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Molnár B., Szőke D., Ruzsovics A., Tulassay Zs.: Significantly elevated Helicobacter pylori density and different genotype distribution in erosions as compared with normal gastric biopsy specimen detected by quantitativ, Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2008 | Galamb O., Sipos F., Molnár B., Szőke D., Spisak S., Tulassay Zs.: Evaluation of malignant and benign gastric biopsy specimens by mRNA expression profile and multivariate statistical methods, Cytometry B Clin Cytom, 2007 | Galamb O., Győrffy B., Sipos F., Dinya E., Krenács T., Szőke D., Spisák S., Solymosi N., Németh AM., Juhász M., Molnár B., Tulassay Zs.:: Helicobacter pylori and antrum erosion specific gene expression patterns: the discriminative role of CXCL13 and VCAM1 transcripts, Helicobacter, 2008 | Szőke D., Molnár B., Solymosi N., Sipos F., Galamb O., Győrffy A., Tulassay Zs.:: The RR genotype of codon 72 of p53 gene reduces the development of intestinal metaplasia, Semmelweis Egyetem Központi Könyvtár, 2008 | Szőke D., Molnár B., Solymosi N., Klausz G., Gyulai Z., Tóth B., Mándi Y., Tulassay Zs.: On the T-251A polymorphism of IL-8 relating to the development of histological gastritis and on the G-308A polymorphism of TNF-a realting to the development of macroscopi, Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2008 | Szőke D, Molnár B, Solymosi N, Rácz K, Gergics P, Blaskó B, Vásárhelyi B, Vannay Á, Mándy Y, Klausz G, Gyulai Zs, Galamb O, Spisák S, Hutkai B, Somogyi A, Berta K, Szabó A, Tulassay T, Tulassay Zs: Polymorphisms of early uremic complications in diabetic patients: result of a DNA resequencing array study, Int J Mol Med, 2009 | István Pregun, István Hritz, Zsolt Tulassay, László Herszényi: Peptic Esophageal Stricture: Medical Treatment, Digestive Diseases, 2009 | István Pregun, Tamás Bakucz, jános Banai, , László Molnár, Gábor pavlik, István Altorjay, Péter orosz, László Csernay, Zsolt Tulassay, László Herszényi: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: Work- Related Disease?, Digestive Diseases, 2009 | László Herszényi, István Pregun, Zsolt Tulassay: Diagnosis and Recognition of Early Esophageal Neoplasia, Digestive Diseases, 2009 | Pregun István, Herszényi László, Juhász Márk, Miheller Pál, Patócs Attila, Rácz Károly, Tulassay Zsolt: A szérum kromogranin a szint változásának dinamikája protonpumpa-gátlók hatására, Magyar Belorvosi Archívum, 2010 | Zsolt Tulassay, Manfred Stolte, Lars Engstrand, Eugeniusz Butruk, Peter Malfertheiner, Petr Dite, Konstantin Thcernev, Benjamin C.Y. Wong, Mattis Gottlow, Stefan Eklund, Michael Wrangstadh, László Herszényi, Péter Nagy: Scandinavian jounal of Gastroenterology, Scand J of GE, 2010 | Márk Juhász, László Herszényi, Zsolt Tulassay: Currend standings of the proton pump inhibitor and clopidogrel co-therapy: review on an Evolving Field with the eyes of the gastroenterologist, Scand J of GE, 2009 | Zsolt Tulassay, László Herszényi: Gastric mucosal defense and cytoprotection, Best Practice &Research Clinical Gastroenterology, 2010 | Telkes G, Peter A, Tulassay Z, Asderakis A.: High frequency of ulcers, not associated with Helicobacter pylori, in the stomach in the first year after kidney transplantation, Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2011 Feb;26(2):727-32., 2011 | Lakatos G, Sipos F, Miheller P, Hritz I, Varga MZ, Juhász M, Molnár B, Tulassay Z, Herszényi L.: The Behavior of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in Lymphocytic Colitis, Collagenous Colitis and Ulcerative Colitis., Pathol Oncol Res. 2011 Jun 16., 2011 | Valcz G, Krenács T, Sipos F, Patai AV, Wichmann B, Leiszter K, Tóth K, Balogh Z, Csizmadia A, Hagymási K, Masszi T, Molnár B, Tulassay Z.: Lymphoid aggregates may contribute to the migration and epithelial commitment of bone marrow-derived cells in colonic mucosa., J Clin Pathol. 2011 Sep;64(9):771-5., 2011 | Sipos F, Galamb O, Wichmann B, Krenács T, Tóth K, Leiszter K, Muzes G, Zágoni T, Tulassay Z, Molnár B.: Peripheral blood based discrimination of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease from non-IBD colitis by genome-wide gene expression profiling., Dis Markers. 2011;30(1):1-17., 2011 | Sipos F, Leiszter K, Tulassay Z.: Effect of ageing on colonic mucosal regeneration., World J Gastroenterol. 2011 Jul 7;17(25):2981-6., 2011 | Valcz G, Krenács T, Sipos F, Leiszter K, Tóth K, Balogh Z, Csizmadia A, Muzes G, Molnár B, Tulassay Z.: The role of the bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells in colonic epithelial regeneration., Pathol Oncol Res. 2011 Mar;17(1):11-6., 2011 | Tromm A, Bunganič I, Tomsová E, Tulassay Z, Lukáš M, Kykal J, Bátovský M, Fixa B, Gabalec L, Safadi R, Kramm HJ, Altorjay I, Löhr H, Koutroubakis I, Bar-Meir S, Stimac D, Schäffeler E, Glasmacher C, Dilger K, Mohrbacher R, Greinwald R; International Budenofalk Study Group.: Budesonide 9 mg is at least as effective as mesalamine 4.5 g in patients with mildly to moderately active Crohn's disease., Gastroenterology. 2011 Feb;140(2):425-434.e1; quiz e13-4., 2011 | Pregun I, Herszényi L, Juhász M, Miheller P, Hritz I, Patócs A, Rácz K, Tulassay Z.: Effect of proton-pump inhibitor therapy on serum chromogranin a level., Digestion. 2011;84(1):22-8., 2011 | Meggyesi N, Kiss LS, Koszarska M, Bortlik M, Duricova D, Lakatos L, Molnar T, Leniček M, Vítek L, Altorjay I, Papp M, Tulassay Z, Miheller P, Papp J, Tordai A, Andrikovics H, Lukas M, Lakatos PL.: NKX2-3 and IRGM variants are associated with disease susceptibility to IBD in Eastern European patients., World J Gastroenterol. 2010 Nov 7;16(41):5233-40., 2010 | Stark J, Zágoni T, Tóth M, Pawel G, Tulassay Zs,: A csontsűrűség vizsgálata irritábilis bél szindrómában, Magyar Balorvosi Archivum 2010, 63. 443-448, 2010 | Valcz G, Sipos F, Krenács T, Molnár J, Patai AV, Leiszter K, Tóth K, Solymosi N, Galamb O, Molnár B, Tulassay Z.: Elevated osteopontin expression and proliferative/apoptotic ratio in the colorectal adenoma-dysplasia-carcinoma sequence., Pathol Oncol Res. 2010 Dec;16(4):541-5., 2010 | Molnar B, Galamb O, Sipos F, Leiszter K, Tulassay Z.: Molecular pathogenesis of Helicobacter pylori infection: the role of bacterial virulence factors, Dig Dis. 2010;28(4-5):604-8., 2010 | Lőrinczy K, Miheller P, Lakatos G, Müllner K, Műzes Gy, Tulassay Zs,: Csökkent csontsűrűség mikroszkópos colitisben, Magyar belorvosi archivum 2010, 63.289-294, 2010 |




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