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Aleksandra Drozd-Rzoska, Sylwester J Rzoska, C. Michael Roland and Attila R. Imre: On the pressure evolution of dynamic properties in supercooled liquids, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20(2008)244103, 2008 | J.W. Narojczyk, A. Alderson, A.R. Imre, F. Scarpa and K.W. Wojciechowski: Negative Poisson's ratio behavior in the planar model of asymmetric trimers at zero temperature, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 354 (2008) 4242–4248, 2008 | A. R. Imre, G. Mayer, G Házi, R. Rozas, T. Kraska: Estimation of the liquid-vapor spinodal from interfacial properties obtained from molecular dynamics and lattice Boltzmann simulations, Journal of Chemical Physics, 128(2008)114708, 2008 | A. R. Imre, A Drozd-Rzoska, T Kraska, S J Rzoska and K W Wojciechowski: Spinodal strength of liquids, solids and glasses, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20(2008)244104, 2008 | A.R. Imre and T. Kraska: Liquid-vapour spinodal of pure helium-4, Physica B, 403(2008)3663-3666, 2008 | I. F. Barna, A. R. Imre, L. Rosta and F. Mezei: Two-phase flow model for energetic proton beam induced pressure waves in mercury target systems in the planned European Spallation Source, European Physical Journal B, 66(2008)419–426, 2008 | Attila R. Imre, Aleksandra Drozd-Rzoska, Ákos Horváth, Thomas Kraska and Sylwester J. Rzoska: Solid-fluid phase transitions under extreme pressures including negative ones, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 354(2008)4157-4162, 2008 | S. J. Rzoska, A. Drozd-Rzoska and A.R. Imre: The link between the pressure evolution of the glass temperature in colloidal and molecular glass formers, NATO Science Series:" Metastable Systems Under Pressure" (Eds.: S.J. Rzoska, A. Drozd-Rzoska and V. Mazur), 2009, Springer, pp31-37, 2009 | Á. Horváth, Gy. Jákli, M. Horváth, A. Csordás, L. Sikó and A.R. Imre: Study of corrosion in supercritical water, Proceeding of the 4th International Symposium on Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactors, Paper No. 57 (CD), 2009, 2009 | F. Römer, A. R. Imre and T. Kraska: The relation of interface properties and bulk phase stability: MD simulations of carbon dioxide, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113(2009)4688-4697, 2009 | Thomas Kraska, Attila R. Imre and Sylwester J. Rzoska: Miscibility holes and continuous liquid-liquid miscibility curves in Types III and IV systems, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 54(2009)1569-1574, 2009 | A.R. Imre, G. Házi and T.Kraska: Estimation of the explosive boiling limit of metastable liquids, NATO Science Series:" Metastable Systems Under Pressure: Platform for New Technologies and Environmental Applications" (S.J. Rzoska and V.A. Mazur), Springer, pp271-278, 2009 | A.R. Imre and S.J. Rzoska: About the shape of the melting line as a possible precursor of a liquid-liquid phase transition, NATO Science Series:" Metastable Systems Under Pressure: Platform for New Technologies and Environmental Applications" (S.J. Rzoska and V.A. Mazur), Springer, pp233-236, 2009 | Attila R. Imre, Imre F. Barna, István Farkas, Attila Márkus, Gábor Házi and Thomas Kraska: Theoretical investigation of sudden vaporization and water hammer in SCWR during Loss of Coolant Accidents, Proceeding of the 4th International Symposium on Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactors, Paper No. 14 (CD), 2009 | A. R. Imre, T. Kraska: Estimation of spinodals from the density profile of the vapor-liquid interface, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 284(2009)31-37, 2009 | Attila R. Imre and Sylwester J. Rzoska: High-pressure melting curves and liquid-liquid phase transition, Advanced Science Letters, 3(2010)527-530, 2010 | I. F. Barna, A. R. Imre, G. Baranyai, G. Ézsöl: Experimental and theoretical study of steam condensation induced water hammer phenomena, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 240(2010)146-150, 2010 | A. R. Imre, I. F. Barna, G. Ézsöl, G. Házi, T. Kraska: Theoretical study of flashing and water hammer in supercritical water cycle during pressure drop, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 240(2010)1569–1574, 2010 | A R. Imre, G. Házi, Á. Horváth, Cs. Maráczy, V. Mazur, S. Artemenko: The effect of inorganic materials on the behaviour of SCW in the vicinity of the pseudo-spinodal line, Proc. of the 12th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids; New Perspectives in Supercritical Fluids Materials, Nanoscience and Processing, Paper CO89 (CD), 2010, 2010 | Imre Attila: Negatív nyomás folyadékokban: Az iszapvulkánok fizikája, Proc. IV International Scientific Conference “Hungary-Azerbaijan: dialogue of cultures”, nyomdában, 2010 | A R. Imre, G. Házi, Á. Horváth, Cs. Maráczy, V. Mazur and S. Artemenko: The effect of low-concentration inorganic materials on the behaviour of supercritical water, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 241(2011)296-300, 2011 | Attila R. Imre, Alexander S. Abyzov, Imre F. Barna and Jürn W. P. Schmelzer: Homogeneous bubble nucleation limit of mercury under the normal working conditions of the planned European Spallation Source, European Physical Journal B, 79(2011)107-113, 2011 | Attila R. Imre: Condensed Matters Under Negative Pressure, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1349(2011)33-36, 2011 |





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