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Közleményjegyzék |
G. Bognár - E. Rozgonyi: The series expansions of generalized hypergeometric functions, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Applied Mathematics, Istanbul, Turkey, May 27-29, 2006. 181-186, 2006 | G. Bognár: Estimation on the first eigenvalue for some nonlinear Dirichlet eigenvalue problems,, (submitted) Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 2009 | Rozgonyi E.: Hipergeometrikus függvények, Tavaszi Szél Konferencia, 2006. május 4-7. Kaposvár, Konferencia Proc., 307-311, 2006 | E. Rozgonyi: The generalized hyperbolic functions, MICRO-CAD, Miskolc 2006, 2006 | G. Bognár-J. Cepicka, P. Drabek-P. Necesal-E. Rozgonyi: Three-point problem with two parameters, (közlésre leadva), 2009 | G. Bognár: Periodic and antiperiodic eigenvalues for quasilinear differential equations, 307-313, WSEAS Press, 2008. ISBN:978-960-6766-47-3, Recent Advances on Applied Mathematics, 2008 | G. Bognár: A geometric approach to the half-linear differential equation, Mathematica 16 (2006) 51-58., Folia FSN Universitas Masarykiannae Brunensis, 2006 | G. Bognár: Numerical and analytic investigation of some nonlinear problems in engineering sciences, Vol. I. WSEAS Press, 2008. ISBN: 978-960-474-019-2, 1-2., Recent Advances in Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, 2006 | G. Bognár: Periodic and antiperiodic eigenvalues for quasilinear differential equations, ISBN: 978-960-6766-45-9, Proceedings of the American Conference on Applied Mathematics, Harvard University Cambridge, MA, USA March 24-26, 2008., 2008 | G. Bognár: On the solution of differential equations involving p-Laplacian and Pseudolaplacian, ISBN: 978-960-6766-27-5, 1-2., Applied Mathematics for Science and Engineering, WSEAS Press, 2007., 2007 | G. Bognár, E. Rozgonyi: On the radial solutions for some nonlinear initial value problems, ISBN: 978-960-6766-27-5, 15-21., Proc. 12th WSEAS Int. Conf. On Applied Mathematics, Cairo, Egypt, December 29-31, 2007, 2007 | G. Bognár: Asymptotic expansions for some nonlinear differential equations,, Proc. EQUADIFF’07 Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, 5-11. August, 2007., 2007 | G. Bognár: Lower bound for the eigenvalues of quasilinear Hill's equation, 2006, p. 211-219. ISBN 977-5945-380., Proceedings of the Conference on Differential and Difference Equations and Applications, Edited by Ravi P. Agarwal and Kanishka Pereira, 2006 | Szilvásiné Rozgonyi Erika: Hárompontos peremértékfeladat megoldásának numerikus vizsgálata, Doktoranduszok Fóruma, Miskolc, 2008. nov. 13. (közlésre elfogadva), 2008 | Erika Rozgonyi: Power series solution for a nonlinear reaction-diffusion problem, MicroCAD 2008 International Scientific Conference, Miskolc, 20-21 March, 2008, 61-67., 2008 | G. Bognár-J. Cepicka, P. Drabek-P. Necesal-E. Rozgonyi: Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of solution to the three-point BVP, 69 No.9 (2008), 2984-2995., Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods & Applications, 2008 | G. Bognár - O. Dosly: Minimal solution of a certain Riccati type differential equation, 74 (2009), 159-169., Publ. Math. Debrecen, 2009 | G. Bognár - E. Rozgonyi: The power series solutions of some nonlinear initial value problems, WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, 5 No.6 (2006) 627-635, 2006 | G. Bognár: Numerical and analytic investigation of some nonlinear problems in fluid mechanics, WSEAS Press, 2008. ISBN: 978-960-474-032-1, 172-180., Computers and Simulation in Modern Science, Vol. II., 2008 | G. Bognár: Periodic and antiperiodic eigenvalues for half-linear version of Hill’s equation, 2 (2008) 33-37., Int. J. Math. Models & Methods in Appl. Sciences, 2008 | G. Bognár: Local analytic solutions to some nonhomogeneous problems with p-Laplacian, No. 4. (2008), pp. 1-8., E. J. Qualitative Theory of Diff. Equ., 2008 | G. Bognár - O. Dosly: A remark on power comparison theorem for half-linear differential equations, 133 (2008), 187-195., Math. Bohemica, 2008 | G. Bognár-E. Rozgonyi: The local analytic solution to some nonlinear diffusion-reaction problems, 7 No.6. (2008) 382-395., WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, 2008 | G. Bognár: Exponential expansion of the solution of a half-linear differential equation, 3 No.1 (2009), International Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations and Applications, 2009 | G. Bognár: Area-preserving nonlinear differential equations, 16 (2009), 101-111., Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, An International Journal for Theory, Applications and Computer Simulations, 2009 |




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