Regulation of H+ and HCO3-Transporters in Human Pancreatic Duct Cells
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Ignáth I, Venglovecz V, Ózsvári B, Rakonczay Z Jr, Takács T, Lonovics J, Borka K, Schaf Z, Tóth A, Varró A, Sahin-Tóth M and Hegyi P: The effects of trypsin on pancreatic ductal epithelia, Z Gastroenterol, 2006 | Hegyi P, Venglovecz V, Ignáth I, Ózsvári B, Takács T, Lonovics J, Varró A, Rakonczay Z Jr: Measurement of intracellular pH: differences between microspectrofluorimetric and imaging systems, Z Gastroenterol, 2006 | Venglovecz V, Ózsvári B, Ignáth I, Rakonczay Z Jr, Takács T, Lonovics J, Varró A, Hegyi P: Bile acids cause acidification and Ca2+ signaling in guinea pig pancreatic duct cells, Z Gastroenterol, 2006 | Ignáth I, Venglovecz V, Ózsvári B, Rakonczay Z Jr, Takács T, Lonovics J, Borka K, Schaf Z, Tóth A, Varró A, Sahin-Tóth M, Hegyi P: Localization and functional characterization of par-2 receptor in guinea pig pancreatic duct cells, Pancreatology, 2006 | Hegyi P, Venglovecz V, Ignáth I, Ózsvári B, Takács T, Lonovics J, Varró A, Rakonczay Z: Real-time intracellular pH measurement: the advantage of imaging systems, Pancreatology, 2006 | Rakonczay Z Jr, P. Hegyi, M. Hasegawa, M. Inoue, J. You, A. Iida, I. Ignáth, E.W.F.W. Alton, Griesenbach U, Óvári G, Da Paula AC, Varga G, Amaral MD, Argent BE, Gray MA: CFTR gene transfer to human cystic fibrosis pancreatic duct cells upregulates apical Cl-/HCO3- exchange activity, Pancreas, 2006 | Venglovecz V, Ózsvári B, Ignáth I, Rakonczay Z Jr, Takács T, Lonovics J, Varró A, Hegyi P: The effect of bile acids on pancreatic ductal epithelia, Pancreas, 2006 | Ignáth I, Venglovecz V, Ózsvári B, Rakonczay Z Jr, Ördög B, Takács T, Lonovics J, Boldogkői Z, Tóth A, Varró A, Hegyi P: The effect of virus infection on pancreatic duct cell secretion, Pancreas, 2006 | Hegyi P, Ózsvári B, Ignáth I, Venglovecz V, Rakonczay Z Jr, Takács T, Borka K, Schaff Z, Papp G, Tóth A, Varró A, Sahin-Tóth M, Lonovics J: The effects of trypsin on pancreatic PAR-2 receptors, Pancreas, 2006 | Kovács M, Rakonczay Z Jr, Ördögh B, Takács T, Lonovics J, Varró A, Tóth A, Papp G, Gray MA, Argent BE, Boldogkői Z, Hegyi P: A novel possibility for gene transfer into the duct cells using non-replicating pseudorabies virus variants, Gastroenterology, 2006 | Venglovecz V, Rakonczay Z Jr, Ördögh B, Takács T, Lonovics J, Szabolcs A, Varró A, Tóth A, Papp G, Gray MA, Argent BE, Boldogkői Z, Hegyi P: Pseudorabies virus infection stimulates pancreatic ductal HCO3-secretion, Gastroenterology, 2006 | Rakonczay Z Jr, Hegyi P, Hasegawa M, Inoue M, Ignath I, Alton EWFW, Griesenbach U, Ovari G, Vag J, Varga G, Takacs T, Lonovics J, Argent BE and Gray MA: CFTR gene transfer to human cystic fibrosis pancreatic duct cells using a Sendai virus vector, Z Gastroenterol, 2007 | Venglovecz V, Rakonczay Z Jr, Maleth J, Nagy L, Ozsvari B, Takacs T, Lonovics J, Varro A, Gray A M, Argent BE, Hegyi P: The non-conjugated chenodeoxycholate stimulates the luminal Cl-/HCO3- exchanger via IP3-mediated Ca2+-signalling in guinea pig pancreatic ducts, Z Gastroenterol, 2007 | Ignath I, Rakonczay Z Jr, Takacs T, Schnur A, Venglovecz V, Szepes A, Szepes Z, Czako L, Tiszai A, Rosztoczy A, Molnar T, Izbeki F, Lonovics J, Varro A and Hegyi P: Characterization of acid/base transporters in parietal cells isolated from human gastric biopsy samples, Z Gastroenterol, 2007 | Schnur A, Hegyi P, Venglovecz V, Rakonczay Z Jr, Ignath I, Takacs T, Lonovics J, Varro A, Varro A and Dockray G: Functional characterization of the H+/K+ ATPase in wild type and gastrin knock-out mice, Z Gastroenterol, 2007 | Szekely C, Rakonczay Z Jr, Fearn A, Hegyi A, Boros I, Takacs T, Lonovics J, Gray AM, Argent BE: Differences in HCO3-/CO2 permeabilities at the apical and basolateral membranes of cystic fibrosis human pancreatic duct cells, Z Gastroenterol, 2007 | Rakonczay Z Jr, Hegyi P, Hasegawa M, Inoue M, You J, Iida A, Ignáth I, Alton EWFW, Griesenbach U, Óvári G, Da Paula AC, Varga G, Amaral MD, Lonovics J, Argent BE, Gray MA: CFTR expression but not CFTR Cl- transport modulates apical anion exchange activity in human cystic fibrosis pancreatic duct cells, Pancreatology, 2007 | Venglovecz V, Rakonczay Z Jr, Maléth J, Nagy L, Ózsvári B, Takács T, Lonovics J, Varró A, Gray MA, Argent BE, Hegyi P: IP3-dependent Ca2+-signalling mediates the stimulatory effect of bile acids on pancreatic ductal bicarbonate secretion, Pancreatology, 2007 | Hegyi P, Venglovecz V, Ozsvari B, Takacs T, Lonovics J, Varro A, Rakonczay Z: Differential effects of bile acids on pancreatic ductal bicarbonate secretion, Pancreas, 2007 | Maleth J, Venglovecz V, Rakonczay Z Jr, Nagy L, Ozsvari B, Takacs T, Lonovics J, Toth A, Varro A, Gray MA, Argent BE, Hegyi P: Dual effects of bile acids on guinea pig pancreatic ductal bicarbonate secretion, Z Gastroenterol, 2007 | Hegyi P, Rakonczay Z Jr, Farkas K, Venglovecz V, Ózsvári B, Seidler U, Gray MA, Argent BE: Controversies in the role of SLC26 anion exchangers in pancreatic ductal bicarbonate secretion, Pancreas 37:232-4, 2008 | Takács T, Szabolcs A, Hegyi P, Rakonczay Z Jr, Farkas G: Az akut pancreatitis diagnosztikus és terápiás elveinek változása a klinikai gyakorlatban. Egy regionális belgyógyászati és sebészeti centrum adatainak epidemiológiai analízise, Orv Hetil 149: 645–654, 2008 | Takács T, Szabolcs A, Biczó G, Hegyi P, Rakonczay Z: A kísérletes akut pancreatitismodellek klinikai relevanciája, Orv Hetil 149: 1981-6, 2008 | Hegyi P, Takács T, Rakonczay Z Jr: Lansoprazol az oxidatív stressz elleni védelemben. Experimentális adatok, LAM 18: 55-58, 2008 | Biczó G, Hegyi P, Dósa S, Iványi B, Jármay K, Hracskó Z, Varga I, Varró A, Lonovics J, Gukovsky I, Gukovskaya A, Pandol S, Takács T, Rakonczay Jr Z: Characterization of a new acute necrotizing pancreatitis model induced by L-ornithine, Z Gastroenterol 46:488, 2008 | Czepán M, Ózsvári B, Ignáth I, Márki-Zay J, Lonovics J, Takács T, Lázár G, Tiszlavicz L, Varró A, Wittmann T, Rakonczay Z: The bioactivity of multidrug resistance transporter proteins is increased in human esophagus cancer-derived myofibroblasts, Z Gastroenterol 46:490, 2008 | Farkas K, Rakonczay Jr Z, Nagy F, Molnár T, Szepes Z, Varga L, Schnúr A, Legány N, Takács T, Wittmann T, Seidler U, Hegyi P: Investigation of Na+/H+ exchanger activity in normal and inflamed human colonic epithelial cells, Z Gastroenterol 46:491, 2008 | Ignáth I, Hegyi P, Székely C, Hasewaga M, Inoue M, Alton E, Griesenbach U, Takács T, Lonovics J, Varró A, Argent B, Gray M, Rakonczay Jr Z: The effect of bile acids on human pancreatic duct cells, Z Gastroenterol 46:496, 2008 | Szabolcs A, Biczó G, Rakonczay Z, Tiszlavicz L, Csorba Z, Wittmann T, Takács T: Beneficial effect of bortezomib pre-treatment on cholecystokinin-octapeptide-(CCK-8)-induced experimental pancreatitis, Z Gastroenterol 46:512, 2008 | Venglovecz V, Hegyi P, Rakonczay Z, Argent BE, Gray MA: Effect of bile acids on ion conductances in native pancreatic duct cells, Pancreatology 8: 289, 2008 | Biczó Gy, Hegyi P, Dósa S, Berczi S, Iványi B, Karg E, Kaszaki J, Takács T, Varró A, Gukovksy I, Gukovskaya AS, Pandol SJ, Rakonczay Jr Z: L-ornithine is involved in the pathogenesis of L-arginine-induced experimental acute pancreatitis, Pancreatology 8: 295, 2008 | Rakonczay Jr Z, Biczó G, Dósa S, Iványi B, Sinervirta R, Alhonen L, Jármay K, Hracskó Z, Varga IS, Kaszaki J, Takács T, Lonovics J, Varró A, Gukovsky I, Gukovskaya AS, Pandol SJ, Hegyi P: Characterization of L-ornithine-induced acute necrotizing pancreatitis in rats, Pancreatology 8: 295, 2008 | Ignáth I, Hegyi P, Székely C, Hasegawa M, Inoue M, Alton EWFW, Griesenbach U, Takács T, Lonovics J, Varró A, Argent BE, Gray MA, Rakonczay Jr Z: Differential effects of bile acids on human pancreatic duct cells, Pancreatology 8: 311, 2008 | Rakonczay Jr Z, Hegyi P, Biczó G, Dósa S, Iványi B, Sinervirta R, Alhonen L, Jármay K, Hracskó Z, Varga IS, Kaszaki J, Lonovics J, Varró A, Gukovsky I, Gukovskaya AS, Pandol SJ, Takács T: Intraperitoneal injection of L-ornithine induces acute necrotizing pancreatitis in rats, Gut 57(Suppl. II): A89, 2008 | Szabolcs A, Biczó G, Rakonczay Z, Tiszlavicz L, Csorba Z, Wittmann T, Takács T: Beneficial effect of bortezomib pre-treatment on cholecystokinin-octapeptide-(CCK-8)-induced experimental pancreatitis, Pancreatology 8: 288, 2008 | Hegyi P, Ózsvári B, Venglovecz V, Takács T, Lonovics J, Borka K, Schaff Z, Pallagi P, Sahin-Tóth M, Rakonczay Jr Z: The effects of trypsin and PAR-2-activating peptide on intracellular calcium of pancreatic duct cells, Gut 57(Suppl. II): A89, 2008 | Venglovecz V, Hegyi P, Rakonczay Z, Argent BE, Gray MA: Effect of chenodeoxycholate on ion conductances in native pancreatic duct cells, Gut 57(Suppl. II): A168, 2008 | Farkas K, Rakonczay Jr Z, Molnár T, Nagy F, Szepes Z, Wittmann T, Varga L, Cinar A, Riederer B, Schröder K, Bonhagen J, Seidler U, Hegyi P: EFunctional characterization of Na+/H+ exchangers in normal and inflamed human colonic epithelial cells, Gut 57(Suppl. II): A333, 2008 | Szabolcs A, Biczó G, Rakonczay Z, Tiszlavicz L, Wittmann T, Takács T: Beneficial effect of bortezomib pre-treatment on cholecystokinin-actapeptide-(CCK-8)-induced experimental pancreatitis, Gut 57(Suppl. II): A398, 2008 | Rakonczay Jr Z, Hegyi P, Biczó G, Dósa S, Iványi B, Hracskó Z, Varga IS, Gukovsky I, Gukovskaya AS, Pandol SJ, Wittmann T, Takács T: L-ornithine induces acute necrotizing pancreatitis in rats, Pancreas 37: 491, 2008 | Hegyi P, Pallagi P, Takács T, Venglovecz V, Lonovics J, Wittmann T, Borka K, Sahin-Tóth M, Rakonczay Jr Z: Trypsin inhibits pancreatic ductal bicarbonate secretion via protease-activated receptor 2, Pancreas 37: 474, 2008 | Rakonczay Z Jr, Hegyi P, Hasegawa M, Inoue M, You J, Iida A, Ignáth I, Alton EW, Griesenbach U, Óvári G, Vág J, Da Paula AC, Crawford RM, Varga G, Amaral MD, Mehta A, Lonovics J, Argent BE, Gray MA: CFTR gene transfer to human cystic fibrosis pancreatic duct cells using a sendai virus vector, J Cell Physiol 214:442-455, 2008 | Venglovecz V, Rakonczay Z Jr, Ózsvári B, Takács T, Lonovics J, Varró A, Gray MA, Argent BE, Hegyi P: Differential effects of bile acids on pancreatic ductal bicarbonate secretion in guinea pig, Gut 57:1102-12, 2008 | Hegyi P, Rakonczay Z Jr: The inhibitory pathways of pancreatic ductal bicarbonate secretion, Int J Biochem Cell Biol 39:25-30, 2007 | Tóth-Molnár E, Venglovecz V, Ózsvári B, Rakonczay Z Jr, Varró A, Tóth A, Papp JG, Lonovics J, Takács T, Ignáth I, Iványi B, Hegyi P: A new experimental method to study the acid/base transporters and their regulation in lacrimal gland ductal epithelia, Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 48:3746-3755, 2007 | Hegyi P, Rakonczay Z Jr, Farkas K, Venglovecz V, Ózsvári B, Seidler U, Gray MA, Argent BE: Controversies in the role of SLC26 anion exchangers in pancreatic ductal bicarbonate secretion, Pancreas 37:232-4, 2008 | Rakonczay Z Jr, Hegyi P, Takács T, McCarroll J, Saluja AK: The role of NF-kB activation in the pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis, Gut 57:259-267, 2008 | Rakonczay Z Jr, Hegyi P, Dósa S, Iványi B, Jármay K, Biczó G, Hracskó Z, Varga IS, Karg E, Kaszaki J, Varró A, Lonovics J, Boros I, Gukovsky I, Gukovskaya AS, Pandol SJ, Takács T: A new severe acute necrotizing pancreatitis model induced by L-ornithine in rats, Crit Care Med 36:2117-27, 2008 | Czakó L, Szabolcs A, Vajda Á, Csáti S, Venglovecz V, Rakonczay Z Jr, Hegyi P, Tiszlavicz L, Csont T, Pósa A, Berkó A, Varga C, Varga IS, Boros I, Lonovics J: Hyperlipidemia induced by a cholesterol-rich diet aggravates necrotizing pancreatitis in rats, Eur J Pharmacol 572:74-81, 2007 | Czakó L, Hegyi P, Rakonczay Z Jr, Wittmann T, Otsuki M: Interactions between the endocrine and exocrin pancreas and its clinical relevance, Pancreatology (in press), 2009 | Hofner P, Balog A, Gyulai Z, Farkas G, Rakonczay Z, Takács T, Mándi Y: Polymorphism in the IL-8 gene, but not in the TLR4 gene, increases the severity of acute pancreatitis, Pancreatology 6:542-548, 2006 |





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