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Z. Erdélyi, Cserháti Cs., Csik A., Daróczi L., Langer G.A., Balogh Z., Kis-Varga M., Beke D.L., Zizakm I., Erko A.,: Nanoresolution interface studies in thin films by synchrotron x-ray diffraction and using x-ray wavegide technique, X-Ray Spectrometry 38, pp338-342, 2009 | D. L. Beke, Z. Erdélyi, Z. Balogh, Cs. Cserháti, G.L. Katona: Non-parabolic shift of interfaces and effect of diffusion asymmetry on nanoscale solid state reactions, Jorunal of Nano Research, 7, pp 43-49, 2009 | Cserháti Cs., Erdélyi Z., Balogh Z., Daróczi L., Csik A., Langer G.A., Kis-Varg M., Zizak I., Erko A., Beke D.L.: Characterization of intermetallic layer nanoresolution using x-ray standing wave technoque, Deffect and Diffusion Forum, 289-292, pp. 369-375, 2009 | Z. Erdélyi, Ch. Girardeaux, D.L. Beke, J. Bernardini, A. Portavoce, G.L. Katona. Z. Balogh, A. Rolland: Thin film dissolution into semi-infinite subsrtate: surprising interface kinetics and dissolution modes, Defect and Diffuison Forum, 289-292, pp. 573-585, 2009 | Z. Balogh, Z. Erdélyi, D.L. Beke, A. Portavoce, Ch. Girardeaux, Bernardini, A. Rolland: Determination of the grain-boundary diffuison coefficient in C-regime by Hwang-Balluffi method: silver diffusion in Pd, Defect and Diffuison Forum, 289-292, pp. 763-767, 2009 | Z. Erdélyi, A. Taranovskyy, D. L. Beke: On the Determination of Surface Segregation Isotherms from Kinetic Measurements, Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci. 21, pp6-17, 2009 | Beke D.L., Erdélyi Z.,: Resolution of the diffusional paradox predicting infinitely fast kinetics on the nanoscale, Phys. Rev. B73, pp 035426-1-7, 2006 | Beke, D.L., Erdélyi, Z.: Diffusion under large driving forces, Defect and Diffusion Forum 249, 119-126, 2006 | M-C. Benoudia, J-M. Roussel, S. Labat, O. Thomas, D. L. Beke, G. Langer , M. Kis-Varga: Investigating interdiffusion in Mo/V multilayers from x-ray scattering and kinetic simulations, Defect and Diffusion Forum 264, 117-122, 2007 | Erdélyi Z., Beke D.L. Langer G.A., Csik A.,: Interface shape change and shift kinetics on the nanoscale, Soldi State PhenomenA, 129, pp105-110, 2007 | Beke, D.L., Erdélyi, Z., Langer G.: Keveredés nanoskálán, Fizikai Szemle, 2006 | Z. Erdélyi, A. Taranovskyy, D. L. Beke: On the Local Equilibrium during Dissolution of a Thin Film, Defect and Diffusion Forum 264, 171-175, 2007 | Z. Erdélyi, G.A. Langer, A. Csik, D.L. Beke: Nanoscale effects in interdiffusion, Defect and Diffusion Forum 264, 91-98, 2007 | D.L. Beke, Z. Erdélyi, G.L. Katona: Nonlinear stress effects in diffusion, Defect and Diffusion Forum 264, 117-122, 2007 | Z. Erdélyi, A. Taranovskyy, D. L. Beke: On the determination of surface segragation isotherms kinetic measurements, Surf. Sci. 602, 805-810, 2008 | A. Csik, G.A. Langer, G. Erdélyi, D.L. Beke, Z. Erdelyi1, K. Vad: Investigation of Sb diffusion in amorphous silicon, Vacuum 82, 257-260, 2008 | C. Frigeri, M. Serényi, A. Csik, Z. Erdélyi, D. L. Beke and L. Nasi: Structural modifications induced in hydrogenated amorphous Si/Ge multilayers by heat treatments, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 19, S289-S293, 2008 | Kis-Varga M., Langer G.A., Csik A., Erdélyi Z., Beke D.L.: Effect of substrate temperature on the different diffuseness of subsequent interfaces in binary multilayers, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 277, 27-31, 2008 | Z. Balogh, C. Cserháti, D.L. Beke, Z. Erdélyi, A. Csik, G.A. Langer, I. Zizak, N. Darowski, E. Dudzik, R. Feyerherm: Silicide formation reactions in a-Si/Co multilayered samples, Defect and Diffusion Forum 277,3-8, 2008 | Cserháti, C., Glodán, Gy., Csik, A., Langer, G.A., Erdélyi, Z., Balogh, Z., Beke, D.L.: Co Anomalous growth kinetics of the CoSi reaction layer in a-Si/Co system, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 273-276, 99-104, 2008 | Beke. D.L., Erdélyi Z.,: Growth kinetics on nanoscale: Finite permeability of interfaces, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 266, 1-12, 2007 | Erdélyi Z., Beke D.L., Taranovskyy A: Dissolution and off-stoichiometric formation of compound layers in solid state reactions, Applied Physics Letters 92, 133110-1 – 2, 2008 | Z. Balogh, Z. Erdélyi, D.L. Beke, G.A. Langer, A. Csik,H-G. Boyen, U. Wiedwald, P. Ziemann, A. Portavoce, C. Girardeaux: Transition from anomalous kinetics towards Fickian diffusion for Si dissolution into amorphous Ge, Applied Physics Letters 92, 143104-1 – 3, 2008 | C. Cserháti, Z. Balogh, A. Csik, G.A. Langer, Z. Erdélyi, Gy. Glodan, G.L. Katona, D.L. Beke, I. Zizak, N. Darowski, E. Dzudik, R. Feyerhem,: Linear growth kinetics of nanometric silicides in Co/amporhous-Si and Co/CoSi/amorphopus-Si thin films, Journal of Applied Physics, 194, 1-1-6, 2008 | A.Lakatos, A. Csik, G. A. Langer, G. Erdelyi, G. L. Katona, L. Daroczi, K. Vad, J. Toth, D. L. Beke: Investigations of failure mechanisms at Ta and TaO diffusion barriers by Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry, Vacuum, 84, pp130-133, 2009 | A. Lakatos, G. Erdélyi, Z. Erdélyi, G.A. Langer, L. Daróczi, K. Vad, A. Csik, A. Dudas, D.L. Beke,: Investigations of diffusion kinetics in Si/Ta/Cu/W and Si/Co/Ta systems by Secondary Neutral Mass Spectrometry, Vacuum, nyomdában, 2010 | Z. Erdélyi , D.L. Beke, G.A. Langer, A. Csik, C. Cserháti, Z. Balogh: Interface kinetics and morphology on the nanoscale, Vacuum, 84 pp 26-31, 2009 | Balogh Z., Erdélyi Z., Beke D.L., Portavoce A., Girardeaux C., Bernardini J., Rolland A.: Silver grain boundary diffusion in Pd, Applied Surface Science, 255, 4844-4847, 2009 |




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