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L. Bencs, K. György, M. Kardos, J. Osán, B. Alföldy, I. Varga, N. Szoboszlai, Zs. Ajtony, Zs. Stefánka, É. Széles, R. Van Grieken, T. Kántor: Determination of trace elements in lithium niobate crystals by solid sampling and solution-based spectrometry methods, Talanta, 2010 | K. György, Zs. Ajtony, T. Kántor, R. Van Grieken, L. Bencs: Fast heating induced impulse halogenation in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry by direct injection of a liquid halogenating agent, Spectrochimica Acta Part B, 2010 | Zs. Ajtony, N. Szoboszlai, E.K Suskó, P. Mezei, K. György, L. Bencs: Direct sample introduction of wines in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry for the simultaneous determination of arsenic, cadmium, copper and lead content, Talanta, 76 (3) 627-634, 2008 | L. Bencs: Calculation of the spectral line profile broadening parameter in graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, Canadian Journal of Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy, 53 (2) 52-58, 2008 | L. Bencs, K. Ravindra, R. Van Grieken: Platinum: Environmental Pollution and Health Effects, Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, 2010 | B. Horemans, A. Krata, A.J. Buczynska, A.C. Dirtu, K. Van Meel, R. Van Grieken, L. Bencs: Major ionic species in size-segregated aerosols and associated gaseous pollutants at a coastal site on the Belgian North Sea, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 11 (3) 670-677, 2009 | L. Bencs, A. Krata, B. Horemans, A.J. Buczyńska, A.C. Dirtu, A.F.L. Godoi, R.H.M. Godoi, S. Potgieter-Vermaak, R. Van Grieken: Atmospheric nitrogen fluxes at the Belgian coast: 2004-2006, Atmospheric Environment, 43 (24) 3786-3798, 2009 | A. Krata, V. Kontozova-Deutsch, L. Bencs, F. Deutsch, R. Van Grieken: Single-run ion chromatographic separation of inorganic and low-molecular-mass organic anions under isocratic elution: Application to environmental samples, Talanta, 79 (1) 16-21, 2009 | L. Bencs, K. Ravindra, J. de Hoog, Z. Spolnik, N. Bleux, P. Berghmans, F. Deutsch, E. Roekens, R. Van Grieken: Appraisal of measurement methods, chemical composition and sources of fine atmospheric particles over six different areas of Northern Belgium, Environmental Pollution, 2010 | K. Van Meel, B. Horemans, L. Bencs, A. Krata, A.J. Buczyńska, A.C. Dirtu, A. Worobiec, R. Van Grieken: Elemental concentrations in aerosols at the Belgian coast versus seasons and air mass trajectories, Environmental Chemistry Letters, 8 (2) 157-163, 2009 | V. Kontozova-Deutsch, A. Krata, F. Deutsch, L. Bencs, R. Van Grieken: Efficient separation of acetate and formate by ion chromatography: Application to air samples in a cultural heritage environment, Talanta, 75 (2) 418-423, 2008 | A. Worobiec, L. Samek, P. Karaszkiewicz, V. Kontozova-Deutsch, E.A. Stefaniak, K. Van Meel, A. Krata, L. Bencs, R. Van Grieken: A seasonal study of atmospheric conditions influenced by the intensive tourist flow in the Royal Museum of Wavel castle in Cracow, Poland, Microchemical Journal, 90 (2) 99-106, 2008 | L. Bencs, K. Ravindra, J. de Hoog, E.O. Rasoazanany, F. Deutsch, N. Bleux, P. Berghmans, E. Roekens, A. Krata, R. Van Grieken: Mass and ionic composition of atmospheric fine particles over Belgium and their relation with gaseous air pollutants, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 10 (10) 1148-1157, 2008 | M. Stranger, A. Krata, V. Kontozova-Deutsch, L. Bencs, F. Deutsch, A. Worobiec, I. Naveau, E. Roekens, R. Van Grieken: Monitoring of NO2 in the ambient air with passive samplers before and after a road reconstruction event, Microchemical Journal, 90 (2) 93-98, 2008 | L. Bencs, Z. Spolnik, D. Limpens-Neilen, H.L. Schellen, B.A.H.G. Jütte, R. Van Grieken: Comparison of hot-air and low-radiant pew heating systems on the distribution and transport of gaseous air pollutants in the mountain church of Rocca Pietore from artwork, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 8 (3) 264-271, 2007 | A.J. Buczynska, A. Krata, M. Stranger, A.F.L. Godoi, V. Kontozova-Deutsch, L. Bencs, I. Naveau, E. Roekens, R. Van Grieken: Atmospheric BTEX-concentrations in an area with intensive street traffic, Atmospheric Environment, 2009 | F. Deutsch, J. Vankerkom, L. Janssen, S. Janssen, L. Bencs, R. Van Grieken, F. Fierens, G. Dumont, C. Mensink: Modelling concentrations of airborne primary and secondary PM10 and PM2.5 with the BelEUROS-model in Belgium, Ecological Modeling, 217 (3-4) 230-239, 2008 |




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