Simulation study of ionic and polar molecular systems in the presence of dielectric boundaries applying Dirichlet boundary condition
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D. Boda, M. Valiskó, B. Eisenberg, W. Nonner, D. Henderson, D. Gillespie: Combined effect of pore radius and protein dielectric coefficient on the selectivity of a calcium channel, Journal of Chemical Physics, 125, 034901, 2006 | T. Kristóf, É. Csányi, G. Rutkai, L. Merényi: Prediction of adsorption equilibria of water–methanol mixtures in zeolite NaA by molecular simulation, Molecular Simulation 32, 869., 2006 | T. Nagy, D. Henderson, D. Boda: Monte Carlo simulation of absorption of ions into a dielectric cylinderical nanopore, 17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA 2006), Prague, Czech Republic, August 27-31, 2006 | D. Boda, M. Valiskó, B. Eisenberg, W. Nonner, D. Henderson, D. Gillespie: Combined effect of pore radius and protein dielectric coefficient on the selectivity of a calcium channel, Physical Review Letters, 98, 168102., 2007 | D. Boda, W. Nonner, M. Valiskó, D. Henderson, B. Eisenberg, D. Gillespie: Steric selectivity in Na channels arising from protein polarization and mobile side chains, Biophysical Journal, 93, 1960-1980., 2007 | M. Valiskó, D. Gillespie, D. Boda: Selective adsorption of ions with different diameter and valence at highly-charged interfaces, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111, 15575-15585., 2007 | D. di Caprio, M. Valiskó, M. Holovko, D. Boda: Simple extension of a field theory approach for the description of the double layer accounting for excluded volume effects, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111, 15700-15705., 2007 | T. Kristóf, G. Rutkai: Chemical potential calculations by thermodynamic integration with separation shifting in adaptive sampling Monte Carlo simulations, Chemical Physics Letters, 445, 74., 2007 | D. Boda, W. Nonner, D. Henderson, B. Eisenberg, D. Gillespie: Volume exclusion in calcium selective channels, Biophysical Journal, 94, 3486-3496., 2008 | A. Malasics, D. Gillespie, D. Boda: Simulating prescribed particle densities in the grand canonical ensemble using iterative algorithms, Journal of Chemical Physics, 128 , 124102., 2008 | D. Gillespie, D. Boda, Y. He, P. Apel, Z. S. Siwy: Synthetic nanopores as a test case for ion channel theories: The anomalous mole fraction effect without single filing, Biophysical Journal, 95, 609-619., 2008 | D. Gillespie, D. Boda: The anomalous mole fraction effect in calcium channels: A measure of preferential selectivity, Biophysical Journal, 95, 2658-2672., 2008 | T. Nagy, D. Henderson, M. Valiskó, D. Boda: The behavior of 2:1 and 3:1 electrolytes at polarizable interfaces, 59th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Sevilla, Spain, Sep 7-12, 2008, 2008 | A. Malasics, D. Gillespie, D. Boda: Iterative grand canonical Monte Carlo algorithms to compute chemical potentials for prescribed densities, 59th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Sevilla, Spain, Sep 7-12, 2008, 2008 | M. Valiskó, D. Gillespie, B. Eisenberg, W. Nonner, D. Henderson, D. Boda: Competition of steric repulsion and electrostatic attraction determines the selectivity of Calcium channels, 7th Liquid Matter Conference, Lund, Sweden, June 27- July 1, 2008, 2008 | A. Malasics, D. Gillespie, D. Boda: Iterative grand canonical Monte Carlo algorithms to compute chemical potentials for prescribed densities, 7th Liquid Matter Conference, Lund, Sweden, June 27- July 1, 2008, 2008 | D. Boda, M. Valiskó, B. Eisenberg, Z. Siwy, W. Nonner, D. Henderson, D. Gillespie: Coupling the Nernst-Planck equation to Monte Carlo simulations to explain selectivity in Ca channels and in charged pores in plastic, Joint Northwest and Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Park City, USA, June 15-18, 2008, 2008 | G. Rutkai, T. Kristóf: Molecular simulation study of intercalation of small molecules in kaolinite, Chemical Physics Letters, 462, 269-274., 2008 | G. Rutkai, É. Csányi, T. Kristóf: Prediction of adsorption and separation of water-alcohol mixtures with zeolite NaA, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 114, 455-464., 2008 | D. Boda: Double layers are everywhere, Workshop "Nanostructures in biology and physics", Wolfgang Pauli Institute in Vienna, Austria, July 21-25, 2008, 2008 | D. Boda, M. Valiskó, D. Henderson, D. Gillespie, B. Eisenberg, M. K. Gilson: Ions and inhibitors in the binding site of HIV protease: Comparison of Monte Carlo simulations and the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann theory, Biophysical Journal, 96, 1293-1306, 2009 | D. Boda, M. Valiskó, D. Henderson, B. Eisenberg, D. Gillespie, W. Nonner: Ionic selectivity in L-type calcium channels by electrostatics and hard-core repulsion, Journal of General Physiology, 133, 497-509, 2009 | Y. He, D. Gillespie, D. Boda, I. Vlassiouk, R. S. Eisenberg, Z. S. Siwy: Tuning transport properties of nanofluidic devices with local charge inversion, Journal of American Chemical Society, 131, 5194-5202, 2009 | D. Henderson, D. Boda: Insights from theory and simulation on the electrical double layer, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 11, 3822-3830, 2009 | G. Rutkai, É. Makó, T. Kristóf: Simulation and experimental study of intercalation of urea in kaolinite, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 334, 65-69, 2009 |




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