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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Telek, Miklós
Title in Hungarian Forgalom modellezési módszerek fejlesztése
Title in English Advanced traffic modeling techniques
Keywords in Hungarian forgalom modellezés, modell illesztés, analízis
Keywords in English traffic modeling, model fitting, analysis
Telecommunication (Council of Physical Sciences)80 %
Information Technology (Council of Physical Sciences)20 %
Panel Informatics and Electrical Engineering
Department or equivalent Department of Networked Systems and Services (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Participants Horváth, Gábor
Sztrik, János
Zsóka, Zoltán
Starting date 2006-02-01
Closing date 2010-07-31
Funding (in million HUF) 6.932
FTE (full time equivalent) 3.98
state closed project
Summary in Hungarian
Az informatikai rendszerek forgalmi modellezése egy intenzíven kutatott szakterület, egyrészt mivel ezen a területen erős piaci verseny alakult ki az egész világon, másrészt mivel az informatikai rendszerek és főleg az azok által nyújtott szolgáltatások fejlődése állandóan módosuló feltéteket eredményeznek.

A pillanatnyi feltételek szerinti optimális megoldások kidolgozása az informatika területén belül a hardverfejlesztéstől a rendszerintegrációig számos szakterület hatékony együtt működését igényli. A tervezett kutatási program ezen belül a forgalmi modellezés és analízis témakörében keres az új elvárások teljesítését célzó elméleti módszereket és azok felhasználásával konkrét gyakorlati problémákra adandó válaszokat.

A felhasznált és fejleszteni kívánt modellezési eszközök a sorbanállási rendszerek és hálózatok. Ezeknek a sztochasztikus modelleknek a vizsgálata során közelítő és egzakt Markovi, mátrix geometrikus és egyéb szabályos struktúrájú mátrixok elemzésén alapuló módszereket keresünk, valamint több osztályos forgalmi viselkedést feltételezünk. A tervezett kutatási eredmények kidolgozása során a mérnöki hasznosíthatóság szempontjai alapján megvalósítható bonyolultságú számítási eljárásokat dolgozunk ki, amelyeknek minta implementációját és esetenként kutatási célú analízis programcsomagját a project keretében szintén kifejlesztjük.

A pályázó kutatócsoport hazai és nemzetközi tapasztalatokkal és együttműködésekkel rendelkezik a témakör kutatásában, valamint részt vesz ipari partnerek által felvetett konkrét problémák megoldásában. Ezek az előzmények megfelelő előfeltételeket biztosítanak az elérendő kutatási eredmények nemzetközi szintű ismertetésére, és ipari alkalmazására.
The traffic modeling of computer and communication systems is a heavily studied research field, because it is required by the sharp competition on the market and by technical problems arose by quick development of the elements and the services of telecommunication systems.

The development of optimal solutions according to the actual technical and economical conditions requires the cooperation of a wide range of specific research fields from hardware development to system integration. Inside this wide range the proposed research program focuses on the field of traffic modeling and analysis. In order to answer the actual challenges of the field it looks for new theoretical solutions and intends to answer practical questions using also the developed new solutions.

The applied and improved modeling techniques are the queueing systems and the queueing networks. For the analysis of these stochastic models we look for exact and approximate solution methods based on Markovian, matrix geometric and other regular matrix structures and we consider single class and multi class traffic models. There proposed solutions are selected to answer practical questions; hence we devote attention to their feasibility with respect to computational complexity and memory requirement. To ensure feasible solutions we also implement them and occasionally we provide publicly available software tools implementing the developed solutions.

The research group has strong national and international cooperation in the research of the field and also experiences in related industrial projects. These preliminaries increase the chance of a successful dissemination of the obtained results.


Final report

Results in Hungarian
A projekt alapvetően sikeresen járult hozzá a vizsgált szakterület eredményeinek bővítéséhez és a résztvevő kutatócsoport fejlődéséhez. A projekt eredményihez kapcsolódó dolgozatok alapján PHD fokozatot szerzett Bodrog Levente és Saffer Zsolt. A projekt eredményeit összegző publikációk együttes impakt faktora ~22. A szakmai eredmenyek közül Markov érkezési folyamatok alapvető tulajdonságait összegző cikk (A minimal representation of Markov arrival processes and a moments matching method) emelhető ki, amelyik időközben az ezen folyamatok illesztési korlátait vizsgálló munkák alapjává vált.
Results in English
The project successfully enhanced the field of traffic modeling of computer and communication systems and helped to improve the carrier of the involved research group. Based on the their theses summarizing parts of the results of the project Bodrog Levente and Saffer Zsolt were awarded the doctor of philosophy degree. The cumulated impact factor of the journal papers publish the research results of the project is about 22. The most remarkable research results are in the paper summarizing some basic properties of Markov arrival processes (A minimal representation of Markov arrival processes and a moments matching method), which become a basic reference for subsequent works dealing with the fitting properties of these processes.
Full text


List of publications

T. Éltetö, S. Rácz, and M. Telek: Minimal coefficient of variation of matrix exponential distributions, 2nd Madrid Conference on Queueing Theory, (Madrid, Spain) pp. 137-154, Boston Books, 2006
G. Horváth and M. Telek: Analysis of markov reward models with partial reward loss based on a time reverse approach, Markov Anniversary Meeting, (Charleston, SC, USA), pp. 137-154, Boston Books, 2006
S. Rácz, A. Tari, and M. Telek: A moments based distribution bounding method,, Mathematical and computer modelling, pp. 1367-1382, 2006
G. Fodor, M. Telek, and L. Badia: On the tradeoff between blocking and dropping probabilities in cdma networks supporting elastic services, NETWORKING 2006, (Coimbra, Portugal), pp. 954-965, Springer, LNCS 3976, 2006
A. Tari, M. Telek, and P. Buchholz: A simplified moment-based estimation method for extreme probabilities, infinite and positive cases, International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science Technology, vol. 7, pp. 15-28,, 2006
L. Bodrog, G. Horváth, S. Rácz, and M. Telek: A tool support for automatic analysis based on the tagged customer approach, QEST'06, (Riverside, CA, USA), pp. 323-332, IEEE Computer Society, 2006
A. Thümmler, P. Buchholz, and M. Telek: A novel approach for fitting probability distributions to trace data with the em algorithm, IEEE Trans. on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. 3:3, pp. 245-258, 2006
G. Fodor and M. Telek: On the tradeoff between blocking and dropping probabilities in multi-cell CDMA networks, Journal of Communications, 1:8, pp 22-33, 2007
T. Éltetö and M. Telek: Numerical analysis of M/G/1 type queueing systems with phase type transition structure, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 212:(2) pp. 331-340., 2008
M. Gribaudo and M. Telek: Fluid models in performance analysis, Formal methods for Performance Evaluation (J. Hillston, M. Bernardo, ed.), LNCS 4486, pp. 271-317, Springer, 2007
A. Horváth and M. Telek: Matching more than three moments with acyclic phase type distributions, Stochastic Models, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 167-194, 2007
M. Gribaudo and M. Telek: Stationary analysis of fluid level dependent bounded fluid models,, PERFORMANCE EVALUATION 65:(3-4) pp. 241-261., 2008
M. Telek and G. Horváth: A minimal representation of markov arrival processes and a moments matching method, Perfromance Evaluation, vol. 64, pp. 1153-1168, Aug. 2007., 2007
G. Fodor and M. Telek: Bounding the blocking probabilities in multi-rate cdma networks supporting elastic services, Transactions on Networking, vol. 15, pp. 944-956, Aug. 2007, 2007
L. Bodrog: duplikált publikáció, meghagyva a sorszámozás miatt, 2007
G. Horváth and M. Telek: A canonical representation of order 3 phase type distributions,, LNCS 4748, pp. 48-62, Springer, 2007. EPEW, 2007
A. Horváth and M. Telek: On the properties of acyclic bilateral phase type distributions, nternational Workshop on Tools for solving Structured Markov Chains, SMCtools, (Nantes, France), Oct. 2007, 2007
L. Bodrog, A. Heindl, G. Horváth, and M. Telek: A markovian canonical form of second-order matrix-exponential processes, European Journal of Operation Research, vol. 190, pp. 459-477, 2008
L. Bodrog, A. Horváth, and M. Telek: Moment characterization of matrix exponential and Markovian arrival processes, Annals of Operations Research, vol. 160, pp. 51-68, 2008
M. Gribaudo, D. Manini, B. Sericola, and M. Telek: Second order fluid models with general boundary behaviour, Annals of Operations Research, vol. 160, pp. 69-82, 2008
Fodor G, Telek M, Koutsimanis C: Performance analysis of scheduling and interference coordination policies for OFDMA networks, COMPUTER NETWORKS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORKING 52:(6) pp. 1252-1271, 2008
Horvath A, Horvath G, Telek M: A Joint Moments Based Analysis of Networks of MAP/MAP/1 Queues, QEST, (St Malo, France), pp. 125-134, IEEE CS, Sept. 2008, 2008
A. Bobbio, M. Gribaudo, and M. Telek: Analysis of large scale interacting systems by mean field method, QEST, (St Malo, France), pp. 215-224, IEEE CS, Sept. 2008., 2008
Z. Saffer and M. Telek: Stability of periodic polling system with BMAP arrivals, European Journal of Operational Research, 197: pp. 188-195., 2009
Z. Saffer and M. Telek,: Analysis of BMAP/G/1 vacation model of non-M/G/1-typ, EPEW, vol. 5261 of LNCS, (Mallorca, Spain), pp. 212-226, Springer,, 2008
Gabor Horvath, Miklos Telek: On the canonical representation of phase type distributions., PERFORMANCE EVALUATION 66:(8) pp. 396-409., 2009
András Horváth, Gábor Horváth, Miklós Telek: A traffic based decomposition of two-class queueing networks with priority service., COMPUTER NETWORKS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORKING 53:(8) pp. 1235-1248., 2009
A. Horváth, S. Rácz, and M. Telek,: Moments characterization of the class of order 3 matrix exponential distributions, 16th Int. Conf. on Analytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Applications (ASMTA), vol. 5513 of LNCS, (Madrid, Spain), pp. 174 - 188, Springer, 2009
Z. Saffer and M. Telek: Waiting time analysis of bmap vacation queue and its application to ieee 802.16e sleep mode,, 4th Int. Conf. on Queueing Theory and Network Applications (QTNA), (Singapore), pp. 1-8, July 2009, 2009
Z. Saffer and M. Telek: Unified analysis of BMAP/G/1 cyclic polling models, Queueing systems, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 69 - 102,, 2010
P. Reinecke, M. Telek, and K. Wolter: Reducing the cost of generating APH-distributed random numbers,, 15th Int. Conf. on Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems (MMB), LNCS, (Essen, Germany), Springer,, 2010
P. Reinecke, K. Wolter, L. Bodrog, and M. Telek: On the cost of generating PH-distributed random numbers, Int. Workshop on Performability Modeling of Computer and Communication Systems (PMCCS), (Eger, Hungary), 2009
A. Horváth, G. Horváth, and M. Telek: A joint moments based analysis of networks of MAP/MAP/1 queues, Performance Evaluation, vol. 67, pp. 759-778,, 2010
L. Bodrog, P. Buchholz, J. Kriege, and M. Telek: Canonical form based MAP(2) fitting, QEST, (Williamsburg, VI, USA), pp. 107-116, IEEE CPS, 2010
Z. Saffer and M. Telek: Closed form results for BMAP/G/1 vacation model with binomial type disciplines, Publicationes mathematicae Debrecen, 76/3, pp. 359-378,, 2010
Z. Saffer and M. Telek: Analysis of BMAP vacation queue and its application to IEEE 802.16e sleep mode, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 661-690, 2010
Y. Audzevich, L. Bodrog, M. Telek, and Y. Ofek: Packet loss minimization in load-balancing switch, ASMTA, vol. 6148 of LNCS, (Cardiff, UK), pp. 44-58, Springer, 2010

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