Peptide Nucleic Acids - Theoretical Approach
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Németh Lukács, Paragi Gábor, Bogár Ferenc, Kovács Lajos: 3-xantinil származékok vizsgálata dimer rendszerekben és PNS vázon, KeMoMo IV, Szeged 2006. április 27 (E), 2006 | Zoltán A. Fekete, Eufrozina A. Hoffmann, Tamás Körtvélyesi, Botond Penke: Linear Scaling Semiempirical Quantum Chemical Methods for Peptide Research, European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry 2008, September 28-October 1, Hejnice, Chech Republic, (L), 2008 | Tamás Körtvélyesi, Zoltán A. Fekete, Botond Penke: Effect of Metal Ions on the Stability of PNA, PNA.DNA and PNA.PNA Duplexes, 4th Central European Conference: Chemistry towards Biology, Dobogókő, Hungary,September 8-11, 2008 | A. Hoffmann, Tamás Körtvélyesi, Zoltán A. Fekete, Botond Penke: Linear Scaling Semiempirical Molecular Orbital Calculations on the Complexation of Zinc Ions by the Alzheimer’s β-Amyloid Peptide, 4th Central European Conference: Chemistry towards Biology, Dobogókő, Hungary, September 8-11, 2008 | Tamás Körtvélyesi, Eufrozina A. Hoffmann, Lajos Kovács, and Botond Penke: On the Structure and Stability of PNA.DNA and PNA.PNA Duplexes: A Theoretical Study, 4th Central European Conference: Chemistry towards Biology, Dobogókő, Hungary,September 8-11, 2008. (P), 2008 | A. Hoffmann, Tamás Körtvélyesi, Zoltán A. Fekete, Botond Penke,: Theoretical Analysis of Peptide Nucleic Acid Thermochemistry, 4th Central European Conference: Chemistry towards Biology, Dobogókő, Hungary,September 8-11, 2008. (L), 2008 | Tamás Körtvélyesi, Botond Penke, Antal Orosz: Effect of Structural Cell Proteins on the Peptide and Peptide Nucleic Acid (PNA) Binding to HSP90, 4th Central European Conference: Chemistry towards Biology, Dobogókő, Hungary,September 8-11, 2008. (L), 2008 | Zoltán A. Fekete, Eufrozina A. Hoffmann, Tamás Körtvélyesi, Botond Penke: Linear Scaling Semiempirical Quantum Chemical Methods for Peptide Research, European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry 2008, September 28-October 1, Hejnice, Chech Republic, (L), 2008 | T. Körtvélyesi, Z. A. Fekete, F. Bogár, B. Penke: Structure of Chiral Peptide Nucleic Acids (cPNAs), Modelling and Design of Molecular Materials 2008, June 23-28, 2008, Poland, 2008 | G. Paragi, E. Szajli, F. Bogár, L. Kovács, C. F. Guerra, F. M. Bickelhaupt,: Computational Investigation of the Interactions of 3- and 5-Methyl -6-aminouracils with Natural Nucleobases, 4th Central European Conference: Chemistry towards Biology, Dobogókő, Hungary,September 8-11, 2008. (P), 2008 | T. Körtvélyesi, Z. A. Fekete, F. Bogár, B. Penke: Structure of Chiral Peptide Nucleic Acids (cPNAs), Modelling and Design of Molecular Materials 2008, June 23-28, Poland, 2008 | Bokros A., Kövér P., Szolomajer J., Kovács Lajos: Enantiomer éhséglaktonok ((3S,5S)- és (3R,5R)-dihidro-3-hidroxi-5-(hidroximetil)furán-2(3H)-on) szintézise és felhasználása., MKE Vegyészkonferencia, június 19-21, Hajduszoboszló, P-9, 2008 | T. Körtvélyesi, I. Pálinkó, E. Hoffmann, G. Barna, L. Kovács, B. Penke: Structure and Intramlecular Interactions in Peptide Nucleic Acids and in some Derivatives, Molecular Quantum Mechanics: Analytic Gradients and Beyond. A conference in Honor of Peter Pulay, May 29-June 3, Budapest, 2007 | Z. A. Fekete, E. Hoffmann, T. Körtvélyesi, B. Penke,: Harmonic Vibrational Frequency Scaling Factors for the new NDDO Hamiltonian RM1 and PM6, Molecular Quantum Mechanics: Analytic Gradients and Beyond. A conference in Honor of Peter Pulay, May 29-June 3, Budapest, 2007 | Fekete, Eufrozina Hoffmann, Tamás Körtvélyesi, Botond Penke: Harmonic Vibrational Scaling Factors for the new NDDO Hamiltonians RM1 and PM6, Mol. Phys. 2597-2605, 2007 | Noémi I. Jakab, Zsuzsa Jenei, Béla Gyurcsik, Tamás Gajda, Tamás Körtvélyesi, A.Mikulova, L. Rulisek, Tamás Raskó, A Kiss: Design of histidine containing peptides for better understanding of their coordination mode toward copper(II) by CD spectroscopy, J.Inorgan. Biochem. 101, 1376-1385, 2007 | G.Paragi, E. Szájli, F. Bogár, L- Kovács, C. F. Guerra, F. M. Bickelhaupt,: Hydrogen bonding of 3- and 5-methyl-6-aminouracil with natural bases, New J. Chem. 32, 1981-1987, 2008 | E. Hoffmann, Z. A. Fekete, R. Rajko, I. Palinko, T. Kortvelyesi,: Theoretical Characterization of Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Stationary Phases with Quantum Chemical Descriptors, J. Chrom. A, 2540-2547, 2009 | Eufrozina Hoffmann, Zoltán Fekete, Csaba Visy, Tamás Körtvélyesi: Response Equation Based Thermochemical Analysis of Singlet Bipolaron Structures in Oligo(3-Methyl-Thiophenes), Open Physical Chemistry Journal, 3, 8-17, 2009 | M. F. Massman, A. M. Rodriguez, M. Raimondi, S. A. Zacchino, P. G. M. Luiten, C. Somlai,: Penetratin and derivatives acting as antifungal agents, Eur. J. Med. Chem., 44, 212-228, 2009 | Noémi I. Jakab, Zsuzsa Jenei, Béla Gyurcsik, Tamás Gajda, Tamás Körtvélyesi, A.Mikulova, L. Rulisek, Tamás Raskó, A Kiss: Design, Synthesis and Metal Ion Binding Properties of a Peptide Mimicking the Active Centre of Purple Acid Phosphatase, Achievements in Coordination, Bioinorganic and Applied Inorganic Chemistry. Ed. by Melnik J. Sima, and M.Tatarko, Slovak Technical University Press, Bratislava, 2007 |




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