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BUKOVICS, P; PAL, J; GALLYAS, F: Aldehyde fixation is not necessary for the formation of "dark" neurons., Acta Neuropathologica, 116: 463-464., 2008 | CZEITER, E; PAL, J; KOVESDI, E; BUKOVICS, P; LUCKL, J; DOCZI, T; BUKI, A: Traumatic axonal injury in the spinal cord evoked by traumatic brain injury., Journal of Neurotrauma, 25 (3): 205-213., 2008 | KOVESDI, E; TAMAS, A; REGLODI, D; FARKAS, O; PAL, J; TOTH, G; BUKOVICS, P; DOCZI, T; BUKI, A: Posttraumatic Administration of Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase Activating Polypeptide in Central Fluid Percussion Injury in Rats., Neurotoxicity Research, 13 (2): 71-78., 2008 | CZEITER, E; BÜKI, A; BUKOVICS, P; FARKAS, O; PÁL, J; KÖVESDI, E; DÓCZI, T; SÁNDOR, J: Calpain inhibition reduces axolemmal leakage in traumatic axonal injury., Molecules, 14 (12): 5115-5123., 2009 | GALLYAS, F; PÁL, J; BUKOVICS, P: Supravital microwave experiments support that the formation of "dark" neurons is propelled by phase transition in an intracellular gel system., Brain Research, 1270: 152-156., 2009 | ARADI, M; STEIER, R; BUKOVICS, P; SZALAY, C; PERLAKI, G; ORSI, G; PÁL, J; JANSZKY, J; DÓCZI, T; SCHWARCZ, A: Quantitative proton MRI and MRS of the rat brain with a 3T clinical MR scanner., Journal of Neuroradiology, [Epub ahead of print], 2010 | BUKOVICS, P; CZEITER, E; REGLODI, D; HELYES, ZS; TAMAS, A; KOVACS, N; BAGOLY, T; BUKI A: Detection of PACAP in the cerebrospinal fluid and plasma of severely head-injured patients: preliminary results., National Neurotrauma Symposium, June 14-17, 2010, Las Vegas, p60, 2010 | KÖVESDI, E; BUKOVICS, P; BESSON, V; NYIRÁDI, J; LÜCKL, J; PÁL, J; SÜMEGI, B; DÓCZI, T; HERNÁDI, I; BÜKI, A: A novel PARP inhibitor L-2286 in a rat model of impact acceleration head injury: An immunohistochemical and behavioral study., International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 11 (4): 1253-1268., 2010 | KÖVESDI, E; LÜCKL, J; BUKOVICS, P; FARKAS, O; PÁL, J; CZEITER, E; SZELLÁR, D; DÓCZI, T; KOMOLY, S; BÜKI, A: Update on protein biomarkers in traumatic brain injury with emphasis on clinical use in adults and pediatrics., Acta Neurochirurgica, 152 (1): 1-17., 2010 | LAMMEL, K; BRUBEL, R; REGLODI, D; TAMAS, A; LUBICS, A; KISS, P; VARNAGY, A; KOPPAN, M; BODIS, J; BIRO, Z; CZEITER, E; BUKOVICS, P; BUKI, A; KOMOLY, S; MARK, L: Presence of pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide in human body fluids., Neuropeptides 44:(6), p542., 2010 | REGLŐDI, D; KISS, P; RÁCZ, B; BRUBEL, R; MÁRK, L; LUBICS, A; HORVÁTH, G; SZABADFI, K; ATLASZ, T; GÁBRIEL, R; FARKAS, J; MATKOVICS, A; CZEITER, E; BUKOVICS, P; BÜKI, A; FERENCZ, A; SZAKÁLY, P; TAMÁS, A: Brain-gut axis: a self-protective system with clinical relevance., Ideggyógyászati Szemle/Clinical Neuroscience 63:(5-6), p208., 2010 | BUKI, A; KOVESDI, E; BUKOVICS, P; KOVACS, N; CZEITER, E; TAMAS, A; REGLODI, D; HERNADI, I: Neuroprotection in traumatic brain injury., Journal of Neurotrauma, 28:(5), p. A28., 2011 | BUKOVICS, P; CZEITER, E; REGLODI, D; HELYES, Zs; TAMAS, A; BAGOLY, T; BUKI, A: Concentration of PACAP in severe head-injured patients: A new potential biomarker?, Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, p22 (The 10th International Symposium on VIP-PACAP and Related Peptides), 2011 | REGLŐDI, D; KISS, P; HELYES, ZS; MÁRK, L; BÜKI, A; DÓCZI, T; CZEITER, E; BUKOVICS, P; BRUBEL, R; BIRÓ, ZS; JÁMBOR, É; MAÁSZ, G; KOPPÁN, M; VÁRNAGY, Á; ERTL, T; GYARMATI, J; SZÁNTÓ, Z; TÁRCZAI, I; TAMÁS, A: Future perspectives of pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) in clinical research., Acta Physiologica, 202:(S684), p101., 2011 | STEIER, R; ARADI, M; PÁL, J; PERLAKI, G; ORSI, G; BOGNER, P; GALLYAS, F; BUKOVICS, P; JANSZKY, J; DÓCZI, T; SCHWARCZ, A.: A biexponential DWI study in rat brain intracellular oedema., European Journal of Radiology, [Epub ahead of print], 2011 | ANDREA, TAMÁS; DÓRA, REGLŐDI; ORSOLYA, FARKAS; ERZSÉBET, KÖVESDI; ANDREA, ZSOMBOK; JÓZSEF, PÁL; GÁBOR, TÓTH; JOHN T., POVLISHOCK; ATTILA, SCHWARCZ; TAMÁS, DÓCZI; ANDRÁS, BÜKI; PÉTER, BUKOVICS: Effect of PACAP in central and peripheral nerve injuries., Journal of Molecular Neuroscience [submitted], 2012 |





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