Surface mechanical treatment and amorphization by severe plastic deformation
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Á. Révész, L. Péter, P.J. Szabó, P. Szommer, I. Bakonyi: Mechanical properties of electrodeposited Ni-P alloy treated by surface mechanical attrition, Current Applied Physics, publikációra beküldve, 2011 | S. Hóbor, Zs. Kovács, Á. Révész: High pressure of Cu-based metallic glasses with different ultimate deformation, J. Alloys and Compounds, publikációra beküldve, 2011 | P. Henits, Á. Révész, L.K. Varga, Zs. Kovács: The evolution of the microstructure in amorphous Al85Ce8Ni5Co2 alloy during heat treatment and severe plastic deformation: A comparative study, Intermetallics 19 267, 2011 | Á. Révész, P. Szommer, P.J. Szabó, L.K. Varga: Microstructure and morphology of Cu-Zr-Ti coatings treated by a combination of thermal spray and surface mechanical attrition, J. Alloys and Compounds, nyomtatás alatt, 2011 | Á. Révész, P. Henits, Zs. Kovács: Structural changes in Zr-based bulk metallic glasses deformed by high pressure torsion, J. Alloys and Compounds 495 338-340, 2010 | S. Hóbor, Zs. Kovács, Á. Révész: Estimation of heat production during high pressure of Cu-based metallic glass, J. Alloys and Compounds 495 352-355, 2010 | P. Henits, Á. Révész, E. Schafler, P.J. Szabó, J.L. Lábár, L.K. Varga, Zs. Kovács: Correlation between microstructural evolution during high pressure torsion and isothermal heat treatment of amorphous Al85Gd8Ni5Co2 alloy, J. Materials Research 25 1388, 2010 | P. Henits, Zs. Kovács, E. Schaffler, L.K. Varga, J.L. Lábár, Á. Révész: Nanocrystallization in Al85Ce8Ni5Co2 amorphous alloy obtained by different strain rate during high pressure torsion, J. Alloys and Compounds 504 S91, 2010 | N. Van Steenberge, S. Hóbor, S. Surinach, A.P. Zhilyaev, F. Houdellier, F. Mompiu, M.D. Baró, Á. Révész, J. Sort: Effect of severe plastic deformation on the structure and thermo-mechanical properties of Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 bulk metallic glasses, J. Alloys and Compounds 500 61, 2010 | Á. Révész, L. Takacs: Alloying and amorphization by surface mechanical treatment, Mater. Science Forum 659 239, 2010 | S. Hóbor, Zs. Kovács, A.P. Zhilyaev, L.K. Varga, P.J. Szabó, Á. Révész: High pressure torsion of Cu-based metallic glasses, J. Physics – Conference Series 240 012153, 2010 | Á. Révész, Zs. Kovács, P.J. Szabó, E. Schafler, L.K. Varga, S. Hóbor: High pressure torsion of glass forming binary Cu64.5Zr35.5 alloy, Physica Status Solidi 207 1185-1189, 2010 | P. Henits, Zs. Kovács, L.K. Varga, Á. Révész: Nanocrystallization in Al85Ce8Ni5Co2 amorphous alloy induced by heat treatment and severe plastic deformation, J. Physics – Conference Series 144 012095, 2009 | Á. Révész, L. Takacs: Coating a Cu plate with a Zr-Ti powder mixture using surface, Surface and Coatings Technology, 203 3026, 2009 | S. Hóbor, Zs. Kovács, Á. Révész: Macroscopic thermoplastic modell applied to high pressure torsion of metallic glasses, J. Applied Physics, 106 023531, 2009 | Á. Révész, E. Schafler, Zs. Kovács: Structural anisotropy in a Zr57Ti5Cu20Al10Ni8 bulk metallic glass deformed by high pressure torsion at room temperature, Applied Phys. Letters 92 11910, 2008 | Zs. Kovács, E. Schafler, Á. Révész: Volume changes in Vitreloy bulk metallic glass during room temperature high pressure torsion, J. Mater. Res 23 3409, 2008 | Á. Révész, L. Péter and I. Bakonyi: Microstructure and morphology of an electrodeposited Ni-P alloy treated by surface mechanical attrition, Rapidly Quenched (RQ)13, Dresden Germany, 2008 | S. Hóbor, Á. Révész, P.J. Szabó, A.P. Zhilyaev, V. Kovács Kis, J.L. Lábár, Zs. Kovács: High pressure torsion of amorpohus Cu60Zr30Ti10 alloy, J. Applied Physics 104 (2008) 033525, 2008 |




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