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Humán dUTPáz: kooperativitás és sejtbeli kölcsönhatások
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Varga B, Barabás O, Kovári J, Tóth J, Hunyadi-Gulyás É, Klement É, Medzihradszky KF, Tölgyesi F, Fidy J, and Vértessy BG.: Active site closure facilitates juxtaposition of reactant atoms for initiation of catalysis by human dUTPase, FEBS Letters, 581(24):4783-8., 2007 | Vértessy B.G.,Tóth J.: Keeping uracil out of DNA: physiological role, structure and catalytic mechanism of dUTPases, Accounts of Chemical Research 42(1):97-106., 2009 | Tóth J, Varga B, Kovács M, Málnási-Csizmadia A, Vértessy B.G.: Kinetic mechanism of human dUTPase, an essential nucleotide pyrophosphatase enzyme, J Biol Chem, 282(46):33572-82., 2007 | Varga B, Migliardo F, Takacs E, Vértessy BG, Magazù S, Mondelli C.: Scattering Studies on dUTPase Complex in Presence of Bioprotectant Systems, Chemical Physics, 345:250-258, 2008 | Kovári J, Barabás O, Varga B, Békési A, Tölgyesi F, Fidy J, Nagy J, Vértessy BG: Methylene substitution at the α-β bridging position within the phosphate chain of dUDP profoundly perturbs ligand accommodation into the dUTPase active site, Proteins, 71(1):308-19., 2008 | Varga B, Migliardo F, Takacs E, Vértessy BG, Magazù S: Experimental study on dUTPase-inhibitor candidate and dUTPase/disaccharide mixtures by PCS and ENS, Journal of Molecular Structure, 886:128–135, 2008 | Varga B, Barabas O, Takacs E, Nagy, N., Nagy, P., and Vértessy, B. G.: Active site of mycobacterial dUTPase: Structural characteristics and a built-in sensor, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 373:8-13, 2008 | . Spadiut O, Leitner C, Salaheddin C, Varga B, Vertessy BG, Tan TC, Divne C, Haltrich: Improving thermostability and catalytic activity of pyranose 2-oxidase from Trametes multicolor by rational and semi-rational design., FEBS J. Feb;276(3):776-92., 2009 | Muha V, Zagyva I, Venkei Z, Szabad J, Vértessy BG.: Nuclear localization signal-dependent and -independent movements of Drosophila melanogaster dUTPase isoforms during nuclear cleavage, Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2009 381(2):271-5., 2009 | Takács E, Barabás O, Petoukhov MV, Svergun DI, Vértessy BG.: Molecular shape and prominent role of beta-strand swapping in organization of dUTPase oligomers, FEBS Lett. 2009 583(5):865-71., 2009 | Varga B, Migliardo F, Takacs E, Vertessy B, Magazù S, Telling MT.: Study of solvent–protein coupling effects by neutron scattering, J Biol Phys, 36(2):207-220., 2010 | Kovacs E, Tóth J, Vértessy BG, Liliom K.: Dissociation of calmodulin-target peptide complexes by the lipid mediator sphingosylphosphorylcholine: implications in calcium signaling, J Biol Chem, 285(3):1799-808., 2010 | Merényi G, Kónya E, Vértessy BG.: Drosophila proteins involved in metabolism of uracil-DNA possess different types of nuclear localization signals, FEBS J. 2010 May;277(9):2142-56., 2010 | Pukáncsik M, Békési A, Klement E, Hunyadi-Gulyás E, Medzihradszky KF, Kosinski J, Bujnicki JM, Alfonso C, Rivas G, Vértessy BG.: Physiological truncation and domain organization of a novel uracil-DNA-degrading factor, FEBS J. 2010 Mar;277(5):1245-59. Epub 2010 Feb 1., 2010 | Kovacs E, Harmat V, Tóth J, Vértessy BG, Módos K, Kardos J, Liliom K.: Structure and mechanism of calmodulin binding to a signaling sphingolipid reveal new aspects of lipid-protein interactions, FASEB J. 2010 Jun 14. [Epub ahead of print], 2010 | Takács E, Nagy G, Leveles I, Harmat V, Lopata A, Tóth J, Vértessy BG.: Direct contacts between conserved motifs of different subunits provide major contribution to active site organization in human and mycobacterial dUTPases, FEBS Lett. 2010 Jul 16;584(14):3047-54. Epub 2010 May 21., 2010 | Pecsi I, Leveles I, Harmat V, Vertessy BG, Toth J.: Aromatic stacking between nucleobase and enzyme promotes phosphate ester hydrolysis in dUTPase, Nucleic Acids Res. 2010 Jul 2. [Epub ahead of print], 2010 | Bozóky Z, Róna G, Klement É, Medzihradszky KF, Merényi G, Vértessy BG, Friedrich P.: Calpain-catalyzed proteolysis of human dUTPase specifically removes the nuclear localization signal peptide., PLoS One., 2011 | Merényi G, Kovári J, Tóth J, Takács E, Zagyva I, Erdei A, Vértessy BG.: Cellular response to efficient dUTPase RNAi silencing in stable HeLa cell lines perturbs expression levels of genes involved in thymidylate metabolism., Nucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic Acids, 2011 | Pécsi I, Szabó JE, Adams SD, Simon I, Sellers JR, Vértessy BG, Tóth J.: Nucleotide pyrophosphatase employs a P-loop-like motif to enhance catalytic power and NDP/NTP discrimination., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 2011 | Leveles I., Róna G., Zagyva I., Bendes Á., Harmat V. and Vértessy B. G.: Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of dUTPase from the [varphi]11 helper phage of Staphylococcus aureus, Acta Cryst. (2011). F67, 1411-1413, 2011 | Poppe L, Paizs C, Kovács K, Irimie FD, Vértessy B.: Preparation of unnatural amino acids with ammonia-lyases and 2,3-aminomutases., Methods Mol Biol. 2012;794:3-19., 2012 |
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