Specificity of the Sep10/MED31 Mediator subunit in the regulation of transcription
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Balazs A, Batta G, Miklos I, Acs-Szabo L, Vazquez de Aldana CR, Sipiczki M: Conserved regulators of the cell separation process in Schizosaccharomyces, Fungal Genetics and Biology, 2012 | Cadou A, Couturier A, Le Goff C, Soto T, Miklos I, Sipiczki M, Xie L, Paulson JR, Cansado J, Le Goff X: Kin1 is a plasma membrane-associated kinase that regulates the cell surface in fission yeast, Molecular Microbiology 77:1186-1202, 2010 | Miklos, I., Szilagyi, Z., Watt, S., Zilahi, E., Batta, G., Antunovics, Z., Enczi, K., Bahler, J., Sipiczki, M.: Genomic expression patterns in cell separation mutants of Schizosaccharomyces pombe defective in the genes sep10 and sep15 coding for the Mediator subunits Med31 and Med8, Mol Genet Genomics 278:225-238, 2008 | Batta, G., Szilagyi, Z., Laczik, M., Sipiczki, M: The involvement of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe sep9/spt8+ gene in the regulation of septum cleavage., FEMS Yeas Res 9:757-767, 2009 | Sipiczki, M: Splitting of the fission yeast septum, FEMS Yeas Res 7:761-770, 2007 | Miklos, I., Szilagyi, Z., Watt, S., Zilahi, E., Batta, G., Antunovics, Z., Enczi, K., Nagy, R., Szaszi, E., Bahler, J., Sipiczki, M.: Transcriptional regulation in Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells., Acta Microbiol Immunol. Hung. 54:83-84, 2007 | Szilagyi, Z., Linder, T., Miklos, I., Batta, G., Sipiczki, M., Gustafsson, C.M.: The role of the Mediator complex in the regulation of cell separation., Fourth International Fission Yeast Meeting, Copenhagen, p.: 257, 2007 | Sipiczki, M.: The end is the beginning: cell separation after cytokinesis. . Power of Microbes in Industry and Environment., Central European Symposium on Industrial Microbiology and Microbial Ecology. Zadar, Croatia. Programme and Abstracts, 2007 | Sipiczki, M.: Splitting of the Schizosaccharomyces septum., 37th Annual Conference on Yeasts. Smolenice, Slovakia. Program and Abstracts, p. 53, 2009 | Miklos, I., Ludanyi, K., Sipiczki, M.: The pleiotropic cell separation mutation spl1-1 is a nucleotide substitution in the internal promoter of the praline tRNACGG gene of Schizosaccharomyces pombe., Curr. Genet. 55:511-520, 2009 | Sipiczki, M.,: Septum splitting, The 5th Int. Fission Yeast Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, Abstract Book p. 73, 2009 | Munoz, J., Sipiczki, M., Cortes, J.C.G., Moreno, B., Ramos, M., Clemente-Ramos, J.A., Duran, A., Ribas, J.C.: .: The glucan synthase Bgs4 is essential for secondary septum synthesis and primary septum stability., The 5th Int. Fission Yeast Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, Abstract Book p. 256, 2009 | Miklos, I., Sipiczki, M.: A nucleotide substitution (spl1-1) in the internal promoter of the proline tRNA-CGG gene causes a cell separation defect., The 5th Int. Fission Yeast Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, Abstract Book p. 276, 2009 | Madar, A., Balazs, A., Banyai, G., Batta, G., Gyuricza, K., Miklos, I., Sipiczki, M.: Interspecific complementation of mutations in genes coding for regulators of cell separation in S. pombe., The 5th Int. Fission Yeast Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, Abstract Book p. 277, 2009 | Mehta, S., Miklos, I., Sipiczki, M., Sengupta, S., Sharma, N.:: TheMed8 mediator subunit interacts with the Rpb4 subunit of RNA polymerase II and Ace2 transcription activator in Schizosaccharomyces pombe., FEBS Letters 583:3115-3120, 2009 |




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