Isolation of natural terpenoids, alkaloids and phenolic compounds with antitumor activity
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Réthy, B., Hohmann, J., Minorics, R., Varga, A., Ocsovszki, I., Molnár, J., Juhász, K., Falkay, G., Zupkó, I.: Antitumor properties of acridone alkaloids on murine lymphoma cell line, Anticancer Res. 28, 2737-2743, 2008 | Hohmann, J., Zupkó, I., Forgo, P.: Isolation of antiproliferative compounds from Centaurea jacea L., 4th World Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Cape Town, 2008. november 9-14. AB 353, p. 41., 2008 | Hasmah, A., Hohmann, J., Hawariah A., Molnar, J., Forgo, P.: Antiproliferative compounds from Hydnophytum formicarium, J. Trop. Med. Plants 9, 366-370, 2008 | Pusztai, R., Hohmann J., Rédei, D., Engi, H., Molnár, J.: Inhibition of human cytomegalovirus IE gene expression by dihydro-beta-agarofuran sesquiterpenes isolated from Euonymus species, In Vivo 22, 787-792, 2008 | Csupor-Löffler, B., Hajdú, Z., Zupkó, I., Réthy, B., Falkay, G., Forgo, P., Hohmann, J.: Antiproliferative effect of flavonoids and sesquiterpenoids from Achillea millefolium s.l. on cultured human tumour cell lines, Phytother. Res. 23, 672-676, 2009 | Zupkó, I., Réthy, B., Hohmann, J., Molnár, J., Ocsovszki, I., Falkay, G.: Antitumor activity of alkaloids derived from Amaryllidaceae species, In Vivo 23, 41-48, 2009 | Csupor-Löffler, B., Hajdú, Z., Réthy, B., Zupkó, I., Máthé, I., Rédei, T., Falkay, G., Hohmann, J.: Antiproliferative activity of the Hungarian Asteraceae species against human cell lines. Part II., Phytother. Res. 23, 1109-1115, 2009 | Kovács, A., Vasas, A., Forgo, P., Réthy, B., Zupkó, I., Hohmann: Xanthanolides with Antitumour Activity from Xanthium italicum, Z. Naturforsch. C 64, 343-349, 2009 | Hohmann, J., Hajdú, Zs. Csupor-Löffler, B., Csapi, B., Zupkó, I., Csedő, K.: Tumorsejtek szaporodását gátló hatású vegyületek izolálása Kárpát-medencében honos Asteraceae fajokból, Orvostudományi Értesítő 82, különszám, 18-19., 2009 | Hasmah, A., Hawariah, L. P. A., Hohmann. J.: Release of cytochrome C in MCF-7 cells treated with 7,3’,5’-trihydroxy-flavanone of Hydnophytum formicarium, Biomed. Pharm. J. 2, 1-6, 2009 | Zupkó I., Hohmann Judit: Növényi eredetű citosztatikumok kutatása, Gyógyszerészet 53 Suppl. 1; 50, 2009 | Csupor-Löffler B., Hajdú Zs., Zupkó I., Forgó P., Hohmann J.: Daganatgátló vegyületek izolálása a betyárkóró (Conyza canadensis) gyökeréből, Lippay János – Ormos Imre – Vas Károly Tudományos Ülésszak. Budapest, 88-89. p, 2009 | Martins, Ana, Hajdú Zsuzsanna, Vasas Andrea, Csupor-Löffler Boglárka, Molnár József, Hohmann Judit: Spatulenol inhibit the human ABCB1 efflux pump, Planta Med. 76; 1349, 2010 | Tatsimo Ndendoung, Joel, Tane, P., Csupor Dezső, Forgo Peter, Hohmann Judit: Kaempferol rhamnosides from Bryophyllum pinnatum, a medicinal plant used against infectious diseases and as analgesic in Mbouda, Cameroon, Planta Med. 76; 1302, 2010 | Hajdú, Z., Zupkó, I., Réthy, B., Forgo, P., Hohmann, J.: Bioactivity-guided isolation of cytotoxic sesquiterpenes and flavonoids from Anthemis ruthenica L., Planta Med. 76, 94-96, 2010 | Martins, A., Vasas, A., Schelz, Z., Viveiros, M., Molnar, J., Hohmann, J., Amaral, L.: Constituents of Carpobrotus edulis inhibit P-glycoprotein of MDR1-transfected mouse lymphoma cells, Anticancer Res. 30, 829-836, 2010 | Hasmah, A., Hawariah, L. P. A., Hohmann. J., Molnar, J.: A natural compound from Hydnophytum formicarium induce apoptosis of MCF-7 cell proliferation via up-regulation of Bax, Cancer Cell International 10, 14-20, 2010 | Csapi, B., Hajdú, Z., Zupkó, I., Berényi, Á., Forgo, P., Szabó, P., Hohmann, J.: Bioactivity-guided isolation of antiproliferative compounds from Centaurea arenaria, Phyther. Res. 24, 1664-1669, 2010 | Molnár, J., Engi, H., Hohmann, J., Molnár, P., Deli, J., Weselowska, O., Michalak, K., Wang, Q.: Reversal of multidrug resistance by natural substances from plants, Curr. Top. Med. Chem. 10, 1757-1768, 2010 | Bishayee, A., Háznagy-Radnai, E., Mbimba, T., Sipos, P., Morazzoni, P., Darvesh, A.S., Bhatia, D., and Hohmann, J: Anthocyanin-rich black currant extract suppresses the growth of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells, Nat. Prod. Commun. 5, 1613-1618, 2010 | Hajdú Zsuzsanna, Csapi Bence, Zupkó István, Berényi Ágnes, Forgo Peter, Hohmann Judit: Antiproliferative activity of the extracts and compounds of Centaurea arenaria on human tumour cell lines, Planta Med. 76; 1256, 2010 | Csupor-Löffler Boglárka, Hajdú Zsuzsanna, Zupkó István, Molnár Judit, Forgo Peter, Kele Zoltán, Hohmann Judit: New dihydropyrone derivatives and further antitumour compounds from Conyza canadensis, Planta Med. 76; 1257, 2010 | Vasas, A., Hohmann, J.: Xanthane sesquiterpenoids: structure, synthesis and biological activity, Nat. Prod. Rep. 28, 824-842, 2011 | Martins, A., Vasas, A., Viveiros, M., Molnár, J., Hohmann, J., Amaral, L.: Antibacterial properties of compounds isolated from Carpobrotus edulis, Int. J. Antimicrob. Agents 37, 438-444, 2011 | 120. Ndonsta, B. L., Tatsimo, J. S. N., Csupor, D., Forgo, P., Berkecz, R., Berényi, Á., Tene, M., Molnár, J., Zupko, I., Hohmann, J., Tane, P.: Alkylbenzoquinones with antiproliferative effect against human cancer cell lines from stem of Ardisia kivuensis, Phytochem. Lett. 4, 227-230, 2011 | Forgo, P., Hajdú, Z., Máthé, I., Hohmann, J.: Isolation and identification of mono- and sesquiterpenoids from the aerial part of Artemisia asiatica Nakai, 14th Asian Chemical Congress 2011. Bangkok, 2011. szeptember 5-8. 478. p., 2011 | Bishayee, A., Mbimbaa, T., Thoppil, R., Háznagy-Radnai, E., Sipos, P., Darvesha, A. S., Folkesson, H. G., Hohmann, J.: Anthocyanin-rich black currant (Ribes nigrum L.) extract affordschemoprevention against diethylnitrosamine-induced hepatocellular carcinogenesis in rats, J. Nutr. Biochem. 22, 1035-1046, 2011 | Csupor-Löffler, B., Hajdú, Z., Zupkó, I., Molnár, J., Forgo, P., Vasas, A., Kele, Z., Hohmann, J.: Antiproliferative constituents of the roots of Conyza canadensis, Planta Med. (accepted), 2011 | Janicsák, G., Nikolova, M. T., Forgo, P., Vasas, A., Máthé, I., Hohmann, J., Blunden, G., Zupkó, I.: Bioactivity-guided Study of Antiproliferative Activities of Salvia Extracts, Nat. Prod. Commun., 2011 | Veres, K., Csupor-Löffler, B., Lázár, A., Hohmann, J.: Antifungal activity and composition of essential oils of Conyza canadensis herbs and roots, The Scientific World Journal, Article ID 489646, 5 pages doi:10.1100/2012/489646, 2012 | 126. Bishayee, A., Thoppil, R. J., Manda, A., Darvesh, A. S., Ohanyan, V., Meszaros, J. G., Háznagy-Radnai, E., Hohmann, J., Bhatia, D.: Black currant phytoconstituents exert chemoprevention of diethylnitrosamine-initiated hepatocarcinogenesis by suppression of the inflammatory response, Mol. Carcinogen. published online DOI: 10.1002/mc.21860, 2012 | Forgo, P., Zupkó, I., Molnár, J., Vasas, A., Dombi, G., Hohmann, J.: Bioactivity-guided isolation of antiproliferative compounds from Centaurea jacea L., Fitoterapia (közlésre elfogadva), 2012 | Martins, A., Toth, N., Vanyolos, A., Beni, Z., Zupko, I., Molnar, J., Bathori, M., Hunyadi, A.: Significant activity of ecdysteroids on the resistance to doxorubicin in mammalian cancer cells expressing the human ABCB1 transporter, J. Med. Chem. dx.doi.org/10.1021/jm300424n, 2012 |





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