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Soukup, Lajos: Elementary submodels in infinite combinatorics,, Discrete Math., submitted, 2010 | Soukup, Lajos: Pcf theory and cardinal invariants of the reals,, CMUC., submitted, 2010 | Mátrai T: More cofinal types of definable directed orders, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.; submitted, 2010 | Mátrai T: Infinite dimensional perfect set theorems, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.; submitted, 2010 | Juhász I; Szentmiklóssy Z: A strengthening of the Cech - Pospisil theorem, Top. Appl.; 155, 17-18. , 2102--2104., 2008 | Juhász I; Soukup L; Szentmiklóssy Z: Resolvability and monotone normality, Israel J. Math.; 166 , 1–-16., 2008 | Juhász I; Szentmiklóssy Z: On $d$-separarability of powers and $C_p(X)$, Top. Appl.; 155 (2008), no. 4, 277--281., 2008 | Juhász I; Shelah S: Hereditarily Lindelöf spaces of singular density, Studia Sci. Math. Hung.; 45, 4 , 557-562, 2008 | Soukup L: Nagata's conjecture and countably compactifications, Topology Appl. 155 , no. 4, 347-353., 2008 | Erdős P; Soukup, L;: Quasi-kernels and quasi-sinks in infinite graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B; Discrete Math. 309(10), volume 309, 3040–3048, 2009 | Elekes M; Laczkovich M: A cardinal number connected to the solvability of systems of difference equations in a given function class, J. Anal. Math.; 101, 199-218., 2007 | Mátrai; T: Hurewicz test sets for generalized separation and reduction, Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc.; 143 , No. 2, 407-417, 2007 | Mátrai; T: Topological aspects of Hurewicz tests for the difference hierarchy, Ukrainian Mathematical Bulletin; 3 , no. 4, 520-546., 2006 | Juhász I; Vaughan J: Countably compact hyperspaces and Frolik sums, Top. Appl.; 154, 2434--2448, 2007 | Juhász I; Shelah S; Soukup L: Resolvability vs. almost resolvability, Top. Appl.; 156, no. 11, 1966--1969, 2009 | Juhász I; Soukup L; Szentmiklóssy Z: First countable spaces with no point-countable \pi-bases, Fund. Math.; 196 , no. 2, 139--149., 2007 | Juhász I; Szentmiklóssy Z: Projective \pi-character bounds the order of a \pi-base, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.; 136, 2979-2984, 2008 | Gorelic I; Juhász I: AB-compacta, Comm. Math Univ. Carol..; 49, 1, 2008 | Balka R; Elekes M: The structure of rigid functions, J. Math. Anal. Appl.; 345 , no. 2, 880-888., 2008 | Elekes M; Máthé A: Can we assign the Borel hulls in a monotone way?, Fund. Math.; 205 no. 2, 105-115., 2009 | Soukup L: Infinite Combinatorics: From Finite to Infinite, Horizons of Combinatorics, Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies. vol 17,pp 189-213., 2008 | Elekes M; Keleti T; Máthé A: Self-similar and self-affine sets; measure of the intersection of two copies, Ergod. Th. & Dynam. Sys. 30, no. 2, 399–440., 2010 | Mátrai; T: Covering $\Sigma^{0}_{\xi}$-generated ideals by $\Pi^{0}_{\xi}$ sets, Comm. Math. Univ. Carol. 48 , no. 2, 245-268., 2007 | Elekes M; Mátrai T; Soukup L: On splitting infinite-fold covers, Fund. Math., to appear, 2009 | Mátrai T; Zeleny M;: On monotone presentations of Borel sets, Real Anal. Exchange; 34 no. 2, 311--318, 2009 | Mátrai T: Kenilworth, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.; 137, 1115-1125., 2009 | Mátrai T: \Pi^0_2-generated ideals are unwitnessable, Real Anal.\ Exchange; közlésre benyujtva, 2009 | Fuchino S; Juhász I; Soukup L; Szentmiklóssy Z; Usuba T: Fodor-type reflection principle, Top. Appl., 157 , no. 8, pp. 1415--1429, 2010 | Mátrai T: On a new $\sigma$-ideal of compact sets, Top. Appl.; 157; no. 2, 1479--1484, 2010 | Erdős P L; Soukup L;: No finite-infinite antichain duality in the homomorphism poset D of directed graphs, Order, 1-9, 2010 | Farkas B; Soukup L: More on cardinal invariants of analytic P-ideals, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 50 (2), 281–295., 2009 | Martinez J-C; Soukup L;: Universal locally compact scattered spaces, Topology Proc. 35, volume 35, 19–36, 2010 | Martinez J-C, Soukup L;: The D-property on unions of scattered spaces, Top. Appl. 156(18), 3086–3090, 2009 | Juhász I; Koszmider P; Soukup L;: A first countable, initially omega_1-compact but non-compact space, Top. Appl., 156 , no. 10, 1863--1879., 2009 | Balka R; Elekes M;: The structure of continuous rigid functions of two variables, Real Anal. Exch. ; közlésre benyújtva, 2009 | Juhász I; Szentmiklóssy Z;: Interpolation of $\kappa$-compactness and PCF theory, CMUC, 50, 2 , 315--320, 2009 | Juhász I; Weiss W;: On the convergence and character spectra of compact spaces, Fund. Math., 207, pp. 179--196, 2010 | Dzamonja M; Juhász I: CH, a problem of Rolewicz, and bidiscrete systems, Top. Appl., megj. alatt, 2010 | Hajnal A; Juhász I; Soukup L; Szentmiklóssy Z: Conflict-free colorings of (strongly) almost disjoint set-systems, Acta Math. Hung., to appear, 2010 | Martinez, Juan Carlos, and Soukup, Lajo: Superatomic Boolean algebras constructed from strongly unbounded functions,, Mathematical Logic Quarterly, submitted, 2010 | Martinez, Juan Carlos, and Soukup, Lajo: Cardinal sequences of LCS spaces under GCH,, Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 161, volume 161, 1180–1193, 2010 | Soukup, Lajos: Wide scattered spaces and morasses, Topology Appl., submitted, 2010 | Soukup, Lajos: Indestructible colourings and rainbow Ramsey theorems,, Fund. Math. 202(2), volume 202, 161–180, 2009 | Duffus, Dwight, Erdős, Péter L., Nešetril, J., and Soukup, Lajos: Antichains in the homomorphism order of graphs, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 48(4), volume 48, 571–583, 2007 | Erdős, Peter L., Stoyle, Jens, and Soukup, Lajos:: Balanced Vertices in Trees and a Simpler Algorithm to Compute the Genomic Distance,, Appl. Math. Letters, to appear, 2010 |




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