Geoelectromagnetism and the changing Earth
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Szarka L: Geofizika a környezetvédelemben és a környezettudományban, pp. 59-78 in: Tudományos előadások 2006, Veszprém: MTA Veszprémi Akadémiai Bizottság, 2006 | Szalai S, Veress M, Novák A, Szarka L: Geofizikai vizsgálatok fedett karszton (Homód-árok, Bakony), Karsztfejlődés XI, Szombathely: Berzsenyi Dániel Főiskola, 153-170, 2006 | Szarka L; Kiss J; Prácser E: Magnetic phase transition in the Earth and magnetotellurics, Extended abstracts of the IAGA 1.2 EM Induction Workshop Meeting, El Vendrell, 2006 | Szalai S; Szarka L; Révi G; Varga G: Geoelectric investigation of a pluridirectional fissure system in a karstic area, pp. 287-291 in: Proc. 2nd Int. Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (ICEEG), Wuhan, China, Geophysical Solutions for Environment and Engineering, Vol. 1, 2006 | Szarka L: Geophysical imaging to determine the shape of subsurface bodies by means of surface electromagnetic methods. A review from Sopron, Hungary, pp. 244-249 in: Proc. 2nd Int. Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (ICEEG), Wuhan, China, Geophysical Solutions for Environment and Engineering, Vol. 1, 2006 | Szalai S; Szarka L: Parameter sensitivity maps of surface geoelectric arrays, pp. 260-264 in: Proc. 2nd Int. Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (ICEEG), Wuhan, China, Geophysical Solutions for Environment and Engineering, Vol. 1, 2006 | Novák A; Ádám A; Szarka L: Tensor invariant-based imaging: DC and MT field examples, Extended abstract. Abstracts of the 18th EMIW, El Vendrell, 2006 | Novák A; Szalai S; Szarka L: Detectability depths of DC arrays for several 2D inhomogeneities, Extended Abstracts of the Near Surface (EAGE), Helsinki, 2006 | Szarka L; Szalai S; Novák A; Ádám A: Imaging experiencies in magnetotellurics and in geoelectrics, Extended abstracts, 17th Int. Geoph. Congress of Turkey, Ankara, 2006 | Bencze P; Koppán A; Kovács K; Lemperger I; Lichtenberger J; Prodán T; Szendrői J; Verő J; Wesztergom V: A napszél és a geomágenses tér közötti energiaátadás változásai, pp. 79-100 in: Tudományos előadások 2006, Veszprém: MTA Veszprémi Akadémiai Bizottság, 2006 | Pospisil L; Ádám A: Review of the Crust-Lithosphere Research in the Carpathians, pp. 635-649 in:The Carpathians and their foreland. Geology and hydrocarbon resources. AAPG Memoir 84, 2006 | Pospisil L; Ádám A et al.: Crustal and Lithospheric Structure of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region – A Geophysical Perspective: Regional Geophysical Data on the Carpathian-Pannonian Lithosphere, pp. 651-697 in: The Carpathians and their foreland. Geology and hydrocarbon resources. AAPG Memoir 84, 2006 | Bielik M; Ádám A: Structure of the Lithosphere in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region, pp. 699-706 in: The Carpathians and their foreland. Geology and hydrocarbon resources. AAPG Memoir 84, 2006 | Horváth F; Bada G; Szafián P; Tari G; Ádám A; Cloetingh S: Formation and deformation of the Pannonian Basin: constraints from observational data, pp. 191-206 in: European Lithosphere Dynamics. Geological Society London, Memoirs 32, 2006 | Kiss J: Potentional field data processing along (around) the CELEBRATION lines in Hungary, Results of gravity and magnetic automatic data processing, Meeting of the potential field group of International Project CELEBRATION 2000, Bratislava, 2006 | Bencze P; Kalmár J; Poor A: Spatial and temporal variation of the „transparency” of Es layers over Europe, EGU Congress, Vienna, 2006 | Bencze P; Bradley P; Kalmár J: Results of mapping of sporadic E parameters and interpretation of their spatial distribution, 2nd COST 296 Workshop, Rennes University, 2006 | Zieger B; Vogt J; Glassmeier H: Scaling relations in the paleomagnetosphere derived from MHD simulations, J Geoph Research-Space Phys 111: (A6) Art. No. A06203, 2006 | Mursula K; Martini D: Centennial increase in geomagnetic activity: Latitudinal differences and global estimates, J Geoph Research Space Phys 111 (A8): Art. No. A08209, 2006 | Märcz F; Harrison RG: Comment on „Shielding effects of trees on measurement of the Earth’s electric field: Implications for secular variations ...” by E. Williams, Geophys Res Let 33: L12803, doi:10.1029/2005GL025574, 2006 | Williams E; Boldi R; Bór J; Sátori G; Price C; Greenberg E; Takahashi Y; Yamamoto K; Matsudo Y; Hobara Y; Hayakawa M; Chronis T; Anagnostou E; Smith DM; Lopez L: Lightning flashes conducive to the production and escape of gamma radiation to space, J Geoph Res 111: D16209, doi:10.1029/2005JD006447, 2006 | Williams E; Sátori G: Solar Radiation-Induced Changes in Ionospheric Height and the Schumann Resonance Waveguide on Different Time Scales, Radio Science 42: RS2S11, doi:10.1029/2006RS003494, 2007 | Vogt J; Zieger B; Glassmeier KH; Stadelmann A: Scaling the Magnetosphere in Space and Time, Terra Nostra 3: 94-105, 2006 | Zieger B; Vogt J; Ridley AJ; Glassmeier KH: A Parametric Study od Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Paleomagnetosphere, Advances in Space Research 38: 1707-1712, 2006 | Sinnhuber M; Winkler H; Künzi KF; Notholt J; Burrows JP; Kallenrode MB; Steinhilber F; Vogt J; Zieger B; Stiller G; Lopez-Puertas M; Funke B: Polarity Transitions: Possible Effects on Geospace, Terra Nostra 3: 72-82, 2006 | Martini D; Mursula K; Svalgaard L: Correcting the long-term geomagnetic activity estimated from Eskdalemuir station data, EGU General Assembly, Wien, EGU06-A-09668, 2006 | Heilig B; Csontos A; Pankratz L; Pajunpää K; Kultima J; Raita T; Reda J; Váczyová M: Upstream Wave related Pc3 Pulsations observed by the MM100 Meridional Magnetometer Array, XIIth IAGA Workshop on Geomag. Observatory Instruments, Data Acquisition and Processing, Belsk (http://iaga2006.igf.edu.pl), 2006 | Sátori G; Bór J: Studying Individual and Global Lightning by Schumann Resonances, COST P18 Symposium, Vienna, Austria, 2006 | Sátori G; Bór J: Studying parent strokes of TLEs and TGFs by Schumann resonance transients, ASIM Science Workshop, ESTEC – ESA, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 2006 | Bór J: Charge moments of sprite producing lightning discarges as estimated from ELF transients recorded at Nagycenk, Hungary during the EuroSprite 2005 observation campaign, CAL, Coppenhagen, 2006 | Ganot M; Yair Y; Price C; Sherz Y; Ziv B; Greenberg E; Devir A; Yaniv R; Bór B; Sátori G: Observations of Sprites and Elves Associated With Winter Thunderstorms in the Eastern Mediterranean, AGU, San Francisco, EOS Trans 87(52) Fall Meeting Suppl. Abstract No. AE41A-05, 2006 | Hobara Y; Yamashita K; Hayakawa M; Boldi R; Sátori G; Bór J; Lyons WA; Russell B; Williams E: Q-Burst Origins in Africa, AGU, San Francisco, EOS Trans 87(52) Fall Meeting Suppl. Abstract No. AE53A-0281, 2006 | Heilig B; Lühr H; Rother M: Statistical Survey of Compressional Pc3 pulsations at low Earth orbit observed by CHAMP, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2006 | Mursula K; Martini D: Centennial increase in geomagnetic activity: Latitudinal differences and global estimates, EGU General Assembly, Wien, 2006 | Martini D; Mursula K: Correcting the geomagnetic IHV index of the Eskdalemuir observatory, Ann Geophys 24: 3411-3419, 2006 | Mursula K; Martini D: The centennial Evolution of Geomagnetic Activity revisited, 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Beijing, China, COSPAR2006-A-00878, 2006 | Ádám A; Novák A; Szarka L: Basement depth of 3D basins estimated from 1D magnetotelluric inversion, 18th Int. Workshop, EM Induction in the Earth, El Vendrell, 2006 | Kis Á: Energizált ionok szóródása a kvázi-párhuzamos földi lökéshullám előtti térségben, Ionoszféra-Magnetoszféra Szeminárium, Sopron, 2006 | Vogt J; Zieger B; Glassmeier KH; Stadelmann A; Kallenrode MB; Sinnhuber M; Winkler H: Energetic particles in the paleomagnetosphere, J Geophys Res 112: A06216, 2007 | Hansen KC; Gombosi TI; De Zeeuw DL; Zieger B: Rotational dynamics of the jovian magnetosphere, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2007 | Zieger B; Hansen K C: Solar wind propagation from 1 AU to the outer planets: A 1D MHD approach, Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 2007 | Hansen KC; Zieger B; Smith HT; Crary F; Gombosi TI: Nitrogen plasma distribution in Saturn's magnetosphere, Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 2007 | Zieger B; Vogt J; Hansen KC; Gombosi TI: The magnetic world of multipolar paleomagnetospheres during geomagnetic polaritiy transition epochs, IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, 2007 | Hansen KC; Zieger B; De Zeeuw DL; Gombosi TI: Global plasma dynamics at Saturn and its dependence on the solar wind, IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy, 2007 | Zieger B; Hansen KC; Cohen O; Gombosi TI: Prediction of solar wind properties at Saturn: Models and validation, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, 2007 | Gombosi TI; Hansen KC; Zieger B; Clarke JT; Nichols J: Saturn's magnetosphere during the recent HST observations, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, 2007 | Hansen KC; Zieger B; Gombosi TI; De Zeeuw DL: Rotational dynamics of the jovian magnetosphere, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, 2007 | Ádám A: My research (developments) connected to the observatory, pp. 147-159 in: Wesztergom V. Geophysical Observatory Reports of the GGRI HAS, Year 2005-2006. HU-ISBN 978-963-8381-22-4, 2007 | Szarka L: The 50th birthday of the Nagycenk Observatory and the International Geophysical Years, pp. 5-10 in: Wesztergom V. Geophysical Observatory Reports of the GGRI HAS, Year 2005-2006, HU-ISBN 978-963-8381-22-4, 2007 | Wesztergom V: Description of the Observatory, pp. 11-13 in: Wesztergom V. Geophysical Observatory Reports of the GGRI HAS, Year 2005-2006, HU-ISBN 978-963-8381-22-4, 2007 | Wesztergom V: Magnetic measurements and data processing, pp. 27-29 in: Wesztergom V. Geophysical Observatory Reports of the GGRI HAS, Year 2005-2006, HU-ISBN 978-963-8381-22-4, 2007 | Sátori G: Schumann resonance observation, pp. 75-80 in: Wesztergom V. Geophysical Observatory Reports of the GGRI HAS, Year 2005-2006, HU-ISBN 978-963-8381-22-4, 2007 | Bór J; Sátori G: Lightning induced Schumann resonance transients and sprites, pp. 95-99 in: Wesztergom V. Geophysical Observatory Reports of the GGRI HAS, Year 2005-2006, Special issue, HU-ISBN 978-963-8381-22-4, 2007 | Kis Á; Koppán A; Lemperger I; Prodán T; Szendrői J; Verő J; Wesztergom V: Variation of geomagnetic activity - A study based on 50 years telluric observations at Nagycenk Observatory, pp. 101-107 in: Wesztergom V. Geophysial Observatory Reports of the GGRI HAS, Year 2005-2006, HU-ISBN 978-963-8381-22-4, 2007 | Kis Á; Koppán A; Lemperger I; Prodán T; Wesztergom V; Szendrői J; Ferencz Cs; Lichtenberger J: Connection between whistlers and Pc3 pulsation activity at time periods of quiet and disturbed geomagnetic conditions, pp. 109-116 in: Wesztergom V. Geophysical Observatory Reports of the GGRI HAS, Year 2005-2006, HU-ISBN 978-963-8381-22-4, 2007 | Koppán A; Szarka L; Wesztergom V: Time variation of electric potential differences on tree trunk, pp. 117-119 in: Wesztergom V. Geophysical Observatory Reports of the GGRI HAS, Year 2005-2006, HU-ISBN 978-963-8381-22-4, 2007 | Lemperger I; Kis Á; Novák A; Szendrői J; Wesztergom V; Bencze P; Szarka L: A study on the long term behavior of the impedance tensor at Nagycenk Geophysical Observatory, pp. 121-127 in: Wesztergom V. Geophysical Observatory Reports of the GGRI HAS, Year 2005-2006, HU-ISBN 978-963-8381-22-4, 2007 | Märcz F; Harrison RG: Long-term changes in atmospheric electricity observed at European stations during several decades in the last century, pp. 129-135 in: Wesztergom V. Geophysical Observatory Reports of the GGRI HAS, Year 2005-2006, HU-ISBN 978-963-8381-22-4, 2007 | Sátori G: On the dynamics of seasonal redistribution of global lightning as shown by Schumann resonance observations in the Széchenyi István Geophysical Observatory at Nagycenk, pp. 137-144 in: Wesztergom V. Geophysical Observatory Reports of the GGRI HAS, Year 2005-2006, Special issue, HU-ISBN 978-963-8381-22-4, 2007 | Bencze P: Atmospheric electric and ionospheric measurements in the Geophysical Observatory Nagycenk: Some earlier and recent results, pp. 161-170 in: Wesztergom V. Geophysical Observatory Reports of the GGRI HAS, Year 2005-2006, HU-ISBN 978-963-8381-22-4, 2007 | Verő J: Summary of results of pulsation research at the Nagycenk Observatory, pp. 171-177 in: Wesztergom V. Geophysical Observatory Reports of the GGRI HAS, Year 2005-2006, HU-ISBN 978-963-8381-22-4, 2007 | Wallner Á: History of magnetic observatory, pp. 179-182 in: Wesztergom V. Geophysical Observatory Reports of the GGRI HAS, Year 2005-2006, HU-ISBN 978-963-8381-22-4, 2007 | Szarka L; Franke A; Prácser E; Kiss J: Hypothetical mid-crustal models of second-order magnetic phase transition, 4th International Symposium on Three-Dimensional Eelectromagnetics, Freiberg, Germany, 2007 | Szarka L Verő J: Hungarian National Report on IAGA 2003-006, Acta Geod Geoph Hung 42: 169-226, 2007 | Szarka L; Cserny T; Wesztergom V: Experiences in geo-environmental science education and outreach at the University of West Hungary, Sopron, Geophys Res Abstr 9: 05302, 2007 | Szalai S; Koppán A; Szarka L: Effect of positional inaccuracies on multielectrode results, 13th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Istanbul, P28, 2007 | Szalai S; Novák A; Szarka L: Depth of investigation of dipole-dipole, noncolinear and focused geoelectric arrays, 13th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Istanbul, P26, 2007 | Szalai S; Szarka L: Classification of surface geoelectric arrays, 69th EAGE Conference & Exhibition Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2007, 2007 | Szalai S; Veress M; Novák A; Szarka L: Bedrock topography in a buried karstic area by applying multielectrode measurements, Eos Trans AGU 88(52), Fall Meeting Suppl. NS11D-0788, 2007 | Szalai S; Szarka L: Auxiliary results of collection and classifiaction of surface geoelectric arrays, 13th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Istanbul, P09, 2007 | Novák A; Madarasi A; Kohlbeck F; Ádám A; Szarka L; DIMS team: Magnetotelluric along the Austro-Hungarian CELEBRATION-007 profile, Geophys Res Abstr 9: 02669, 2007 | Novák A; Szarka L; Prácser E; Ádám A: Invariant based imaging and interpretation of magnetotelluric measurements over an area and along a profile in SW-Transdanubia, Hungary, Eos Trans AGU 88(52), Fall Meeting Suppl. GP33B-1250, 2007 | Novák A; Ádám A; Szarka L: Indication of the deep tectonics by resistivity and phase anisotropy, invariants and phase tensor parameters in a three-dimensional sedimentary basin, IUGG General Assembly, Perugia JAS002: Large scale imaging of the continental and oceanic lithosphere, 2007 | Mitterbauer U; Brückl E; Lippitsch R; Behm M; Kohlbeck F; Szarka L; Alpass Working Group; Hungarian MT Team: Geophysical investigations of the Eastern Alpine crust, IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, 2007 | Lemperger I; Menvielle M; Pincon JL; Szarka L; Tarits P; Ubrankovics Cs; Kis Á: Investigation of the lithosphere by using network magnetometer data, Geophys Res Abstr 9: 10319, 2007 | Szarka L; Kiss J; Franke A; Ádám A; Prácser E: Second-order magnetic phase transition in the Earth's crust: reality or fiction?, 24th General Assembly, Perugia JAS002: Large scale imaging of the continental and oceanic lithosphere, 2007 | Kiss J; Szarka L; Prácser E; Ádám A; Franke A: Second-order magnetic phase transition in the Earth's crust: reality or fiction?, 22th Colloquium on Electromagnetic Depth Research (EMTF-2007), Decin, Czech Republic, 2007 | Ádám A; Novák A; Szarka L; Varga G: Electromagnetic induction mosaics from two significant tectonic lines of the Pannonian Basin and the Alps, 24th IUGG General Assembly, Perugia JAS002: Large scale imaging of the continental and oceanic lithosphere, 2007 | Ádám A; Novák A; Szarka L: Basement depths of 3D basins, estimated from 1D magnetotelluric inversion, Acta Geod Geoph Hung 42: 59-67, 2007 | Greenberg E; Price C; Yair Y; Canot M; Bór J; Sátori G: ELF transients associated with sprites and ELVES in Eastern Mediterranean winter thunderstroms, J Atmos Solar-Terr Phys 69: 1569-1586, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2007.06.002, 2007 | Hobara Y; Williams E; Boldi R; Sátori G; Bór J; Lyons W; Nelson T; Hayakawa M; Price C; Greenberg E; Nathou N; Russell B; Mushtak V: Mesocale lightning in west African squall lines and its global detection with ELF measurements, PS5-10. Proc. of the 13th International Conference of ICAE, 2007 | Yair Y; Price C; Canot M; Ziv B; Sherz Y; Greenberg E; Devir A; Yaniv R; Bór J; Sátori G: Winter thunderstorms in the eastern Mediterranean and associated transient luminous events, Proc. of the 13th International Conference of ICAE, OS7-3, 2007 | Kiss J, Gulyás Á: Magyarország mágnesese DeltaZ anomália térképe, M=1:500000-es nyomtatott térkép, ELGI kiadvány, 2006 | Verő J; Bencze P; Csontos A; Heilig B; Szendrői J; Zieger B: Geomágneses pulzációk, a bolygóközi tér, a magnetoszféra és az ionoszféra az 1999. augusztus 11-i napfogyatkozás idején, Magyar Geofizika 47: 125-128, 2006 | Szarka L; Ádám A; Kiss M; Lemperger I; Novák A; Szalai S, Ubránkovics Cs; Verő J; Wesztergom V; Fejes I; Kiss J; Madaras A; Prácser E; Sőrés I; Varga G; Nagy Z; Zahucki P: Új irányzatok a magnetotellurikában, Magyar Geofizika 47: 138-143, 2006 | Verő J; Ádám A; Bencze P; Bór J; Koppán A; Kovács K; Lemperger I; Martini D; Märcz F; Novák A; Prodán T, Sátori G; Szalai S; Szarka L; Wesztergom V; Zieger B: Földi elektromágnesség, Magyar Geofizika 47: 160-166, 2006 | Verő J; Wesztergom V: Az INTERMAGNET és más geomágneses hálózatok, Magyar Tudomány 167: 577-583, 2007 | Curto JJ; Heilig B; Pinol M: Modeling the geomagnetic effects caused by the solar eclipse of 11 August 1999, J Geophys Res 111: A07312, doi:10.1029/2005JA011499, 2006 | Heilig B; Csontos A; Pankratz L; Pajunpää K; Kultima J; Raita T; Reda J; Váczyová M: Upstream wave related Pc3 pulsations observed by the MM100 meridional magnetometer array, Publs Inst Geophys Pol Acad Sci C-99 (398): 339-346, 2007 | Heilig B: Intercalibration of dIdD and fluxgate magnetometers, Publs Inst Geophys Pol Acad Sci C-99 (398): 144-151, 2007 | Csontos A; Hegymegi L; Heilig B: Temperature tests on modern magnetometers, Publs Inst Geophys Pol Acad Sci C-99 (398): 171-177, 2007 | Csontos A; Hegymegi L; Heilig B; Kovács P; Merényi L; Szabó Z: 50 years of history of the Tihany Geophysical Observatory, Publs Inst Geophys Pol Acad Sci C-99 (398): 32-37, 2007 | Heilig B: The behaviour of Pc3 pulsations during low-density solar wind events. Revisiting the problem: how the Pc3 pulsation activity relates to solar wind conditions?, EGU General Assembly, Geophysical Research Abstracts 9, 10521, 2007 | Heilig B; Lühr H: Space-ground cross-phase analysis of Pc3 pulsations, IUGG General Assembly Perugia, 2007 | Bencze P: Some remarks concerning long-term changes of the F region, EGU General Assembly, EGU 2007-A-06414, 2007 | Bencze P: What do we know of the long-term change of the Earth's ionosphere?, Adv Space Res 40; 1121-1125, 2007 | Bencze P: Ionospheric sporadic E and HF radio wave propagation, EGU General Assembly, EGU 2007-A-064449, 2007 | Bencze P; Verő J: Plasmaspheric plasma density changes shown by hydromagnetic waves, EGU General Assembly, EGU 2007-A-06380, 2007 | Bencze P; Wesztergom V: Complex study of processes in the Earth's environment by ground based observation for mitigation of ionospheric effects on radio systems, IRI-COST Workshop, Prague, 2007 | Bencze P; Wesztergom V: Complex study of processes in the Earth's environment by ground based observation for space weather studies, Acta Geod Geoph Hung 42: 375-381, 2007 | Martini D: Centennial evolution of geomagnetic activity (PhD Thesis), Report Series Phys Sci 39, Oulu University Press, ISBN 951-42-8253-1, ISSN 1239-4327, 2007 | Mursula K; Martini D: New indices of geomagnetic activity at test: Comparing the correlation of the analogue ak index with the digital Ah and IHV indices at the Sodankylä Station, Advances Space Res 40: 1105-1111, 2007 | Sátori G: Földi gamma-sugár felvillanások, Magyar Űrkutatási Iroda Honlapja, Földmegfigyelés rovat, http://www.hso.hu/cgi-bin/page.php?page=49, 2007 | Hobara Y; Williams E; Mushtak V; Boldi R; Hayakawa M; Yamashita K; Lyons W; Russel B; Sátori G; Bór J; Price C; Greenberg E; Holtzworth R: ELF Q-bursts from African Squall Lines, EOS Trans. AGU, 88(52), AE31A-0037, Fall Meeting, 2007 | Hobara Y; Williams E; Boldi R; Sátori G; Bór J; Lyons W; Nelson T; Hayakawa M; Nathou N; Russel B: Mesoscale lightning in West African squall lines and its global detection with ELF measurement, EGU2007-A-05344, Vienna, 2007 | Arnone E; Berg P; Boberg F; Bór J; Chanrion O; Enell CF; Ignaccolo M; Mika Á; Odzimek A; van der Velde O; Farges T; Laursen S; Neuber T; Sátori G: The Eurosprite 2005 campaign, IRF Scientific Report 292, ISSN 0284-1703, ISBN 978-91-977255-1-4, 2007 | Bór J: Vörös lidércek észlelése Magyarországról, http://hirek.csillagaszat.hu/fold_es_hold/20070929_voros_liderc.html, 2007 | Sátori G; Lemperger I; Bór J: Variations of the global lightning on the 11-year solar cycle, 24th General Assembly, Perugia MS020: Large scale imaging of the continental and oceanic lithosphere, 2007 | Sátori G; Lemperger I; Bór J: Modulation of the annual and semiannual areal variations of the global lightning on the 11-year solar cycle, Second International Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, Vienna, 2007 | Sátori G; Lemperger I: Variations of the global lightning on the 11-year solar cycle, EGU2007-A-05363, Vienna, 2007 | Ádám A: Keressük a Hopkinson-hatást, azaz a Curie hőmérséklet közelében történő szuszceptibilitás-növekedést a Pannon-medencében, Magyar Geofizika 49: 68-74, 2008 | Bencze P; Cseh S: Long-term variation of winds in the low and middle stratosphere, EGU General Assembly, 2008 | Bencze P; Kis A: Equatorial anomaly in the F-region of the ionosphere and in the thermospheric total neutral density. Are they related?, EGU General Assembly, 2008 | Bencze P; Lemperger I: Solar cycle variations of plasmaspheric plasma parameters based on FLR type geomagnetic pulsation characteristics, EGU General Assembly Vienna, 2008 | Bór J: Felsõlégköri elektro-optikai emissziók megfigyelése Sopronból, XXVI. Ionoszféra-Magnetoszféra Szeminárium, 2008 | Bór J; Hobara Y; Sátori G; Hayakawa M; Betz HD: Central European TLE observations from Hungary in 2007, Workshop on Coupling of Thunderstorms and Lightning Discharges to Near-Earth Space, University of Corsica, Corte, France, 2008 | Bór J; Hobara Y; Sátori G; Hayakawa M; Betz HD: Preliminary results of TLE observations from Hungary in 2007 supported by LINET, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, Abstract No. EGU2008-A-01641, 2008 | Bór J; Sátori G: Hardware development for observations of TLEs in Hungary, Cost Action P18 Workgroup 5 meeting, University of Corsica, Corte, France, 2008 | Bór J; Sátori G; Betz HD: TLE Observations in Central Europe from Hungary in 2007, Third International Symposium on Lightning Physics and Effects, Vienna, Austria, 2008 | Bór J; Sátori G; Betz HD: TLE Observations in Central Europe from Hungary in 2007, 3rd VERSIM Workshop ELF/VLF Radio Phenomena: generation, propagation and consequences in observations, theory and modeling, Tihany, 2008 | Bór J; Tóth J; Sátori G; Betz HD: Advances of two site sprite observations, Workshop on Coupling of Thunderstorms and Lightning Discharges to Near-Earth Space, University of Corsica, Corte, France, 2008 | Bór J; Tóth J; Sátori G; Betz HD: Simultaneous sprite observations from Sopron, Hungary and Modra, Slovakia, EGU General Assembly 2008, Vienna, Austria, Abstract No. EGU2008-A-01645, 2008 | Brezsnyánszky K; Szarka L: Földtudományok az emberiség szolgálatában. A Föld Bolygó Nemzetközi Éve, Magyar Tudomány 10: 1227-1237, 2008 | Glover P; Ádám A: Correlation between crustal high conductivity zones and seismic activity and the role of carbon during shear deformation, Journal of Geophysical Research 113: B12210, doi: 101029/2008JB005804 (1-8), 2008 | Hobara Y, Williams ER; Shirahata K; Lyons W; Mushtak V; Boldi R; Russell B; Bór J; Sátori G; Price C; Greenberg E; Cummer S; Li J; Takahashi Y, Yamashita K; Hayakawa M: Sprites over Africa During the AMMA with Multiple Electromagnetic Detections of Their Parent Lightning Flashes, Eos Trans AGU 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE13A-0308, 2008 | Kiss J; Szarka L; Prácser E: Consequences of second-order magnetic phase transition in the Earth’s crust, MGB-2008 Conference, Sezana, Slovenia, MGB Proceedings, 2008 | Kiss J; Szarka L; Prácser E: How to measure Hopkinson peak in earth materials?, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol 10: EGU2008-A-10780, 2008 SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU2008-A-10780, EGU General Assembly, http://www.cosis.net/abstracts/EGU2008/, 2008 | Lemperger I; Menvielle M; Pincon J-L; Szarka L; Tarits P; Ubrankovics Cs; Kis Á: Investigation of the lithosphere by EM induction based on network magnetometer data, 19EMIW Abstracts, Vol I., p. 231, (Paper S1.2_S03), 2008 | Lemperger I; Wesztergom V; Szarka L; Menvielle M; Kis A: Long Term Behavior of the Impedance Tensor at Nagycenk Geophysical Observatory and its Statistical Relation to Magnetospheric Processes and Solar Wind Parameters, Eos Trans AGU 89(53): Fall Meet. 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