Mössbauer spectroscopic, magnetic and x-ray diffraction studies of some perovskite and spinel materials possessing magnetoresistivity
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Nemeth Z, Kuzmann E, Vertes A, Homonnay Z, Klencsar Z, Greneche JM, Hakl J, Vad K, Meszaros S, Lackner B, Kellner K, Gritzner G: Fe-57 and Eu-151 Mössbauer studies of magnetoresistive europium based cobalt perovskites, Hyperfine Interactions 169(1-3): 1241–1246, 2006 | Németh Z, Klencsár Z, Kuzmann E, Homonnay Z, Vértes A, Greneche JM K, Bódogh M: Relaxation of magnetic clusters in Sr and Fe doped cobaltate perovskites, Hyperfine Interactions 184(1-3): 63–68, 2008 | Kovács K; Kuzmann E; Fodor F; Cseh E; Homonnay Z; Vértes A: Mössbauer investigation of iron uptake in wheat., Hyperfine Interactions 185:63-67., 2008 | Kovács K; Kuzmann E; Fodor F; Homonnay Z; Vértes A; Gunneriusson L; Sandström A: Mössbauer study of synthetic jarosites, Hyperfine Interactions 186:69-73., 2008 | Kuzmann E, Szalay R, Vértes A, Homonnay Z, Pápai I, de Chatel P, Klencsár Z, Szepes L: Observation and interpretation of 157.5 T internal magnetic field in Fe[C(SiMe3)3]2 coordination compound, Structural Chemistry 20:453-460, 2009 | Kamnev A A, Grigoryeva O P, Kuzmann E, Vértes A: Mössbauer spectroscopic study of sulphonated poly(ether-urethane) linear ionoömer doped with iron species, Hyperfine Interactions 190:95-100, 2009 | Kovács K; Kuzmann E; Tatár E; Vértes A; Fodor F: Investigation of iron pools in cucumber roots by Mössbauer spectroscopy: direct evidence for the Strategy I iron uptake mechanism, Planta 229:271-278., 2009 | Kovács K; Kuzmann E; Vértes A; Lévai L; Cseh E; Fodor F: Effect of cadmium on iron uptake in cucumber roots: a Mössbauer-spectroscopic study, Plant and Soil közlésre elfogadva, 2009 | Klencsár Z, Németh Z, Kuzmann E, Homonnay Z, Vértes A, Hakl J, Vad K, Mészáros S, Simopoulos A, Devlin E, Kallias G, Greneche JM, Cziráki Á, De SK: The role of iron in the formation of the magnetic structure and related properties of La0.8Sr0.2Co1-xFexO3 (x = 0.15, 0.2, 0.3), Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320: 651–661, 2007 | Hakl J, de Chatel F P, Mészáros S, Vad K, Klencsár Z, Németh Z, Kuzmann E, Homonnay Z, Vértes A, Simopoulos A, Devlin E, Aoki Y, Konno H, De S K: Electronic transport and magnetic properties of the perovskites La0.8Sr0.2Co1-xFexO3; x <= 0.3, Solid State Sciences 11: 852–860, 2009 | Kovács K; Kamnev A A; Mink J; Németh Cs; Kuzmann E; Megyes T; Grósz T; Medzihradszky-Schweiger H; Vértes A: Mössbauer, vibrational spectroscopic and solution X-ray diffraction studies of the structure of iron(III) complexes formed with indole-3-alkanoic acids in acidic aqueous solutions, Structural Chemistry 17: 105-120., 2006 | Kamnev A A, Kovács K, Kuzmann E, Vértes A: Application of Mössbauer specroscopy for studying chemical effects of environmental factors on microbial signalling: Redox processes involving iron(III) and some microbial autoinducer molecules, Journal of Molecular Structure 131-137: 924-926., 2009 | Németh Z, Homonnay Z, Árva F, Klencsár Z, Kuzmann E, Vértes A, Hakl J, Mészáros S, Vad K, de Châtel PF, Gritzner G, Aoki Y, Konno H, Greneche JM: Response of La0.8Sr0.2CoO3−δ to perturbations on the CoO3 sublattice, European Physical Journal B 57: 257-263, 2007 | Gunneriusson L; Sandström A; Holmgren A; Kuzmann E; Kovács K; Vértes A: Jarosite inclusion of fluoride and its potential significance to bioleaching of sulphide minerals, Hydrometallurgy 96:108-116., 2009 | Kovács K; Sharma V K; Kamnev A A; Kuzmann E; Homonnay Z; Vértes A: Water and time dependent interaction of iron(III) with indole-3-acetic acid, Structural Chemistry 19:109-114., 2008 | Németh Z, Homonnay Z, Árva F,Klencsár Z, Kuzmann E, Hakl J, Vad K, Mészáros S, Kellner K, Gritzner G, Vértes A: Mössbauer and magnetic studies of La0.8Sr0.2CoO3-d CMR perovskite, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 271(1): 11–17, 2007 |




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