Research with Chaos Theory in Nonlinear, Dynamic, Feedback Controlled Systems Containing Finite Number of Power Switches  Page description

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Details of project

Type K
Principal investigator Nagy, István
Title in Hungarian Káosz elméleti kutatás véges számu teljesitmény kapcsolókat tartalmazó, nemlineáris. dinamikus, szabályozott rendszerekben
Title in English Research with Chaos Theory in Nonlinear, Dynamic, Feedback Controlled Systems Containing Finite Number of Power Switches
Keywords in Hungarian Káosz elmélet, nemlineáris, dinamikus. szabályozott rendszer, teljesitmény kapcsolók
Keywords in English Chaos Theory, Nonlinear, Dynamics, Feedback Controlled Systems, Power Switches
Electro-technology (Council of Physical Sciences)70 %
Ortelius classification: Applied electronics
Automation and Computer Science (Council of Physical Sciences)30 %
Ortelius classification: Automation
Panel Informatics and Electrical Engineering
Department or equivalent Department of Automation and Applied Informatics (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Participants Balogh, Attila
Bartal, Péter
Buti, Balázs
Gaudia, Andor
Hamar, János
Kerekes, Sándor
Kis, Péter
Korondi, Péter
Oláh, István
Sütő, Zoltán
Sziebig, Gábor
Takarics, Béla
Starting date 2008-04-01
Closing date 2012-06-30
Funding (in million HUF) 23.984
FTE (full time equivalent) 11.35
state closed project
Summary in Hungarian
Káosz elméleti kutatások 20-30 éve kezdödtek, futótüzként terjedtek és azóta a tudományos alapkutatások frontvonalában vannak a természettudományokban igy a mérnöktudományokban is. OTKA támogatás módot ad az eddigi eredményes nemzetközileg elismert (hivatkozások, publikációk, meghivások, kitüntetések, stb) kutatás folytatására. A multhoz hasonlóan a kutatást a teljesitményelektronika területen folytatnánk, amelynek három sajátosságát hangsúlyozzuk. Itt a szabályozott rendszer még abban az esetben is nemlineáris ha a z összes eleme lineáris, ezért képes kaotikus állapotba jutni. Másik sajátosság az élet minden területére kiterjedö rendkivül nagy számú alkalmazás és végül az a szerencsés találkozás,miszerint alapkutatást kell folytatni, hiszen a káosz elmélet a kiépülés stádiumában van ugyanakkor az eredmények közvetlenül alkalmazásra kerülhetnek.
A kutatás két nagy célterülete az energia konverzió és a mozgásszabályozás. Egyik fő cél, hogy az eredmények az analizis felöl a tervezés irányába tolódjanak. Választ keresünk arra, hogy a strukturától, paraméterektől, kiindulási állapottól miként függ a káoszhoz vezetö út, és a kaotikus állapot. Miként lehet elkerülni a kaotikus állapot kialakulását, ill.
miként lehet fenntartani azt. Jelenleg az első látszik fontosabbnak, de vannak érvek a második jelentösége mellett is. Vannak akik ugy vélik, hogy egyes rendszerek kaotikus állapotban jobb dinamikával müködnek hasonlóan a harci repülőgépekhez, amelyeket labilisra terveznek és csak szabályozással stabilizálnak igy érve el a gyorsabb, fürgébb
géphez. Egyéb alkalmazás: elektromágneses zavarás csökkentés, hirközlés titkositás, keverés javitás vegyészetben, stb.
Kutatás nemzetközi szintü elméleti, gyakorlatban alkalmazható eredményeket, rangos publikációkat, PhD téziseket, nemzetközi előadásokat, további elismeréseket igér.
The researches in Chaos theory started 20-30 years ago and they spread like wild fire.
Since then they are in the front line of basic research in the natural sciences including engineering. Support from OTKA ensures the continuation of the internationally recognized research (citations, publications, invitations, awards e.t.c.). Like in the past the research would be carried out in the field of power electronics. Its three characteristic features should be pointed out. Here the feedback controlled system is nonlinear even when all of its components are linear, therefore it can reach the chaotic state. Second their applications are widespread covering all area of modern life. Finally, here a fortunate merge is realized between the basic research and application as the chaos theory is in its development state and the results in this field can directly be applied.
The two large target areas of research are the energy conversion and the motion control. One of the main aims is to move toward the direction of design from analysis with the results. We search for the answer of the questions as follows:
How the route to chaos and the chaotic state depend on the structure, parameters and initial condition. How the chaotic state can be avoided and the opposite how it can be sustained. At present the first issue seems to be more significant one but there are arguments supporting the importance of the second issue. Some researchers argue that certain systems can operate faster with better dynamics in chaotic state similarly to fighter airplanes designed to be unstable and stabilized only by feedback control achieving this way speedier planes improving their maneuverability. Further applications are: reduction of electromagnetic interference, chaotic carrier signal in communication, mixing in chemistry e.t.c.
The research promises results at international level in theory, in the field of application, novel publications, PhD theses, lectures abroad and further recognitions.


Final report

Results in Hungarian
A kutatás négy témakörben folyt. Kaotikus tartományban működő nemlineáris villamos hajtás stabilis trajektóriára állítása témában a legfontosabb eredmény az volt, hogy a motor árammal arányos jelhez külső periodikus fűrészfog alakú jelet adva el lehetett érni a jel meredekségének megváltoztatásával, hogy a rendszerre ható külső jelek (terhelő nyomaték, tápfeszültség, fordulatszám alapjel) terének egy általunk megválasztott széles tartományában a rendszer stabilis maradjon, míg ugyanitt a fűrészfog alakú jel nélkül a rendszer kaotikus, labilis állapotba került. A megújuló energiák témában az ultranagy fordulatszámú gép szabályozásával, egy új kombinált napelem-termikus rendszer elméleti, szimulációs és kísérleti vizsgálatával és a mikrogridek feszültségszabályozásával foglalkoztunk. A pulzus szélesség modulációs eljárásokkal kapcsolatban egyes irodalmi állításokkal szemben bizonyítottuk, hogy jelentős egyenáramú komponens is felléphet. Francia, olasz és japán kooperációban végzett kutatás során a konverterek által generált harmonikusokat csökkentő két módszert dolgoztuk ki. Az eredményeket 45 cikkben publikáltuk. Egy kivételével valamennyi angol nyelvű és három kivételével valamennyi külföldön jelent meg Európa, Amerika, Ázsia és Afrika országaiban.
Results in English
The research has had four topics. The most important result in the topic dealing with the connection to a stable orbit of a chaotic trajectory of nonlinear electrical drive operating in chaotic region was as follows: The system remain stable in wide range of the input signals (load torque, supply voltage, speed reference signal) selected by us provided that, the slope of an input periodical saw tooth signal added to the signal proportional to the motor current has been change. Otherwise the system remained operating in chaotic state without the application the saw tooth signal. In the renewable energy topic the control of ultra-high speed machine and the theoretical and simulation, test of the new combined solar-thermal system as well as voltage control of micro-grids were the research fields. Contrary to the statements found in the relevant literature dealing with the pulse width modulation it has been proved that considerable amount of DC-DC current can be generated. Two methods for suppressing harmonics generated by the electrical energy conversion have been developed in French, Italian, and Japanese cooperation. The research results have been published in 45 papers. All of them but one was written in English and they were published outside of Hungary in Europe, Asia, America, and Africa except three of them.
Full text


List of publications

P. Stumpf, R.K. Járdán, I. Nagy: Speed Control of Ultrahighspeed Turbine – Generator Set with Nonlinear Control – Loop Applied for Waste and Renewable Energy Recovery, ECC’09, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 4193-4198, CD Rom ISBN: 978-963-311-369-1, 2009
P. Stumpf, R.K. Járdán, I. Nagy: Speed Control of Ultrahighspeed Turbine – Generator Set with Nonlinear Control – Loop Applied for Waste and Renewable Energy Recovery, ECC’09, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 4193-4198, CD Rom ISBN: 978-963-311-369-1, 2009
P. Stumpf, R.K. Járdán, I. Nagy: Avoiding Dangerous Overspeed in Ultrahighspeed Turbine-Generator Set Applied for Waste and Renewable Energy Recovery, IEEE ISIE 2009, Seoul, Korea, pp. 831-836, CD Rom ISBN: 978-1-4244-4349-9, 2009
Z. Suto, I. Nagy: Numerous Subharmonic States in Direct Torque Controlled Induction Machine, 6ht International Multi-conference on Systems, Signals and Devices, Conference of Power Electrical Systems (PES), IEEE, Djerba, Tunisia, CD Rom ISBN: 978-1-4244-436-8, 2009
I. Nagy, Z. Sütő: Resonant Converters, Chapter 20 in Handbook: "Power Electronics and Motor Drives". Edited by: J.D.Irwin and D.Wilamowski, Taylor&Francis/CRC Press, USA, 22, Febr., 2011, No. of pages: 1,015 ISBN: 978-1-4398-0285-4, 2011
I. Nagy, P. Bauer: DC-DC Converters, Chapter 13 in Handbook: "Power Electronics and Motor Drives". Edited by: J.D.Irwin and D.Wilamowski, Taylor&Francis/CRC Press, USA, 22, Febr., 2011, No. of pages: 1,015, ISBN: 978-1-4398-0285-4, 2011
I. Nagy, Z. Sütő: Nonlinear Dynamics, Chapter 01 in Handbook: "Control and Mechatronics". Edited by: J.D.Irwin and D.Wilamowski, Taylor&Francis/CRC Press, USA 22, Febr., 2011, No. of pages: 853, ISBN: 978-1-4398-0287-8, 2011
R.K. Jardan, P. Stumpf, P. Bartal, Z. Varga, I. Nagy: A Novel Approach in Studying the Effects of Subharmonics on Ultrahigh-Speed AC Motor Drives, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 58, No. 4, pp. 1274-1281, April, 2011
P. Stumpf, Z. Varga, T. D. Sepsi, R. K. Jardan, I. Nagy: Ultrahigh Speed Induction Machine Overheated by Subharmonics of PWM Inverter, IECON 2010, 07 - 10 November, 2010, Glendale, AZ, U.S.A., pp. 1748-1753, CD Rom ISBN: 978-1-4244-5226-2, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP10IEC-CDR, 2010
Peter Stumpf, Rafael K. Jardan, Istvan Nagy: Speed Control of Ultrahigh Speed Induction Generator fed by Voltage Source Converter, EPE-PEMC 2010, 6-8 September, 2010, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, pp. T5-168-T5-173, CD Rom ISBN: 978-1-4244-7854-5, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1034A-DVD, 2010
István Nagy, Péter Bartal: Quasi-Subharmonics in PWM Inverters, EPE-PEMC 2010, 6-8 September, 2010, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, pp. T13-34-T13-39, CD Rom ISBN: 978-1-4244-7854-5, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1034A-DVD, 2010
Peter Stumpf, Zoltán Varga, Peter Bartal, Rafael K. Járdán, István Nagy: Time Average Approach for the Calculation of Quasi-Subharmonics of PWM Technique in Ultra High Speed AC Motor Supply, ISIE 2010, 04 - 07 July, 2010, Bari, Italy, pp. 1125-1130, CD Rom ISBN: 978-1-4244-6391-6, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP10ISI-CDR, 2010
J. Hamar, I. Nagy, H. Funato, Y. Nishida, H. Ohsaki, E. Masada: Discrete-time Modeling Tools for DC-DC Converters, IPEC 2010, 2010 International Power Electronics Conference, Sapporo, Japan, 21-24 June, 2010, pp. 1088-1093, CD Rom ISBN: 978-1-4244-5395-5, IEEE Catalog Number:CFP-10541, 2010
Peter Stumpf, Rafael K. Jardan, Istvan Nagy: Dynamics of Different Speed Controls of Ultra High Speed Induction Generator Using Approximate and Accurate Model, SPEEDAM 2010, International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, Pisa, Italy, 14-16 June, 2010, pp. 1024-1029, CD Rom ISBN: 978-1-424, 2010
P. Stumpf, R.K. Jardan, I. Nagy: Subharmonics Generated by Space Vector Modulation in Ultrahigh Speed Drives, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics - közlésre elfogadva, 2011
Z. Varga, P. Stumpf, R.K. Járdán, I. Nagy: Application of Ultrahigh Speed Induction Machine for Waste and Renewable Energy Recovery, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research IJQEQ, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 200-211, 2011, ISSN: 1309-0127, 2011
P. Stumpf, I. Nagy: Motor Drive Stabilization in its Chaotic Region, Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 19-24, March 12, 2012, ISSN 1805-3386, 2012
P. Bartal, J. Hamar, I. Nagy, H. Funato, Y. Nishida: Efficiency Improvement in Intelligent Multi-converter Systems Supplying Consumer Electronics by Load Detection, ICPE 2011 – ECCE Asia, 8th International Conference on Power Electronics, The Shilla Jeju, Jeju, Korea, May 30 – June 3, 2011, E-ISBN: 978-1-61284-956-0, IEEE, ISSN: 2150, 2011
P. Stumpf, Z. Varga, R. K. Jardan, I. Nagy: Comparative Study on Space Vector Modulation Techniques Applied in Voltage Source Converters of Ultrahigh Speed Induction Motor Drives, ELECTRIMACS’2011, 6-8th June, 2011, Paris, Cergy-Pontoise, France, ISBN: 978-2-7466-3454-1, p. 6, 2011
D. T. Sepsi, P. Stumpf, Z. Varga, R. K. Járdán, I. Nagy: Comparative Analysis of ICEVs, and Different Types of EVs, ELECTRIMACS’2011, 6-8th June, 2011, Paris, Cergy-Pontoise, France, ISBN: 978-2-7466-3454-1, p. 6, 2011
P. Stumpf, Z. Sütő, I. Nagy: Research in Nonlinear Dynamics Triggered by R&D Experiences, Automation and Applied Computer Science Workshop, AACS’11, 24, June, 2011, Budapest, Hungary, ISBN: 978-963-313-033-9, pp. 38-58, 2011
P. Stumpf, D. T. Sepsi, R. K. Járdán, I. Nagy: Space Vector Modulation Techniques Applied in Voltage Source Converters of Ultrahigh Speed Induction Machines, IEEE-ISIE’11, Gdansk, Poland, 27-30 June, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-4244-9311-1, pp. 402-407, 2011
P. Stumpf, Z. Varga, R.K. Jardan, I. Nagy: Analysis of Space Vector Modulation Techniques Applied in Voltage Source Converters of Ultrahigh Speed Induction Motor Drives, EPE’11 ECCE Europe Power Electronics and Adjustable Speed Drives, Birmingham, UK, 30 August to 1 September, 2011, pp. P.1-P.10, IEEE, ISBN: 9789075815153, 2011
P. Bartal, J. Hamar, I. Nagy: Parallel DC/DC Converters with Multi-Agent Based Multi-Objective Optimization for Consumer Electronics, ICCE-Berlin 2011, The 1st IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Berlin, Germany, September 6-8, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-4577-0232-7, 2011
Rafael K. Jardan, Zoltan Varga, Istvan Nagy: Investigation of Self-Excited Ultrahigh Speed Induction Generators for Distributed Generation Systems, International Aegean Conference on Electric Machines and Power Electronics & Electromotion Joint Conference, Acemp-Electromotion 2011 Istanbul, Turkey, 08-10 September, 2, 2011
P. Stumpf, I. Nagy: Stability Analysis and Control of Chaos in a Motor Drive with Auxiliary State Vector, 17th Int. Conference on Electrical Drives and Power Electronics “EDPE’11”, The High Tatras, Slovakia, 28-30 September, 2011, pp. 61-66, 2011
Bence Kovács, Géza Szayer, Ferenc Tajti, Péter Korondi, István Nagy: Robot with Dog Type Behavior, 17th Int. Conference on Electrical Drives and Power Electronics “EDPE’11”, The High Tatras, Slovakia, 28-30 September, 2011, pp. 347-353, 2011
P. Stumpf, A. Lőrincz, I. Nagy: Analysis and Compensation of Chaotic Response in DC Motor Drive, 3rd International Students Conference on Electrodynamics and Mechatronics, Opole, Poland, 6-8 October, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-4244-9692-1, IEEE, 2011
B. Rakos, P. Stumpf, I. Nagy: Energy from Biogas, Renewables for Supplying Telecommunications in Remote, Rural Areas, INTELEC’11, 33rd International Telecommunications Energy Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 9-13 October, 2011, p. 7, ISBN: 978-1-4577-1248-7, IEEE Catalog Number: C, 2011
Z. Varga, R.K. Jardan, I. Nagy: Ultrahigh Speed Induction Generators Applied in Disperse Power Plants, INTELEC’11, 33rd International Telecommunications Energy Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 9-13 October, 2011, p. 7, ISBN: 978-1-4577-1248-7, IEEE Catalog Number: C, 2011
P. Stumpf, Z. Sütő, I. Nagy: Unexpected Test Results with Variable Structure Nonlinear Systems and their Theoretical Background, PEIA 2011, Workshop on Power Electronics in Industrial Applications and Renewable Energy, Doha, Qatar, 3-4 November, 2011, pp. 39-44, IEEE, Key-note presentation: P. Stum, 2011
P. Stumpf, R.K. Járdán, I. Nagy: Comparison of Naturally Sampled PWM Techniques in Ultrahigh Speed Drives, ISIE 2012, Hangzhou, China, 28-30 May, 2012, pp. 246-251, IEEE, 2012
Peter Bartal, János Hamar and István Nagy: Efficiency Improvement in Modular DC/DC Converters Using Unequal Current Sharing, SPEEDAM 2012, Sorrento, Italy, 20-22 June, 2012, pp. 275-280, ISBN: 978-1-4673-1300-1, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1248A-CDR, IEEE, 2012
J.Hamar, I.Nagy, H.Funato, S.Ogasawara, O. Dranga, Y.Nishida: Virtual Power Electronics:Novel software Tools for Design, Modeling and Education, IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications, vol.128, No.8 pp 969-978, 2008
R.K. Jardan, I.Nagy, Z.Varga: Special Features of Ultrahigh-Speed Induction generators Applied in the Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources, SPEEDAM'08, Italy 2008 pp.1439-1444, ISBN:978-1-4244-1664-6, 2008
J.Hamar, I.Nagy, P.Stumpf, H.Ohsaki, E.Masada: New Dual Channel Quasi Resonant DC-DC Converter Topologies for Distributed Energy Utilization, EPE-PEMC'08, Poland 2008,pp.1778-1785, ISBN:978-1-4244-1742-1, 2008
R.K.Jardan, I.Nagy, A. Cid-Pastor, R.Leyva, A. el Aroudi, L.M. Salamero: Photovoltaic/Terminal System for Stand-Alone Operation, IEEE-PESC'08, Greece 2008, pp.3930-3936, ISBN:978-1-4244-1668-4, 2008
G. Sziebig,R.K.Jardan, I.Nagy, P.Korondi: Integrated Multimedia educational Program of a DC Servo System for Distant Learning, EPE-PEMC'08, Poland 2008, pp2391-2398, ISBN:978-1-4244-1742-1, 2008
P. Stumpf, M.G.Simon, R.K. Jardan, I.Nagy: Simulation Study on Control og Ultrahigh Speed Drives in Waste Energy Recovery Systems, EPE-PEMC'08, Poland 2008,pp.931-938, ISBN:978-1-4244-1742-1, 2008
D. Paire, M. Cirricione, M.Pucci, R.K. Jardan, I.Nagy, A. Miraoui: Current Harmonic Compensation by Three-Phase Converters Controlled by Space Vector Modulation, IECON'08, USA 2008, pp 2307-2313, ISBN: 978-1-4244-1766-7, 2008
G.Sziebig, P.Korondi, Z.Suto, P.Stumpf, R.K.Jardan, I.Nagy: Integrated E-learning Projects in the European Union, IECON'08 USA 2008, pp.3524-3529, ISBN:978-1-4244-1766-7, 2008
Z. Sütő, E. Masada, I. Nagy: Discontinuous Iterated Map Model of Bifurcation Phenomena in DTC Drives, ICEMS’09, 12th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems p. 6, 2009
P. Stumpf, Z. Varga, P. Bartal, R. K. Járdán, I. Nagy: Effect of Subharmonics on the Operation of Ultrahigh Speed Induction Machines, IECON 2009, 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society pp. 431-436, 2009
P. Stumpf, Z. Varga, P. Bartal, R. K. Járdán, I. Nagy: Impact of PWM Technique on the Operation of Ultrahigh Speed Induction Machines, EPE 2009, 2009
J. Hamar, I. Nagy, A. Toth, H. Funato, Y. Nishida, H. Ohsaki, E, Masada: Dual Channel Resonant Forward DC-DC Converter for Distributed Utilization, IEEJ’09 pp. 63-64, 2009


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