Molecular interactions of ErbB receptor tyrosine kinases as potential therapy targets
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Zsebik, B., Citri, A., Isola, J., Yarden, Y., Szöllősi, J. és Vereb, G.: Hsp90 inhibitor 17-AAG reduces ErbB2 levels and inhibits proliferation of the trastuzumab resistant breast tumor cell line JIMT-1., Immunol Lett 104: 146-55, 2006 | Nagy, P., Vereb, G., Damjanovich, S., Mátyus, L. és Szöllősi, J: Measuring FRET in flow cytometry and microscopy, pp. 12.8.1-13 in: Current Protocols in Cytometry suppl. 38., 2006 | Szöllősi, J., Damjanovich, S., Nagy, P., Vereb, G. és Mátyus, L.: Principles of resonance energy transfer, pp. 1.12.1-16 in: Current Protocols in Cytometry suppl. 38., 2006 | Kakuk, A., Friedlander, E., Vereb G,, Kasa, A., Balla, A., Balla, T, Heilmeyer, LM, Jr., Gergely, P., Vereb, G.: Nucleolar localization of phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase PI4K230 in various mammalian cells, Cytometry A 69(12):1174-83, 2006 | Barok M, Isola J, Palyi-Krekk Z, Nagy P, Juhasz I, Vereb G, sr., Kauraniemi P, Kapanen A, Tanner M, Vereb G and others: Trastuzumab causes antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity-mediated growth inhibition of submacroscopic JIMT-1 breast cancer xenografts despite intrinsic drug resistance, Mol Cancer Ther; 6(7):2065-72., 2007 | Zsebik, B., Symonowicz, K., Saleh, Y., Ziolkowski, P., Bronowicz, A. és Vereb, G.: Photodynamic therapy combined with a cysteine proteinase inhibitor synergistically decrease VEGF production and promote tumour necrosis in a rat mammary carcinoma., Cell Prolif 40: 38-49, 2007 | Vereb G, Ujlaky-Nagy L, Friedländer E, Vámosi G, Szöllõsi J.: Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy of Living Cells, Mendez-Vilas A, Labajos-Broncano L, editors. Modern Research and Educational Topics in Microscopy. Volume 2, p 848-54, Formatex Microscopy Book Series 3. Badajoz, Spain, 2007 | Friedländer E, Barok M, Szöllősi J, Vereb G.: ErbB-directed immunotherapy: Antibodies in current practice and promising new agents, Immunol Lett;116:126-140., 2008 | Barok M, Balázs M, Nagy P, Rákosy Z, Treszl A, Tóth E, Juhász I, Park JW, Isola J, Vereb G, Szöllősi J: Trastuzumab decreases the number of circulating and disseminated tumor cells despite trastuzumab resistance of the primary tumor, Cancer Lett 260(1-2):198-208., 2008 | Fazekas Z, Petrás M, Fábián Á, Pályi-Krekk Z, Nagy P, Damjanovich S, Vereb G, Szöllősi J.: Two-sided fluorescence resonance energy transfer for assessing molecular interactions of up to three distinct species in confocal microscopy, Cytometry A 73(3):209-19., 2008 | Kakuk A, Friedländer E, Vereb G, Jr., Lisboa D, Bagossi P, Toth G, Gergely P, Vereb G.: Nuclear and nucleolar localization signals and their targeting function in phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase PI4K230, Exp Cell Res 314(13):2376-88., 2008 | Roszik J, Szöllősi J, Vereb G.: AccPbFRET: an ImageJ plugin for semi-automatic, fully corrected analysis of acceptor photobleaching FRET images, BMC Bioinformatics 9(1):346., 2008 | Petrás M, Lajtos T, Pintye E, Feuerstein BG, Szöllõsi J, Vereb G.: Significance of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in the Radiation Resistance of Glioblastoma Tumors, Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems. Volume CP 1080: American Institute of Physics p 204-217. ISBN 978-0-7354-0611-7/08, 2008 | Fábián A, Barok M, Vereb G, Szöllősi J.: Die hard: are cancer stem cells the Bruce Willises of tumor biology?, Cytometry A 75(1):67-74., 2009 | Roszik J, Lisboa D, Szöllősi J, Vereb G.: Evaluation of intensity-based ratiometric FRET in image cytometry--approaches and a software solution, Cytometry A 75:761-7, 2009 | Vámosi, G. Damjanovich, S. Szöllõsi, J. Vereb, G.: Measurement of molecular mobility with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, Curr Protoc Cytom Chapter 2 Unit2 15, 2009 | Vereb, G. Matkó, J. Szöllõsi, J.: Cytometry of fluorescence resonance energy transfer, Essential Cytometry Methods 75:55-108, 2009 | Barok, M. Balázs, M. Lázár, V. Rákosy, Z. Tóth, E. Treszl, A. Vereb, G. Colbern, G. T. Park, J. W. Szöllõsi, J.: Characterization of a novel, trastuzumab resistant human breast cancer cell line, Front Biosci (Elite Ed) 2:627-40, 2010 | Szöõr, Á., Szöllõsi, J., Vereb, G.: Rafts and the battleships of defense: The multifaceted microdomains for positive and negative signals in immune cells, Immunol Lett 130:2-12., 2010 | Ujlaky-Nagy, L., Szõör, Á., Szöllõsi, J., Vereb, G.: Low Amounts of EGF-Bound ErbB1 Induce Raft-Associated Higher Order Aggregation and Internalization of ErbB2 - A Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Study, Cyoto2010 Seattle, WA, Lecture 67/ p. 131, 2010 | Vereb, G., Petrás, M., Lajtos, T., Klekner, Á., Pintye, É., Feuerstein, B.G., Szöllõsi, J.: The ErbB1/EGFR - Integrin Beta 1 Axis: Evidence for Increased Molecular Association in Higher Grade Clinical Glioma Samples Leading to Enhanced Akt Activation and Improved Radiation Resistance, Cyoto2010 Seattle, WA, Lecture 69, p.132, 2010 | Lisboa, D., Tóth, G., Szöllősi, J., Vereb, G.: Characterization of an ErbB2-TEToff repressible cell line as a possible model for testing ErbB2 targeted therapies, Cyoto2010 Seattle, WA, Poster 260 / p. 237, 2010 | Lisboa, D., Domingo, B., Picazo, F., Llopis, J., Szöllősi, J., Vereb, G.: Fixation affects Fluorescent Proteins’ spectroscopic properties and renders FRET measurements unreliable, Cyoto2010 Seattle, WA, Poster 111 / p. 180, 2010 |




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