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Pinto, V., Szűcs,P., Derkach, V.A., Safranov, B.V.: Monosynaptic convergence of C- and Adelta-afferent fibres from different segmental dorsal roots on to single substantia gelatinosa neurones in the rat spinal cord., J. Physiol., 586, 4165-4177, 2008 | Antal, M., Fukazawa, Y., Eördögh, M., Muszil, D., Molnár, E., Itakura, M., Takahashi, M. and Shigemoto, R.: Numbers, densities and co-localization of AMPA- and NMDA-type glutamate receptors at individual synapses in the superficial spinal dorsal horn of rats., J. Neurosci. 28, 9692-9701, 2008 | Szűcs, P., Pinto V., Safranov, B.V.: Advanced technique of infrared cells and intracellular structures in isolated spinal cord, brainstem, ganglia and cerebellum., J. Neurosci. Methods, 177, 369-380, 2009 | Hegyi, Z., Kis, G., Holló, K., Ledent, C. and Antal, M.: Neuronal and glial localization of the cannabinoid-1 receptor in the superficial spinal dorsal horn of the rodent spinal cord., Eur. J. Neurosci., 30, 251-262, 2009 | Antal, M. and László J.: Exposure to inhomogeneous static magnetic field ceases mechanical allodynia in neuropathic pain in mice., Bioelectromagnetics, 30, 438-445, 2009 | Papp, I., Holló, K. and Antal, M.: Plasticity of hyperpolarization-activated and cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel subunit 2 expression in the spinal dorsal horn in inflammatory pain., Eur. J. Neurosci., 32, 1193-1201, 2010 | Antal, Zs., Szűcs, P. and Antal, M.: Lamotrigine effectively blocks synaptic transmission between nociceptive primary afferents and secondary sensory neurons in the rat superficial spinal dorsal horn, Int. Med. Appl. Sci., 3, 22-26, 2011 | Papachatzaki, M.M., Antal, Zs., Terzi, D., Szűcs, P., zachariou, V. and Antal, M.: RGS9-2 modulates nociceptive behaviour and opioid-mediated synaptic transmission in the superfial dorsal horn, Neurosci. Lett., 501, 31-34, 2011 | Hegyi, Z., Holló, K., Kis, G., Mackie, K. and Antal, M.: Differential distribution of diacylglycerol lopase-alpha and N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine-specific phospholipase D immunoreactivity in the superficial spinal dorsal horn, Glia (in press), 2012 | Antal, M., Muszil, D., Holló, K., Eördögh, M., Hegedűs, K., Kis, G., Kasugai, Y., Fukazawa, Y., Shigemoto, R.:: Differential expression pattern of K+/Cl- co-transporter (KCC2) in neurons within the superficial spinal dorsal horn of rats., FENS Abstr., 4, 189.2, 2008 | Holló K., Bakk, E., HegedŰs K., Papp, I., Bardóczy, Zs., Nagy, L., Antal, M.: Screening of eltered mRNA expression in the Freund-adjuvant-induced pain model by the TaqMan low density array (TLDA) method., FENS Abstr., 4, 189.16, 2008 | Hegyi, Z., Kis, G., Holló, K., Ledent, C., Antal, M.: Neuronal and glial localization of the cannabinoid-1 receptor in the superficial spinal dorsal horn of the rodent spinal cord., FENS Abstr., 4, 124.15, 2008 | Papp, I., Holló, K., Hegedűs, K., Antal. M.: Freund’s adjuvant-induced inflammation increases the expression of HCN2 ion channels in the superficial spinal dorsal horn of rats., FENS Abstr., 4, 124.27, 2008 | Hegyi, Z., Antal, M.: Reorganization of cannabinoid-1 receptor expression in the superficial spinal dorsal horn of rats in inflammatory pain, Frotiers in Systems Neuroscience. Conference Abstracts: 12th Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society. Doi: 10.3389/conf.neuro.01.2009.04.030, 2009 | Holló, K., Bardoczi, Zs., Bakk, E., Hegedűs, K., Nagy, L., Antal, M: Gene expression analysis in a neuropathic pain model by the TaqMan low-density array, Frotiers in Systems Neuroscience. Conference Abstracts: 12th Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society. Doi: 10.3389/conf.neuro.01.2009.04.032, 2009 | Papp, I., Holló, K., Hegedűs, K., Antal, M.: Over-expression of HCN2 ion channels in the superficial spinal dorsal horn of rats in freund’s adjuvant-induced inflammatory pain., Frotiers in Systems Neuroscience. Conference Abstracts: 12th Meeting of the Hungarian Neuroscience Society. Doi: 10.3389/conf.neuro.01.2009.04.037, 2009 | László, J. and Antal, M.: Exposure to inhomogeneous static magnetic field ceases mechanical allodynia in neuropathic pain., Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology. 105, Suppl. 1, 18, 2009 | László, J. and Antal, M.: Exposure to inhomogeneous static magnetic field ceases mechanical allodynia in neuropathic pain., Bioelectromagnetics Newsletter, 211, 2-3, 2009 | Antal, M., Hegyi, Z., Kis, G., Holló, K. and Ledent, C.: Localization and redistribution of cannabinoid-1 receptor in the superficial spinal dorsal horn of the rodent spinal cord in inflammatory pain., Soc. Neurosci. Abstr., 170.15, 2009 | Hegyi Z., Holló K., Kis G., Mackie K. and Antal M.: Differential distribution of diacylglycerol lipase-alpha and N-acyl-phosphatigyl-ethanolamine-hydrolyzing phospholipase D immunoreactivity in the spinal dorsal horn., FENS Abstr., 5, 140.12, 2010 | Holló K., Ducza L., Bakk E., Hegedüs K., Papp I. and Antal M.: Pain-related changes in the expression level of 31 genes in a mouse model of chronic inflammatory pain., FENS Abstr., 5, 140.13, 2010 | Antal, Z., Pinho, R., Safronov, B., Antal, M. and Szűcs, P.: Mono- and polysynaptic propriospinal connections in the lateral part of the spinal dorsal horn: a correlative physiological and morphological study., Front. Neurosci. doi: 10.3389/conf.fnins.2011.84.00082, 2011 | Antal, Zs., Pinho, O.R., Gaál, Zs., Safranov, B., Antal, M. and Szűcs, P.: Projection neurons with distinct axon-trajectories in the lateral spinal nucleus and lamina I of the lumbar spinal dorsal horn of rats., Acta Physiol., 202, Suppl. 684, 6, 2011 | Ducza, L., Holló, k., Bakk, E., Hegyi, Z. and Antal, M.: Spinal expression of interleukin-1beta and its receptor in an animal model of chronic inflammatory pain., Clinical Neuroscie., 65, Suppl. 1, 17, 2012 |




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