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Közleményjegyzék |
N. Ono, R.S. Hayano, M. Hori, D. Barna, A. Dax, D. Horváth, B. Juhász, C. Malbrunot, J. Marton, T. Pask, K. Suzuki, J. Zmeskal, E. Widmann: Determination of the Antiproton-to-Electron Mass Ratio by High Precision Laser Spectroscopy of pbar-He, AIP Conference Proceedings 1037 (2008) 137-147., 2008 | D. Horváth: Testing CPT Invariance with Antiprotonic Helium Atoms, AIP Conference Proceedings. 1037 (2008) 126-136., 2008 | D. Barna, A. Dax, J. Eades, K. Gomikawa, R.S. Hayano, M. Hori, D. Horváth, B. Juhász, N. Ono, W. Pirkl, E. Widmann, H. A. Torii: Determination of the antiproton-to-electron mass ratio by laser spectroscopy of pbar-He, Conf. on Exotic Atoms, Vienna, 2008, pp. 349-354; Hyperfine Interactions 194 (2009) 1-6, 2009, 2009 | D. Horváth: Matter and antimatter, Symmetry: Culture and Science 21 (2010) 7-15., 2010 | Masaki Hori, Anna Sótér, Daniel Barna, Andreas Dax, Ryugo Hayano, Susanne Friedreich, Bertalan Juhász, Thomas Pask, Eberhard Widmann, Dezső Horváth, Luca Venturelli, Nicola Zurlo: Sub-Doppler two-photon laser spectroscopy of pbar-He+ and the antiproton-to-electron mass ratio, Nature 475, 484–488 (2011), 2011 | D. Horváth: Testing CPT Invariance with Antiprotons, In: Gribov-80 Memorial Volume, Proceedings of the Memorial Workshop Devoted to the 80th Birthday of V N Gribov, Yu. V. Dokshitzer, P. Lévai and J. Nyíri, eds., World Sci, 2011 | M. Hori, A. Soter, D. Barna, A. Dax, R.S. Hayano, S. Friedreich, B. Juhasz, E. Widmann, D. Horvath, L. Venturelli, N. Zurlo: Two-photon laser spectroscopy of antiprotonic helium, PBAR-11, Cold Antimatter and High Precision Physics, Nov. 28-30, 2011, Matsue, Shimane, JAPAN, 2011 | D. Horváth: Antiprotonic Helium: Measuring the Antiproton Mass and Magnetic Moment, Invited lecture, Conference on Precision Physics and Fundamental Physical Constants Stará Lesná, High Tatra Mountains, Slovakia, September 10 - September 14, 2012, 2012 | T. Pask, D. Barna, A. Dax, R.S. Hayano, M. Hori, D. Horváth, B. Juhász, C. Malbrunot, J. Marton, N. Ono, K. Suzuki, J. Zmeskal, E. Widmann:: Improved study of the antiprotonic helium hyperfine structure, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41 (2008) 081008, 2008 | T. Pask, D. Barna, A. Dax, R.S. Hayano, M. Hori, D. Horváth, B. Juhász, C. Malbrunot, J. Marton, N. Ono, K. Suzuki, J. Zmeskal, E. Widmann:: Collisional Effects on the Antiprotonic Helium Hyperfine Structure Measurement, AIP Conference Proceedings 1037 (2008) 148-161., 2008 | T. Pask, D. Barna, A. Dax, R.S. Hayano, M. Hori, D. Horváth, S. Friedreich, B. Juhász, O. Massiczek, N. Ono, A. Sótér, E. Widmann:: Antiproton magnetic moment determined from the HFS of pbar He^+, Phys. Lett. B 678 (2009) 55-59, 2009 | S. Friedreich, D. Barna, F. Caspers, A. Dax, R.S. Hayano, M. Hori, D. Horváth, B. Juhász, T. Kobayashi, O. Massiczek, A. Sótér, K. Todoroki, E. Widmann, J. Zmeskal: First observation of two hyperfine transitions in antiprotonic 3He, Physics Letters B 700 (2011) 1-6., 2011 | Bertalan Juhász, Eberhard Widmann: Planned measurement of the ground-state hyperfine splitting of antihydrogen, Proc. EXA'08, Int. Conf. on Exotic Atoms, Vienna, 2008, Hyperfine Interactions 193 (2009) 305-311, 2009 | Anna Sótér and Masaki Hori: Particle detectors for the future antiproton Paul trap of the ASACUSA experiment at CERN, Conf. on Exotic Atoms, Vienna, 2008, pp. 549-553; Hyperfine Interactions 194 (2009) 201-205, 2009 | Y. Enomoto, N. Kuroda, K. Michishio, C. H. Kim, H. Higaki, Y. Nagata, Y. Kanai, H. A. Torii, M. Corradini, M. Leali, E. Lodi-Rizzini, V. Mascagna, L. Venturelli, N. Zurlo, K. Fujii, M. Ohtsuka, K. Tanaka, H. Imao, Y. Nagashima, Y. Matsuda, B. Juhász, A. Mohri, and Y. Yamazaki: Synthesis of Cold Antihydrogen in a Cusp Trap, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 243401 (2010), 2010 | Horváth Dezső: Hova lett az antianyag?, Nukleon 4 (2011) 82/1-8, 2011 | Dániel Barna and Masaki Hori: Extraction beamlines for ELENA, PBAR-11, Cold Antimatter and High Precision Physics, Nov. 28-30, 2011, Matsue, Shimane, JAPAN, 2011, 2011 | T. Mukoyama, Y. Nagashima, K. Tőkési: K-shell ionization of Cu by positron impact, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 279 (2012) 41–43, 2012 | S. Borbely, J. Feist, K. Tőkési, S. Nagele, L. Nagy, and J. Burgdörfer: The ionization of He by slow antiproton impact, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2012) in press., 2012 | S. Borbély, K. Tőkési, D. G. Arbó, and L. Nagy: Ionization of atoms by ultrashort UV laser pulses, Iterative solution of the time dependent Schrödinger equation, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2012) in press., 2012 | K. Tőkési: Energy and angular differential recoil ion spectra in collisions between positron and helium atom, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2012) in press., 2012 | H. Knudsen, H.-P. E. Kristiansen, H.D. Thomsen, U. I. Uggerhøj, T. Ichioka, S. P. Møller, C. A. Hunniford, R. W. McCullough, M. Charlton, N. Kuroda, Y. Nagata, H. A. Torii, Y. Yamazaki, H. Imao, H. H. Andersen and, K. Tőkési,: Ionization of helium and argon by very slow antiproton impact, Phys. Rev. Lett 101 (2008) 043201, 2008 | H. Knudsen, H.-P. E. Kristiansen, H.D. Thomsen, U. I. Uggerhøj, T. Ichioka, S. P. Møller, C. A. Hunniford, R. W. McCullough, M. Charlton, N. Kuroda, Y. Nagata, H. A. Torii, Y. Yamazaki, H. Imao, H. H. Andersen and, K. Tőkési: On the double ionization of helium by very slow antiproton impact, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Phys. Res. B267 (2009) 244–247., 2009 | H. Knudsen, H.A. Torii, M. Charlton, Y. Enomoto, I. Georgescu, C.A. Hunniford, C.H. Kim, Y. Kanai, H.-P.E. Kristiansen, N. Kuroda, M.D. Lund, R.W. McCullough, K. Tőkési , U.I. Uggerhoj, and Y. Yamazaki: Target Structure Induced Suppression of the Ionization Cross Section for Very Low Energy Antiproton-Hydrogen Collisions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010) 213201., 2010 | K. Tőkési, B. Sulik: Multiple electron scattering sequences in C^q+ + Ar collisions at energies and charge states relevant for carbon ion therapy, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 163 (2009) 012073., 2009 | S. Borbély, K. Tőkési, L. Nagy: Ionization of the hydrogen atom by intense ultrashort laser pulses, Phys. Rev. A77 (2008) 033412, 2008 | M. Zitnik, M. Kavcic, K. Bucar, B. Paripás, B. Palásthy, K. Tőkési: Resonant Auger decay of 2p hole in argon induced by electron impact, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Phys. Res. B267 (2009) 260–262, 2009 | S. Borbély, K. Tőkési, L. Nagy: Interaction of intense short laser pulses with positronium, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Phys. Res. B267 (2009) 386–389., 2009 | R. J. Bereczky, G. Kowarik, F. Aumayr, K. Tőkési: Transmission of 4.5 keV Ar9+ ions through single glass macrocapillary, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Phys. Res. B267 (2009) 317–320., 2009 | D. G. Arbó, K. Tőkési, J. E. Miraglia: Atomic ionization by a sudden momentum transfer, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Phys. Res. B267 (2009) 382–385., 2009 | D. G. Arbó, K. Tőkési, J. E. Miraglia: Limitations of the strong field approximation in ionization of the hydrogen atom by ultrashort pulses, Eur. Phys. J. D 51 (2009) 303–312., 2009 | G. Kowarik, R. J. Bereczky, F. Aumayr, K. Tőkési: Production of microbeam of slow highly charged ions with a single microscopic glass capillary,, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Phys. Res. B267 (2009) 2277–2279., 2009 | S. Borbély, K. Tőkési, D. G. Arbó, L. Nagy: Over-the-barrier ionization of the hydrogen atom by intense ultrashort laser pulses,, The 4th Conference on elementary processes in atomic systems CEPAS'08, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, June 18-20, 2008, Abstract Book, p40., 2008 | K. Tőkési: Transmission of 4.5 keV Ar9+ ions through a single glass macrocapillary, "Interaction of ions with insulators", Iiyama, Nagano, Japan, September 8-9 (2008)., 2008 | K. Tőkési, D. Varga: Monte Carlo simulation of electron spectra backscattered elastically from double-layer sample at relativistic energy, Abstract book of the 55th IUVSTA Workshop on Electron Transport Parameters Applied in Surface Analysis, September 14-17, 2008, Siófok, Hungary, 52-53, 2008 | K. Tőkési, J. Wang, L. Gulyás, J. Burgdörfer,: Angular and energy differential electron emission cross sections in collisions between antiprotons with helium atoms, Abstract book of the International Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics, September 16-19, 2008, Vienna, Austria, 102,, 2008 | K. Tőkési, J. Wang, L. Gulyás, J. Burgdörfer: Angular and energy differential electron emission cross sections in collisions between antiprotons and helium atoms, Proc. EXA'08, Int. Conf. on Exotic Atoms, Vienna, 2008, Hyperfine Interact 194 (2009) 45–50., 2009 | W. Meissl, M. Clever, K. Maeshima, E. Meissl, T. Ikeda, K. Tőkési, P.H. Schury, S. Miyamoto, T.M. Kojima, Y. Kanai, K. Ogiwara, M. Hamagaki, T. Kobayashi, N. Imamoto, and Y. Yamazaki: Precise micro-irradiation of individual living targets using MeV ion beams, Abstract for the 24th International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids, ICACS - 24, Kraków 2010, Poland, 2010 | D.G. Arbó, M.S. Gravielle, K.I. Dimitriou, K. Tőkési, S. Borbély, and J.E. Miraglia: Ionization of the hydrogen atom by short half-cycle pulses: dependence on the pulse duration, Eur. Phys. J. D, 59 (2010) 193–200., 2010 | S. Borbély, K. Tőkési, and L. Nagy: Ionization of the water by intense ultrashort half-cycle electric pulses, Eur. Phys. J. D 59 (2010)337–348, 2010 | K. Tőkési, and D.G. Arbó: Ionization by intense and short electric pulses – Classical picture, roceedings of the 25th microCAD International Scientific Conference. Miskolc, Hungary, 31 March - 1 April, 2011. Proceedings. Ed.: Bikfalvi P. Miskolc, Miskolci Egyetem I, 2011 | R. J. Bereczky, G. Kowarik, F. Ladinig, and F. Aumayr, and K. Tőkési: The effect of temperature on guiding of slow highly charged ions through mesoscopic glass capillaries, 5th Conference on Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems. CEPAS 2011 & CEAMPP 2011. Belgrade, Serbia, 21st- 25 th June 2011, Contributed papers and abstracts of invited l, 2011 | Károly Tőkési: State selective electron capture in low energy positron and argon collisions, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 279 (2012) 62–65, 2012 | R.J. Bereczky, G. Kowarik, K. Tőkési, F. Aumayr: Sample holder for studying temperature dependent particle guiding, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 279 (2012) 182–185, 2012 | K. Tőkési, I. Rajta, R.J. Bereczky, K. Vad: Investigation of MeV proton microbeam transmission between two flat plates – The cases of metallic and insulator plates, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 279 (2012) 173–176, 2012 | R. J. Bereczky, G. Kowarik, C. Lemaignan, A. Macé, F. Ladinig, R. Raab, F. Aumayr, and K. Tőkési: Guiding of slow highly charged ions through a single mesoscopic glass capillary, Proceedings of 21st International Conference on the Applicationof Accelerators in Research and Industry, Am. Inst. of Phys. Conf. Proc. 1336 (2011) 119 – 122, 2011 |





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