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Közleményjegyzék |
Mészáros I: Study of Phase Transformation in TRIP Steels, Gépészet 2010: Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Mechanical Engineering. Budapest, Magyarország, 2010.05.25-2010.05.26., 2010 | Mészáros I, T. Majoros: Stablein-Steinitz measurement set up modernization, Gépészet 2010: Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Mechanical Engineering. Budapest, Magyarország, 2010.05.25-2010.05.26., 2010 | I Mészáros, J Ginsztler: Magnetic Investigation of Creep and Thermal Shock Fatigue Processes, Pressure Vessels and Piping: Inspection and Life Management. 382 p. New Delhi: Narosa Publishing House, 2009. pp. 159-164., 2009 | I Mészáros: Mágneses mérések MBDE kiértékelése, VI. Roncsolásmentes Anyagvizsgáló Konferencia és Kiállítás; Eger, 2009. március 17-20., (CD- kiadvány) (2009), 2009 | I Mészáros: Magnetic detection of creep deterioration, MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM (ISSN: 0255-5476) megjelés alatt, 2010 | I Mészáros, G Vertesy: Modelling of normal magnetization curves of soft magnetic alloys, MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM (ISSN: 0255-5476) megjelés alatt, 2010 | I Mészáros: Modelling of magnetization curves of soft magnetic alloys, International Conference „Magnetism and Metallurgy WMM’10". Freiberg, Németország, 2010.06.09-2010.06.11. 2010., 2010 | I. Tomáš, G. Vértesy, J. Kadlecová: Influence of rate of change of magnetization processes on sensitivity of magnetic adaptive testing, J. Magn. Magn. Mater, 321 (2009) pp. 1019-1024, 2009 | I. Tomáš, G. Vértesy, S. Kobayashi, J. Kadlecová, O. Stupakov: Low Carbon Steel Samples Deformed by Cold Rolling – Analysis of the Magnetic Adaptive Testing, J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 321 (2009) 2670–2676, 2009 | G. Vértesy, S. Ueda, T. Uchimoto, T. Takagi, I. Tomáš: Evaluation of plastic deformation in steels by magnetic hysteresis measurements, Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, 4-6 November 2009, pp. 540-541., 2009 | G. Vértesy, T. Uchimoto, I. Tomáš, T. Takagi: Temperature dependence of magnetic descriptors of Magnetic Adaptive Testing, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 46 (2010) pp. 509-512., 2010 | G. Vértesy, I. Tomáš, S. Kobayashi: Nondestructive evaluation of low carbon steel by magnetic adaptive testing, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 25 (2010) pp. 125-132., 2010 | G. Vértesy, S. Ueda, T. Uchimoto, T. Takagi, I. Tomáš, Z. Vértesy: Evaluation of plastic deformation in steels by magnetic hysteresis measurements, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (XIII), Ed: T. Chady, IOS Press, 2010, pp. 133-139., 2010 | G. Vértesy, T. Uchimoto, I. Tomáš, T. Takagi: Nondestructive characterization of ductile cast iron by Magnetic Adaptive Testing, J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 322 (2010) pp. 3117-3121, 2010 | G. Vértesy, T. Uchimoto, T. Takagi, I. Tomáš: Nondestructive inspection of ductile cast iron by measurement of minor magnetic hysteresis loops, Mat.Sci.Forum, in press, 2010 | J. Takacs, Gy. Kovacs, L. K. Varga: The Steinmetz’s law in the light of the hyperbolic model of hysteresis, Journal of Magnetizn and Magnetic Materials (JMMM), under publication (Ref. No.: MAGMA-D-08-01495), 2010 | J. Takacs, Gy. Kovacs, L. K. Varga: The role of the external demagnetizing factor in determining the static characteristic loop, Journal of Magnetizn and Magnetic Materials (JMMM), under publication (Ref. No.: MAGMA-D-08-01150), 2010 | A. Kolano-Buriana, R. Kolanoa, Lajos K. Varga: Magnetically induced anisotropy in Co rich Finemet type nanocrystalline alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 483 (2009) 560–562, 2009 | L. K. Varga, Gy. Kovács, J. Takács: Minor loop scaling rules for Finemet type nanocrystalline cores, Transactions on Magnetics - Conferences (under publication), 2010 | G. Vértesy, T. Uchimoto, T. Takagi, I. Tomás: Magnetic Adaptive Testing: Influence of Experimental Conditions, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (X), Eds: S. Takahashi and H. Kikuchi, IOS Press, 2007, pp. 186-192, 2007 | G. Vértesy, I. Tomáš, S. Takahashi, S. Kobayashi, Y. Kamada, H. Kikuchi: Inspection of steel degradation by Magnetic Adaptive Testing, NDT & E International, Volume: 41, Issue: 4 (2008) pp: 252-257, 2008 | G.Vértesy, I.Tomá¹, I.Mészáros: Nondestructive indication of plastic deformation of cold-rolled stainless steel by magnetic adaptive testing, J. Magn. Magn. Mater, 310 (2007) 76-82., 2007 | G.Vértesy, I.Tomá¹, I.Mészáros: Investigation of experimental conditions in Magnetic Adaptive Testing, J. Magn. Magn. Mater, 310, pp. 76-82., 2007 | I. Mészáros: Complex magnetic characterisation of iron-silicon transformer sheets, J. of Electrical Engineering, Vol.57, No. 8/S, 2006. pp. 151-154. (ISSSN 1335-3632), 2006 | I.Mészáros: Development of a novel vibrating sample magnetometer, Materials Science Forum Vols. 537-538 (2007) pp. 413-417., 2006 | T. Berecz, P.J. Szabó, I.E. Sajó, I. Mészáros: Measuring of the amount of sigma-phase in isothermally aged duplex stainless steel, Fifth Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Budapest 25-26 may 2006, Proceedings (ISBN 963 593 465 3), 2006 | I. Mészáros: Magnetométeres mérések az anyagvizsgálatban, Bányászati és Kohászati Lapok 139.évf. 2006/5, pp.45-48., 2006 | I. Mészáros: Development of vibrating sample magnetometer for material testing, Fifth Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Budapest 25-26 may 2006, Proceedings (ISBN 963 593 465 3), 2006 | I. Mészáros: Rezgőmintás magnetométer alkalmazása az anyagvizsgálatban, 3. Anyagvizsgálat a gyakorlatban Szakmai Szeminárium (3. AGY), Tengelic, 2006. június 1-2, 2006 | I. Mészáros: Magnetométeres mérések műszaki alkalmazásai, XXII. Hőkezelő és Anyagtudomány a Gépgyártásban Konferencia, Balatonfüred, 2006. október 04-06. Konferencia kötet: , ISBN 963 86533 2 9, pp.103-107., 2006 | J. Takacs, Gy. Kovacs, L. K. Varga: The Commutation Curve and the Shape Factor, Physica B, under publication, 2010 | G.Vértesy, I.Tomáš, I.Mészáros: Optimization of Material Characterization by Adaptive Testing, Proceedings of ICSC 2006 (Fourth International Conference on Soft Computing Applied in Computer and Economic Environments, European Polytechnical Inst. Kunovice, pp.57-63, 2006 | G. Vértesy, T. Uchimoto, T. Takagi, I. Tomáš: Magnetic Adaptive Testing: Influence of Experimental Conditions, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (X), Eds: S. Takahashi and H. Kikuchi, IOS Press, 2007, pp. 186-192, 2007 | G. Vértesy, I. Tomáš, S. Takahashi, S. Kobayashi, Y. Kamada, H. Kikuchi: Inspection of steel degradation by Magnetic Adaptive Testing, accepted for publication in NDT & E International, 2007 | Varga L.K., Kovacs Gy.: Separation of Domain wall displacement and domain rotation contribution in the quasistatic hysteresis loop of Ultrasoft magnetic material, Accepted for Acta Physica Polonica CSMAG ’07 (2007), 2007 | J. Takacs, Gy. Kovacs and LK. Varga: Decomposition of the hysteresis loops of nanocrystalline alloys below and above the decoupling temperature, SMM18-Cardiff, 1-6 September, 2007, 2007 | L. K. Varga, Gy. Kovács and J. Takács: Anhysteretic and biased first magnetization curves for Finemet type toroidal samples, SMM18-Cardiff, 1-6 September, 2007, 2007 | G. Vértesy, I. Tomás, I. Mészaros: Non-destructive indication of plastic deformation of cold-rolled stainless steel by magnetic adaptive testing, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (JMMM) 310 (2007) 76-82, 2007 | G. Vértesy, I. Tomás, I. Mészaros: Investigation of experimental conditions in magnetic adaptive testing, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (JMMM), 314 (2007) pp. 65-70., 2007 | I. Meszaros and J. Ginsztler: Magnetic Investigation of creep and thermal shock fatigue process, Accepted for publication in “Pressure Vessels and Piping : Inspection and Life Management”, 2007 | J Dobranszky, T Sandor, I Meszaros, L Gyura: WELD POOL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ATIG-WELDED JOINTS, Duplex 2007 Int. Conference, 18-20 June 2007. Grado and Aquileia, Italy, 2007 | G. Vértesy, I. Tomas, I. Mészáros: Investigation of experimental conditions in magnetic adaptive testing, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (JMMM), 314 (2007) pp. 65-70., 2007 | G. Vértesy, I. Tomas, I. Mészáros: Non-destructive indication of plastic deformation of cold-rolled stainless steel by magnetic adaptive testing,, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (JMMM) 310 (2007) 76-82, 2007 | I. Meszaros and J. Ginsztler: Magnetic Investigation of creep and thermal shock fatigue process, Accepted for publication in the book “Pressure Vessels and Piping : Inspection and Life Management”, 2007 | J Dobranszky, T Sandor, I Meszaros, L Gyura: WELD POOL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ATIG-WELDED JOINTS, Duplex 2007 Int. Conference, 18-20 June 2007. Grado and Aquileia, Italy, 2007 | I. Mészáros: Rezgőmintás magnetométeres mérések az anyagvizsgálatban, Anyagok világa elektronikus folyóirat VII. évfolyam 1. szám, 2007. június (ISSN: 1586-0140), 2007 | I. Mészáros, G.Vértesy: Modeling of magnetization curves of soft magnetic iron-silicon and iron-nickel alloys, will be published in Journal of Magnetizm and Magnetic Materials, 2007 | J. Takacs, I. Mészáros: Separation of magnetic phases in alloys, will be published in Journal of Magnetizm and Magnetic Materials, JMMM, Ref. Number: MAGMA-D-07-0094), 2007 | I. Mészáros: Novel data evaluation technique for magnetic NDT measurements, 6th International Conference on NDE in Relation to Structural Integrity for Nuclear and Pressurised Components, 8 – 10 October 2007, Budapest. Proceedings CD., 2007 | I. Mészáros: Separation of magnetic phases in alloys, Hungarian Materials Science Conference (OAK6) 2007., 2007 | I. Mészáros: Hyperbolic model based data evaluation for magnetic NDT measurements, Hungarian Materials Science Conference (OAK6) 2007., 2007 | J.Dobránszky, J.Ginsztler: Microstructural stability of Duplex Stainless Steel Weldments, Materials Science Forum Vols. 561-565 (2007) pp. 2119-2122., 2007 | Vértesy G., Tomáš I., Kobayashi S., Kamada Y: Investigation of thermally aged samples by Magnetic Adaptive Testing, J. Electrical Eng., 59 (2008) pp. 82-86, 2008 | Ivan Tomáš, Gábor Vértesy, Jana Kadlecová: Influence of rate of change of magnetization processes on sensitivity of magnetic adaptive testing, accepted for publication, J. Magn. Magn. Mater, 2008 | G. Vértesy, I. Tomáš, S. Kobayashi: Nondestructive evaluation of low carbon steel by magnetic adaptive testing, accepted for publication in Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2008 | Ivan Tomáš, Gábor Vértesy, Satoru Kobayashi, Jana Kadlecová and Oleksandr Stupakov: Low Carbon Steel Samples Deformed by Cold Rolling – Analysis of the Magnetic Adaptive Testing, accepted for publication in J.Magn.Magn.Mater, 2008 | L.K. Varga, Gy. Kovács and J. Takács: Modeling the overlapping, simultaneous magnetization processes in ultrasoft nanocrystalline alloys, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 320 (2008) L26–L29, 2008 | Jenö Takács, Gy. Kovács, Lajos K. Varga: Decomposition of the hysteresis loops of nanocrystalline alloys below and above the decoupling temperature, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (2008) e1016–e1019, 2008 | L.K. Varga, Gy. Kovacs J. Takacs: Anhysteretic and biased first magnetization curves for Finemet-type toroidal samples, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (2008) e814–e818, 2008 | Aleksandra Kolano-Burian, Roman Kolano, Jan Szynowski, Lajos K. Varga: Induced magnetic anisotropy in Co-doped Finemet-type nanocrystalline materials, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (2008) e758–e761, 2008 | Varga L.K., Kovacs Gy.: Separation of Domain wall displacement and domain rotation contribution in the quasistatic hysteresis loop of Ultrasoft magnetic material, Acta Physica Polonica A vol. 113, (2008) 159-162., 2008 | J. Takacs, I. Mészáros: Separation of magnetic phases in alloys, Physica B. 403 (2008) pp. 3137-3140, 2008 | I. Mészáros: Novel data evaluation technique for magnetic NDT measurements, 6th International Conference on NDE in Relation to Structural Integrity for Nuclear and Pressurised Components, 8-10 October 2007, Budapest, 2008 | T.Berecz, I.Mészáros, P.J.Szabó: Decomposition of the Ferritic Phase in Isothermally Aged SAF 2507 Duplex Stainless Steel, Materials Science Forum Vol. 589 (2008) pp 185-190, 2008 | I. Mészáros: Decomposition of magnetic phases in alloys, Materials Science Forum Vol. 589 (2008) pp 245-250, 2008 | I. Mészáros: Hyperbolic model based data evaluation for magnetic NDT measurements, Materials Science Forum Vol. 589 (2008) pp 251-256, 2008 | I. Mészáros: Novel magnetic NDT measurement for remnant life estimation of power plant steels, Conference on Engineering Failure Analysis 2008. (ICEFA-III), 2008 | I. Mészáros: TRIP acélok fázisátalakulásainak mágneses vizsgálata, 6th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering (Gépészet 2008), 2008 | I. Mészáros: Ötvözetek mágneses tulajdonságú fázisainak vizsgálata a hiperbolikus modell alkalmazásával, Anyagvizsgálat a Gyakorlatban (AGY) 4, Szakmai szeminárium, 2008 | I. Mészáros: Magnetic characterization of phase transformations in TRIP steels, Journal of Electrical Engineering, VOL 59. NO 7/s, 2008, pp. 86-89, 2008 |





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