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Weisz, F.: Some convergence theorems for Gabor series, Pure Mathematics and Applications 17, 539-553, 2007 | Weisz, F.: Inversion of the short-time Fourier transform using Riemannian sums, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 13, 357-368, 2007 | Weisz, F.: Multiplier theorems for the short-time Fourier transform, Integr. Equ. Oper. Theory. 60, 133-149, 2008 | Weisz, F.: Strong $\theta$-summability of multi-dimensional Fourier transforms, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 74, 207-228, 2008 | Weisz, F.: Strong Marcinkiewicz summability of multi-dimensional Fourier series, Annales. Univ. Sci. Budapest., Sect. Comp. 29, 297-317, 2008 | Weisz, F.: Herz spaces and restricted summability of Fourier transforms and Fourier series, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 344, 42-54, 2008 | Weisz, F.: Wiener amalgams, Hardy spaces and summability of Fourier series, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 145, 419-442, 2008 | Weisz, F.: Walsh-Lebesgue points of multi-dimensional functions, Anal. Math. 34, 307-324, 2008 | Weisz, F.: Summability of Walsh-Fourier series and the dyadic derivative, Chapter 9, in Walsh and Dyadic Analysis, 2007 | Weisz, F.: Lebesgue points of multi-dimensional functions, Facta Universitatis (Nis) Ser.: Elec. Energ. 21, 255-265, 2008 | Schipp, F., Weisz, F.: Multi-dimensional discrete summability, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 75, 197-217, 2009 | Weisz, F.: Restricted summability of Fourier series and Hardy spaces, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 75, 219-231, 2009 | Weisz, F.: Gabor analysis and Hardy spaces, East J. Appr. 15, 1-24, 2009 | Weisz, F.: Pointwise summability of Gabor expansions, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 15, 463-487, 2009 | Weisz, F.: Multi-dimensional Fej{\'e}r summability and local Hardy spaces, Studia Math. 194, 181-195, 2009 | Weisz, F.: Fej{\'e}r summability and local Hardy spaces, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 75, 605-615, 2009 | Weisz, F.: Inequalities in summability theory of Fourier series, J. Math. Inequal. 3, 357-368, 2009 | Weisz, F.: Local Hardy spaces and summability of Fourier transforms, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 362, 275-285, 2010 | Szili, L., Weisz, F.: On weighted uniform Ces\`aro summability of Jacobi--Fourier series, Acta Math. Hungar. 127, 112-138, 2010 | Weisz, F.: Restricted summability of Fourier transforms and local Hardy spaces, Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) 26, 1627-1640, 2010 | Weisz, F.: Summation of Fourier series with respect to Walsh-like systems and the dyadic derivative, Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Sect. Comput. 33, 377-404, 2010 | Weisz, F.: $\ell_1$-summability of higher-dimensional Fourier series, J. Approx. Theory 163, 99-116, 2011 | Weisz, F.: Summability of Gabor expansions and Hardy spaces, Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal. 30, 288-306, 2011 | Weisz, F.: Triangular Ces{\`a}ro summability of two-dimensional Fourier series, Acta Math. Hungar. 132, 27-41, 2011 | Weisz, F.: Applications of multi-parameter martingales in Fourier analysis, Stochastics and Dynamics. 11, 551-568, 2011 | Weisz, F.: $\ell_1$-summability of $d$-dimensional Fourier transforms, Constr. Approx. (to appear), 2011 | U. Goginava and F. Weisz: Pointwise convergence of Marcinkiewicz-Fej\'{e}r means of two-dimensional Walsh-Fourier series, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. (to appear), 2011 | F. Weisz: Some footprints of Marcinkiewicz in summability theory, Banach Center Publications, J\'{o}zef Marcinkiewicz Centenary Volume (to appear), 2011 | F. Weisz: Triangular summability of two-dimensional Fourier transforms, Anal. Math. (to appear), 2011 |




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