited by femtosecond laser pulses, Opt. Express 16, 21656, 2008 | P. Dombi , P. Rácz, B. Bódi: Surface plasmon enhanced electron acceleration with few-cycle laser pulses, Laser and Particle Beams 27, 291-296, 2009 | P. Dombi: Surface plasmon enhanced photoemission and electron acceleration with ultrashort laser pulses, Adv. Imaging and Electron Phys. 158, 1-26, 2009 | P. Dombi, P. Rácz, M. Lenner, V. Pervak, F. Krausz: Dispersion management in femtosecond oscillators with highly dispersive mirrors, Opt. Express 17, 20598-20604, 2009 | M. A. Porras, P. Dombi: Freezing the carrier-envelope phase of few-cycle light pulses about a focus, Opt. Express 17, 19424-19434, 2009 | P. Dombi, S. E. Irvine, P. Rácz, M. Lenner, N. Kroó, G. Farkas, A. Mitrofanov, A. Baltuska, T. Fuji , F. Krausz, A. Y. Elezzabi: Few-cycle, strong-field plasmonics, közlésre benyújtva, 2010 | S. Varró, N. Kroó, G. Farkas, P. Dombi: Spontaneous emission of radiation by metallic electrons in the presence of electromagnetic fields of surface plasmon oscillations, J. Mod. Opt. 57, 80-90, 2010 | P. Dombi: Ultrafast electron emission from metals:the role of surface plasmon, paper number 7600-39, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2010 | K. Varjú, J. A. Fülöp, P. Dombi, G. Farkas, J. Hebling: Attosecond Pulse Generation in Noble Gases in the Presence of Extreme High Intensity THz Pulses, CLEO/QELS Conference, San Diego, USA, paper number JThE120, 2010 |





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