Catalytic and surface science studies related to the reactions of hydrocarbons and alcohols
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Berkó A; Deák L; Óvári L; Kiss A; Kiss J: Enhanced dispersion and stability of gold nanoparticles on TiO2(110) in the presence of molybdenum, IVC-17/ICSS-13 and ICN + T2007 Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, július 2-6., 2007 | Kiss J; Németh R; Koós Á; Raskó J: The role of Au-Rh bimetallic nanoclasters as a catalyst in the CO oxidation in the presence of hydrogen, International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials (Nano Smat 2007), Algavre, Portugal, július 9-11., 2007 | Solymosi F; Koós Á: Reaction between MoO3 and multiwal carbon nanotube to produce Mo2C, Minneapolis, USA, XVIth International Symposium on the Reactivity of Solids, 2007 | Solymosi F; Barthos R; Bánsági T; Süli Zakar T: Aromatization of methanol and methylation of benzene over Mo2C/ZSM-5 catalysts, Houston, USA, 20th North American Catalysis Society Meeting, 2007 | Solymosi F: Catalytic materials and catalysis, Stockholm, The 17th International Vacuum Congress, 13th International Conference on Surface Science, 2007 | Deák L; Berkó A; Óvári L; Kiss A; Majzik ZS; Kiss J: Nagy diszperzitású, stabil arany nanorészecskék előállítása titánoxid felületen, Kutatóközponti Tudományos Napok, Budapest, május 22-24., 2007 | Solymosi F: Effect of supports on the reaction pathways of methanol and ethanol on Mo2C catalysts, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck Gesellschaft, Berlin, 2007 | Solymosi F: Preparation and reactivity of nanoparticles on TiO2(110) surface, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck Gesellschaft, Berlin, 2007 | Süli Zakar Tímea: Kis molekulák reakciójában képződő felületi formák és köztitermékek vizsgálata infravörös spektroszkópiai módszerrel, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, 2007 | Széchenyi Alexander: C4 és C8 szénhidrogének átalakulása Mo2C és Re tartalmú katalizátorokon, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, 2007 | Kecskeméti A; Barthos R; Solymosi F: Aromatization of dimethyl and diethyl ethers on Mo2C-promoted ZSM-5 catalysts, Journal of Catalysis 258: 111-120, 2008 | Solymosi F; Barthos R; Kecskeméti A: The decomposition and steam reforming of dimethyl ether on supported Mo2C catalysts, Applied Catalysis A General 350: 30-37, 2008 | Koós Á; Barthos R; Solymosi F: Reforming of methanol on a K-promoted Mo2C/Norit catalyst, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112: 2607-2612, 2008 | Farkas AP; Koós Á; Bugyi L; Solymosi F: Adsorption and reaction of methyl and ethyl iodide on potassium-promoted Mo2C/Mo(100) surface, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112: 18502-18509, 2008 | Farkas AP; Solymosi F: Effects of potassium on the adsorption and dissociation pathways of methanol and ethanol on Mo2C/Mo(100), Surface Science 602: 1475-1485, 2008 | Farkas AP; Solymosi F: Adsorption and reactions of dimethyl and diethyl ethers on Mo2C/Mo(100), Surface Science 602: 1497-1506, 2008 | Óvári L; Bugyi L; Majzik ZS; Berkó A; Kiss J: Surface structure and composition of Au-Rh bimetallic nanoclusters on TiO2(110): a LEIS and STM study, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112: 18011-18016, 2008 | Bugyi L; Berkó A; Óvári L; Kiss AM; Kiss J: Enhanced dispersion and stability of gold nanoparticles on stoichiometric and reduced TiO2(110) surface in the presence of molybdenum, Surface Science 602: 1650-1658, 2008 | Juan A; Pistonesi C; Farkas AP; Solymosi F: DFT study of methanol adsorption and dissociation on β-Mo2C(001), Surface Science 602: 2206-2211, 2008 | Solymosi F; Barthos R: Aromatization of dimethyl ether on promoted-ZSM-5 catalysts, 14th International Congress on Catalysis (ICC 2008), Szöul, július 13-18., 2008 | Solymosi F; Barthos R: H2 production from dimethyl ether over Mo2C/Carbon catalyst, Catalysis for Hydrogen Energy Production & Utilization, Gyeongju, Dél-Korea, július 20-22., 2008 | Solymosi F; Széchenyi A; Koós Á: Reforming of ethanol over metal carbides supported by multiwall carbon nanotubes, XVIII. International Conference on Chemical Reactors, Málta, szeptember 29. – október 3., 2008 | Solymosi F: Photogeneration and reactivity of CH2, CH3 and C2H5 species on Mo2C/Mo(100) surface, 5th European Meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis, Palermo, Olaszország, október 4-8., 2008 | Solymosi F: Surface and catalytic chemistry of Mo2C, 12th Joint Vacuum Conference – 10th European Vacuum Conference, Balatonalmádi, szeptember 22-26., 2008 | Farkas AP; Solymosi F: Adsorption and dissociation of alcohols on K-promoted Mo2C/Mo(100) surface, 12th Joint Vacuum Conference – 10th European Vacuum Conference, Balatonalmádi, szeptember 22-26., 2008 | Kiss J; Óvári L; Deák L; Berkó A; Majzik ZS: Characterization of gold nanoclusters with coadsorbed metals studied by photon-, electron-, and ion spectroscopy, American Chemical Society 236th National Meeting Phyladelphia, aug. 17-21, USA, 2008 | Óvári L; Deák L; Berkó A; Kiss J: Formation and Characterization of Au-Rh Bimetallic Nanocluster on TiO2: A Comparision with Au-Mo/TiO2 system, 12th Joint Vacuum Conference – 10th European Vacuum Conference, Balatonalmádi, szeptember 22-26., 2008 | Óvári L; Deák L; Majzik ZS; Berkó A; Kiss J: Enhanced Dispersion of Gold induced by Coadsorbed Rhodium on TiO2(110), 25th European Conference on Surface Science, Liverpool, július 27. – augusztus 1., 2008 | Berkó A: Some bearings of the growth of noble metal (Rh, Ir) nanowires on oxide supports, 1st International Conference on Materials and Technology, 13-15 Oktober, Portorož, Slovenia, 2008 | Berkó A; Majzik ZS: Thermally induced reconstructions on TiO2(110) surface deposited by potassium: an AES, TDS, STM study, International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICNT 2008), USA, 2008 | Majzik ZS; Berkó A: Ultrathin Cu layers on TiO2(110) surface: effects of oxygen ambient and support composition, 12th Joint Vacuum Conference – 10th European Vacuum Conference, Balatonalmádi, szeptember 22-26., 2008 | Óvári L; Wolf M; Tegeder P: Reversible switching of tetra-tert-butylazobenzene on Au(111): A vibrational analysis, 72. Annual Meeting of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Division Berlin, február 25-29., 2008 | Solymosi F: Surface and catalytic chemistry of Mo2C, Departamento de Física, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Avda, Bahía Blanca, Argentína, november, 2008 | Solymosi F: Preparation and reactivity of nanoparticles on TiO2(100) surface, Instituto de Investigaciones en Catalisis y Petroquimica, Santa Fé, Argentína, november, 2008 | Solymosi F: Catalytic and surface chemistry of supported Rh, Chemical Engineering Department, School of Engineering, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Pabellón de Industrias, Ciudad Universitaria, Buenos Aires, Argentína, november, 2008 | Óvári L; Deák L; Berkó A; Majzik ZS; Kiss J: Au-Rh bimetallikus rendszer jellemzése, Kémiai napok. Budapest 2008. nov. 10., 2008 | Tolmacsov Péter: Etán és propán átalakítása hordozós platinafém- és rénium-katalizátorokon, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, 2008 | Németh Róbert: Etán és propán átalakítási lehetőségei Mo2C tartalmú katalizátorokon, valamint HNCO és NCO felületi kémiája Pd(100) egykristályon, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, 2008 | Széchenyi A; Solymosi F: Dimethyl ether as a source of reactive species for alkylation of benzene, Catalysis Letters 127 (1-2): 13-19, 2009 | Tolmacsov P; Gazsi A; Solymosi F: Decomposition and reforming of methanol on Pt metals supported by carbon Norit, Applied Catalysis A: General 362: 58-61, 2009 | Gazsi A; Tolmacsov P; Solymosi F: A comparative study of the decomposition of ethanol on Pt metals supported by carbon, Catalysis Letters 130: 386-390, 2009 | Kiss J; Óvári L; Bugyi L; Berkó A: Characterization of Au-Rh and Au-Mo bimetallic nanoclusters on TiO2(110): a comparative study, Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters 96 (2): 391-396, 2009 | Halasi G; Bánsági T; Solymosi F: Production of hydrogen from dimethyl ether over supported Rh catalysts, ChemCatChem 1: 311-317, 2009 | Gazsi A; Bánsági T; Solymosi F: Hydrogen formation in the reactions of methanol on supported Au catalysts, Catalysis Letters 131: 33-41, 2009 | Farkas AP; Solymosi F: Activation and reactions of CO2 on K-promoted Au(111) surface, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113: 19930-19936, 2009 | Bugyi L; Óvári L; Kiss J: Formation and characterization of Rh-Mo bimetallic layers on the TiO2(110) surface, Surface Science 603: 2985-2963, 2009 | Solymosi F; Farkas AP: Formation and reactivity of CO2- anion on K-promoted Au catalysts, 10th CO2 Conference, Tianjin, Kína, 2009. május., 2009 | Kiss J; Berkó A; Óvári L; Bugyi L; Majzik Zs; Balázs N: Preparation and characterization of gold nanoclasters with coadsorbed metals, 10th International Sympopsium “Interdisciplinary Regional Research”, ISIRR 2009, Hunedoara, Romania, 23-24 April, 2009, 2009 | Kiss J: Structure of gold containing bimetallic nanosystem on TiO2(110) surface, 11th Edition Timisoara’s Academic Days, Chemistry Symposium, Timisoara, Romania 28-29 May (2009), 2009 | Solymosi F; Bánsági T; Farkas AP: Formation, migration and reactivity of NCO species on Au catalyst, 5th International Conference on Gold, Heidelberg, Németország, 2009. július, 2009 | Kiss J; Óvári L; Balázs N; Majzik ZS; Berkó A: Charecterization of Rh-Au core shell nanoparticles on TiO2(110) surface: LEIS and STM study, Europian Conference on Surface Science, (ECOCS 26) Parma, Italy, 2009, 2009 | Deák L; Óvári L; Kiss J: Formation and reactivity of Rh, Mo and Rh-Mo bimetallic layers on TiO2(110) surface, Europian Conference on Surface Science, (ECOCS 26) Parma, Italy, 2009, 2009 | Solymosi F: Preparation and reactivity of nanoparticles on TiO2(100) surface, Research Institute of Industrial Catalysis, Shanghai, Kína, 2009. május, 2009 | Solymosi F: Surface and catalytic chemistry of Mo2C catalyst, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Zhejiang University, Kína, 2009. május, 2009 | Berkó A; Balázs N; Majzik ZS; Kiss J: Formation of Rh-Au core-shell nanoparticles on TiO2(110) surface studied by STM and LEIS, Langmuir 26: 2167-2175, 2010 | Pistonesi C; Juan A; Farkas AP; Solymosi F: Effects of potassium on the adsorption of methanol on β-Mo2C(001) surface, Surface Science 604: 914-919, 2010 | Halasi G; Kecskeméti A; Solymosi F: Photocatalytic reduction of NO with ethanol on Ag/TiO2, Catalysis Letters 135: 16-20, 2010 | Solymosi F: Photocatalytic reduction of NO with ethanol on Ag/TiO2, Third International Conference on Semiconductor Photochemistry, Glasgow, Anglia, 2010, 2010 | Solymosi F: Decomposition of ethanol and methanol over tungsten carbides supported by carbon Norit, 9th Novel Gas Conversion, Symposium, Lyon, Franciaország, 2010, 2010 |





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