Nanocomposites based on conducting polymers, preparation, characterization and application  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Inzelt, György
Title in Hungarian Vezető polimer nanokompozitok előállítása, jellemzése és alkalmazása
Title in English Nanocomposites based on conducting polymers, preparation, characterization and application
Keywords in Hungarian vezető polimer, interkelációs vegyületek, elektrokatalízís, tüzelőanyag-cellák,elektrokémiai nanogravimetria
Keywords in English conducting polymers, intercalation compounds, electrocatalysis, fuel cells, electrochemical nanogravimetry
Physical Chemistry and Theoretical Chemistry (Council of Physical Sciences)75 %
Ortelius classification: Electrochemistry
Analytical Chemistry (Council of Physical Sciences)15 %
Ortelius classification: Electroanalytics
Material Science and Technology (engineering and metallurgy) (Council of Physical Sciences)10 %
Ortelius classification: Nanotechnology (Materials technology)
Panel Chemistry 1
Department or equivalent Institute of Chemistry (Eötvös Loránd University)
Starting date 2008-04-01
Closing date 2012-04-30
Funding (in million HUF) 15.520
FTE (full time equivalent) 1.27
state closed project
Summary in Hungarian
A jelen project fő célja vezető polimerekből és réteges szerkezetű szervetlen vegyületekből létrehozható nanokompozitok előállítása és sokoldalú vizsgálata, valamint a gyakorlati hasznosítás lehetőségének keresése főként az elektrokatalízis területén beleértve a tüzelőanyag-cellák hatékonyabbá tételét is. Ezek a nanokompozitok igen érdekes, újszerű tulajdonságokat mutatnak, amelyek a két különböző komponens közötti kölcsönhatásokra vezethetők vissza. Előkísérleteink során már bizonyítottuk, hogy a-RuCl3-ban az anilin illetve a pirrol interkelációs polimerizációja megy végbe. A RuCl3 mellett más, réteges felépítésű szervetlen vegyületeket, ilyen pl. V2O5 is tanulmányozni kívánunk. Továbbá nanokompozitokat hoznánk létre megfelelő monomerek elektropolimerizációjával oxidokon (pl. TiO2, SiO2), valamint szén nanocsövekben. Biotüzelőanyag-cellákban illetve bioszenzorokban való hasznosításra polimer-mediator-enzim, fotoelektrokémiai célra pedig polimer-fotokémiai reakcióra képes vegyület kompozitok előállítása is szerepel terveinkben. Az interkelációs és ioncsere-folyamatok vizsgálatának fő eszköze az elektrokémiai kvarckristály nanomérleg, az elektrokatalitikus aktivitás megállapításának pedig a forgó gyűrűs korongelektród (RRDE). A felület atomi szintű tanulmányozásához elektrokémiai pásztázó tűszondás mikroszkóp (STM és AFM) áll rendelkezésünkre. Alkalmazzuk továbbá az elektrokémiai impedancia spektroszkópiát (EIS), uv-látható spektroelektrokémiát és az in situ vezetésmérés módszerét is.
The main goal of the present project is the preparation and characterization of nanocomposites based on conducting polymers and layered inorganic compounds, as well as their application in the field of electrocatalysis including fuel cells. Lamellar nanocomposites consisting of layered inorganic compounds and conducting polymers display novel properties which result from the molecular interaction of two dissimilar chemical components. We have already demonstrated the intercalative polymerization of aniline and pyrrole in a-RuCl3. Beside RuCl3 other layered compound, e.g., V2O5 will also be investigated. Furthermore, it is intended to prepare nanocomposites by electropolymerization of suitable monomers on different oxides such as TiO2, SiO2 and carbon nanotubes, and polymer-mediator-enzyme and polymer-photochemically active compound composites. The insertion and ionic transport processes will be studied by electrochemical quartz crystal nanobalance (EQCN), the catalytic activity by a rotating ring-disc electrode (RRDE). Scanning probe techniques (electrochemical STM and AFM) will be used to obtain information of the surface at an atomic level. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), UV-VIS spectroelectrochemistry, in situ conductivity measurements will also be used for the characterization of the nanocomposites.


Final report

Results in Hungarian
Vezető polimerek különböző kompozitjait állítottuk elő. Az új anyagok tulajdonságait különböző módszerekkel, EQCN, RRDE, EIS, AFM and SEM, határoztuk meg. Katalitikus aktivításukat és szuperkapacitás viselkedésüket az általunk tervezett polimer elektrolitos tüzelőanyag-cellákban teszteltük. Az eredményeket a terület vezető folyóirataiban tettük közzé. A hallgatókkal együtt 11 konferencián 24 beszámolót tartottunk. A projektvezető több könyvet és könyvfejezetet publikált a 2008-2012 időszakban. A Vezető polimerek című könyve 2 kiadásban is megjelent, a 2. kiadás részletesen foglalkozik a kompozitokkal is. A kompozitokat hasznosítottuk két, általunk épített járműben (HYGO and HYGO 2.0) is, melyek a Széchenyi futamon elnyerték mind 2009-ben, mind 2010-ben A leginnovatívabb jármű és a Prototípus I. díját, 2009-ben a Honda különdíját is. Az eredeti pályázatban szereplő két doktorandusz (Kriston Á. és Róka A.) fokozatot szerzett. Csorbai Á., Székely A. és Nemes Á. megvédték BSc diplomájukat, Berkes B. vegyészdiplomát szerzett. Továbbra is a témán dolgozik Pröhle Zs. (BSc), Nemes Á. (MSc), Berkes B. (PhD) és Kriston Á (postdoc).
Results in English
Several composites based on conducting polymers have been prepared. The characterization of the new materials has been carried out by EQCN, RRDE, EIS, AFM and SEM techniques. Their catalytic activity and supercapacitor behavior have been tested in polymer membrane fuel cells (PEMFcs) designed and fabricated in the PI's laboratory. The results obtained in the period of 2008-2012 have been published in different leading journals. The project leader with his students have taken part at 11 conferences with 24 presentations. The PI has published several books and book chapters during this period, among others on the Conducting Polymers, Springer (2008 and 2nd edn. 2012, the latter one extended by an extensive discussion on composites). The composites have been utilized in two vehicles (HYGO and HYGO 2.0), which won the prizes (Most Innovative Vehicle, 1st Prize of Prototype in both years as well as the Honda Prize in 2009) at the competition of alternatively driven vehicles called 5th and 6th Szechenyi race in Győr in 2009 and 2010, respectively. The two Ph.D. students, A. Róka and Á. Kriston, have defended their Ph.D. thesis. 3 BSc students (Á. Csorbai, Á. Nemes, A. Székely) and 1 MSc (B. Berkes) defended their diploma work. Zs. Pröhle (BSc), Nemes (MSc), Berkes (PhD) and Kriston (postdoc) still has been working on this project.
Full text


List of publications

G. Inzelt:: Conducting Polymers - A New Era in Electrochemistry. 2nd edition, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-27621-7 p. 315 ISSN 1865-1836 ISBN 978-3-642-27620-0, 2012
Balázs B. Berkes, G. Inzelt:: Nanogravimetric Studies of Formation and Redox Behavior of Polyindole and Its Derivatives, International Workshop "Polymers at Electrodes: A Quarter of a Century later" Bad Schandau, Book of Abstracts p. 5, 2011
G. Inzelt, B.B. Berkes, Á. Kriston: Electrochemical nanogravimetric studies of adsorption, deposition, and dissolution processes occurring at platinum electrodes in acid media, Pure Appl. Chem., 83 (2): 269-279, 2011
Suzana Sopsic, Marijana Kraljic-Rokovic, Zoran Mandic, András Róka, György Inzelt:: Mass changes accompanying the pseudocapacitance of hydrous RuO2 under different experimental conditions, Electrochimica Acta 56: 3543-3548, 2011
Suzana Sopsic, Zoran Mandic, György Inzelt, Marijana Kraljic-Rokovic, Ernest Mestrovic:: Ion dynamics in the pseudocapacitive reaction of hydrous ruthenium oxide. Effect of the temperature pre-treatment, J Power Sources:196: 4849-4858, 2011
Ákos Kriston, Tamás Szabó, György Inzelt:: The marriage of car sharing and hydrogen economy: A possible solution to the main problems of urban living, International J Hydrogen Energy 35: 12697-12708, 2010
B.B. Berkes, A. Székely and G. Inzelt:: Effect of Cs+ ions on the electrochemical nanogravimetric response of platinum electrode in acid media, Electrochemistry Communications, 12: 1095-1098, 2010
G. Inzelt, G.G. Láng: Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) for Polymer Characterization, Electropolymerization (eds. S. Cosnier and A. Karyakin) Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, pp.51-76, 2010
Á. Kriston, T. Szabó, G. Inzelt, I. Faragó: Detailed Analysis of Fuel Cell’s Peak Power Performance: Simulation and Measurement, 1021; 216th ECS Meeting, Vienna, 2009, Meeting Abstracts ISSN 1091-8213, Vienna, Austria October 4-9, 2009, 2009
G. Inzelt, B. Berkes, Á. Kriston:: Electrochemical nanogravimetric studies of platinum in acid and neutral media, 2nd RSE-SEE, Belgrade, Serbia June 6-10, 2010. Book of Abstract, p.11., 2010
B.B. Berkes, Á. Kriston, P. Simon, G. Inzelt: Investigation of oxygen reduction reaction on Pt by using electrochemical quartz crystal nanobalance and numerical simulation, 2nd RSE-SEE, Belgrade, Serbia June 6-10, 2010. Book of Abstract, p.79., 2010
S. Sopčić, M. Kraljić Roković, Z. Mandić, A. Róka, G. Inzelt: Ion dynamics and different type of charges in the redox reactions of hydrous RuO2, 2nd RSE-SEE, Belgrade, Serbia June 6-10, 2010. Book of Abstract, p.153, 2010
G. Inzelt: Preparation and characterization of RuO2 / polyaniline composite electrodes, 61st Annual Meeting of ISE, Nice, France 26 Sept to 1 Oct, 2010. Book of Abstract, p.66, 2010
Balázs B. Berkes, G. Inzelt, Á. Kriston: Electrochemical Nanogravimetric Studies of Platinum in Acid Media, 61st Annual Meeting of ISE, Nice, France 26 Sept to 1 Oct, 2010. Book of Abstract, p.86, 2010
Á. Kriston, Balázs B. Berkes, P. Simon, G. Inzelt: Investigation of oxygen reduction reaction on Pt by using electrochemical quartz crystal nanobalance and numerical simulation, 61st Annual Meeting of ISE, Nice, France 26 Sept to 1 Oct, 2010. Poster, s15-P-005, 2010
Á. Nemes, Á. Kriston, G. Inzelt, T. Szabó: Analysis of the effects of variation of the MEA microstructure at different Pt/Nafion ratios, pressures and temperatures, 61st Annual Meeting of ISE, Nice, France 26 Sept to 1 Oct, 2010. Poster, s15-P-024, 2010
S. Fletcher, G. Inzelt, F. Scholz:: Electrochemistry – past, present and future, J. Solid State Electrochemistry 15(7-8): 1295-1296, 2011
G. Inzelt:: Milestones of the development of kinetics of electrode reactions, J. Solid State Electrochemistry 15: 1373-1389, 2011
G. Inzelt:: Rise and rise of conducting polymers, J. Solid State Electrochemistry 15: 1711-1718, 2011
A. Kriston, B.B. Berkes, P. Simon, G. Inzelt, K. Dobos and A. Nemes:: Unusual surface mass changes in the course of the oxygen reduction reaction on platinum and their explanation by using a kinetic model, J. Solid State Electrochemistry 16: 1723-1732, 2012
Inzelt Gy.:: Az elektrokémia reneszánsza a 21. században., Magyar Kémikusok Lapja XXVII. évf. 6. szám. 178-182, 2012
G. Inzelt:: Era of polymers in electrochemistry. Trends in the last 25 years (key-note lecture), International Workshop "Polymers at Electrodes: A Quarter of a Century later, Bad Schandau, p.3, 2011
G. Inzelt:: Kinetics of Electrochemical Reactions pp. 33-53., Electroanalytical Methods, Guide to Experiments and Applications 2nd, revised and extended edition ed. F.Scholz, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2010., ISBN978-3-642, 2010
G.Inzelt:: Chronocoulometry pp. 147-158, Electroanalytical Methods, Guide to Experiments and Applications 2nd, revised and extended edition ed. F.Scholz, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2010., ISBN978-3-642-, 2010
G. Inzelt:: Elecrochemical Quartz Crystal Nanobalance pp. 257-270, Electroanalytical Methods, Guide to Experiments and Applications 2nd, revised and extended edition ed. F.Scholz, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2010., ISBN978-3-642-, 2010
G. Inzelt, F. Scholz, Z. Stojek:: Seminal Publications in Electrochemistry and Electroanalysis, Electroanalytical Methods, Guide to Experiments and Applications 2nd, revised and extended edition ed. F.Scholz, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2010., ISBN978-3-642-, 2010
G. Inzelt, B.B. Berkes, Á. Kriston, A. Székely: Electrochemical nanogravimetric studies of platinum in acid media, J. Solid State Electrochemistry,15, 901-915 DOI 10.1007/s10008-010-1071-3, 2011
Á. Kriston, T. Szabó, I. Faragó, G. Inzelt: Development of novel characterization tool for studying fuel cell’s peak power performance, NHA Conference and Hydrogen Expo/, Columbia, SC, USA, 30 March - 3 April, 2009
G. Inzelt: Preparation and Electrochemical Nanogravimetric Study ont he Ruthenium(III) trichloride-Polyaniline and Polypyrrole Nanocomposites, International Workshop on Electrochemistry of Electroactive Materials WEEM 2009, 14-19 July, Szczyrk, Poland, 2009
Á. Kriston, T. Szabó, G. Inzelt, I. Faragó: Detailed Analysis of Fuel Cell’s Peak Power Performance: Simulation and Measurement, 216th ECS Meeting, Vienna, 2009, Meeting Abstracts ISSN 1091-8213, 1021 Vienna, Austria October 4-9, 2009
G. Inzelt, B. Berkes, Á. Kriston: Two Types of Platinum Dissolution in Acid Media: An Electrochemical Nanogravimetric Study, 216th ECS Meeting, Vienna, 2009, Meeting Abstracts ISSN 1091-8213, 3061, Vienna, Austria October 4-9, 2009
G. Inzelt, A. Róka: The Advantages of Using an Electrochemical Quartz Nanobalance to Study the Electrochemical Conversion of Solid Microparticles, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quaterly 23 (1): 31-41, 2009
E. Bura-Nakic, A. Róka, I. Ciglenecki, G. Inzelt: Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance study of FeS particles attached to Au surface, Electroanalysis 21 (15): 1699-1708, 2009
G. Inzelt, B.B. Berkes and Á. Kriston: Two Types Dissolution of Platinum in Acid Media. An Electrochemical Nanogravimetric Study, Electrochemical Society Transactions 25 (23): 137-156, 2010
Á. Kriston, G. Inzelt, I. Faragó, T. Szabó: Simulation of the transient behavior of fuel cells by using operator splitting techniques for real-time applications, Computers and Chemical Engineering 34: 339-348, 2010
M. Kraljic-Rokovic, S. Sopsic, Z. Mandic, G. Inzelt: Preparation and characterization of RuO2/polyaniline composite electrodes, J. Solid State Electrochemistry 14: 2021-2026, 2010
G. Inzelt, B.B. Berkes, Á. Kriston: Temperature dependence of two types of dissolution of platinum in acid media. An electrochemical nanogravimetric study, Electrochimica Acta 55: 4742-4749, 2010
G. Inzelt, A. Róka: Preparation and electrochemical nanogravimetric study on the ruthenium(III) trichloride-polypyrrole nanocomposite, Electrochimica Acta, 2008
Á. Kriston, G. Inzelt:: Estimation of the characteristic parameters of PEMFCs Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells under operating condition, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 38, 415-424, 2008
G. Inzelt, A. Róka: Electrochemical nanogravimetric studies of ruthenium(III)trichloride microcrystals, Israel Journal of Chemistry, 48, 185-197, 2008
G. Inzelt, A. Róka: The Advantages of Using an Electrochemical Quartz Nanobalance to Study the Electrochemical Conversion of Solid Microparticles, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quaterly 23 (1), 33-43, 2008
E. Bura-Nakic, A. Róka, I. Ciglenecki, G. Inzelt: Electrochemical nanogravimetric studies of sulfur/sulfide redox processes on gold surface, J. Solid State Electrochemistry, 13, 1935-1944, 2009
G. Inzelt: Conducting Polymers – A New Era in Electrochemistry, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg,, pp.294, 2008
I. Faragó, G. Inzelt, M. Kornyik, Á. Kriston and T. Szabó: Stabilization of a Numerical Model Through the Boundary Conditions for the Real-Time Simulation of Fuel Cells In: Innovations and Advanced, Techniques in Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering (ed. K. Elleithy) Springer, pp. 489-494., 2008
G. Inzelt:: Physical-chemical characterization of conducting polymers (correlation between various properties and dynamics: morphological, conducting and ion transport), CONPOEX Meeting, Borovets, Bulgaria,, 2008
G. Inzelt:: Mechanism of charge transport and interfacial exchange in conducting polymers, CONPOEX Meeting, Borovets, Bulgaria,, 2008
G. Inzelt, A. Róka:: Why to use piezoelectric nanogravimetry for the study of electrochemical transformations of immobilized microparticles?, 1st Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry of South-East Europe, Rovinj, Croatia, Book of Abstract p. 109., 2008
G. Inzelt, E. Bura-Nakic, I. Ciglenecki, G.R. Helz: Electrochemical determination of metal sulfide species: discrimination between colloidal and „truly dissolved” phases, 1st Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry of South-East Europe, Rovinj, Croatia, Book of Abstract p. 109., 2008
G. Inzelt, A. Róka:: The neglected first reduction-oxidation cycle in solid-state electrochemistry. The example of RuCl3 (invited lecture), 59th Annual Meeting of ISE, Seville, Spain,, 2008
Á. Kriston, I. Faragó, G. Inzelt, T. Szabó:: Investigation of Fuel Cell’s Transients for Real Time Parameter Estimation and Control Algorithms, 59th Annual Meeting of ISE, Seville, Spain,, 2008
G. Inzelt: Activation energy (p.7), Activation overpotential (p.7-8), Activity of an electrolyte (p.10), Adsorption isotherms (p.15-16), Adsorption kinetics etc. 153 oldal összesen, Electrochemical Dictionary, In: A.J.Bard, G.Inzelt, F.Scholz (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008 pp. 723, 2008

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