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A Stirling, I. Bakó, L. Kocsis, L. Hajba, J. Mink: Pt(II)-ion hydration: Strutural and vibrational characteristics from theory and experiment., International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 109, 2591-2596, 2009 | E. Damian Risberg, J. Mink, A. Abbasi, M. Yu. Skripkin, L. Hajba, P. Lindqvist-Reis, É. Bencze, M. Sandström: Ambidentat coordination in hydrogen bonded dimethyl sulfoxide, (CH3)2SO…H3O+, and in dichlorobis(dimethyl sulfoxide) palladium(II) and platinum(II) solid solvates ..., Dalton Transactions, 1328-1338, 2009 | J. Mihály, P. Németh, Á. Csanády, J. Mink: Characterisation of thin films on rough steel substrates by FTIR microscopy and imaging., Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXXVII, 2009 | J. Mink, J. Mihály, É. Pfeifer, V. Komlósi, V. Gombás, Z. Bacsik, L. Kocsis, Cs. Németh, L. Hajba, L. Kővágó: Infrared Microscopy and Imaging in Biology and Medicine., Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXXVII, 2009 | L. Hajba., F. Jalilehvand, J. Mink: Infrared and Raman Spectroscopic Studies of Cadmium(II) Cysteine Complexes., 5th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICAVS5), Melbourne, Australia, 2009 | V. Velekey, Z. Bacsik, Gy Kiss, J. Mink: New possibilities of FTIR microscopic study and speciation of atmospheric aerosols., 5th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICAVS5), Melbourne, Australia, 2009 | Z. Bacsik, X. Zou, J. Mink: High temperature FTIR microscopic study of zeolite family with chiral structure., 5th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICAVS5), Melbourne, Australia, 2009 | J. Mink, J. Mihály, É. Pfeifer, V. Komlósi, V. Gombás, B. Illés, L. Kocsis, Cs. Németh, L. Hajba: New application of infrared and Raman spectroscopy and microscopy in medical diagnostic., University of Turku, Turku, Finland; invited lecture, 2009 | J. Mink, L. Hajba, I. Pápai, J. Mihály, Cs. Németh, M. Yu. Skripkin, M. Sandström: Raman, infrared, far-infrared and theoretical studies of urea derivatives with biological interest., AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1267, Pages 605-606., 2010 | Liubov V. Stepakova, Mikhail Yu. Skripkin, Lyudmila V. Chernykh, Galina L. Starova, László Hajba, János Mink, Magnus Sandström: Vibrational spectroscopic and force field studies of copper(II) chloride and bromide compounds, and crystal structure of KCuBr3, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 39, (1) 16-31., 2008 | Fadhlia Zafarina Zakaria, Judith Mihály, István Sajó, Róbert Katona, László Hajba, Fauziah Abdul Aziz, János Mink: FT-Raman and FTIR spectroscopic characterization of biogenic carbonates from Philippine venus seashell and Porites sp. coral (p n/a)., Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 39(9), 1204-1209., 2008 | F. Jalilehvand, V. Mah, B.O. Leung, J. Mink, G.M. bernard, L. Hajba: Cadmiun(II) cysteine complexes int eh solid state: a multispectoscopic study., Inorganic Chemistry, 48, 4219-4230, 2009 | L. Kocsis, J. Mink, F. Jalilehvand, L. J. Laffin, O. Berkesi, L. Hajba: Vibrational spectroscopic study of the hydrated platinum(II), palladium(II) and cis-diammineplatinum(II) ions in acidic aqueous solutions., Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 40, 481-490, 2009 | Judith Mihály, Veronika Gombás, Alias Afishah, János Mink: FT-Raman investigation of human dental enamel surfaces., Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 40, 898-902, 2009 |




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