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Magyarics Z, Szabo A, Pazmandi K, Gopcsa L, Rajnavolgyi E, Bacsi A: Collaboration of TLR and RLH mediated signaling pathways in human primary and leukemic plasmacytoid dendritic cells, J Immunol (submitted for publication), 2011 | Hodrea J, Májai G, Doró Z, Zahuczky G, Pap A, Rajnavolgyi É, Fesüs L: The glucocorticoid dexamethasone programs human dendritic cells for enhanced phagocytosis of apoptotic neutrophils with inflammatory response, J Leukoc Biol (submitted for publication), 2011 | Fekete T, Szabo A, Beltrame L, Vivar N, Pivarcsi A, Lanyi A, Cavalieri D, Rajnavölgyi E, Rethi B: Early activation of developing monocyte derived dendritic cells triggers both immediate and persisting inhibitory mechanisms leading to aborted cytokine production and non-migratory phenotype, J Immunol (submitted for publication), 2011 | Szabo A, Krisztian Bene, Varga R E, Lanyi A, Bence R, Gogolak P, Dezso B, Rajnavolgyi E: Szabo A, Krisztian Bene, Varga R E, Lanyi A, Bence R, Gogolak P, Dezso B, Rajnavolgyi E, Mucosal Immunology (submitted for publication), 2011 | Peterfi, Z., Donko, A., Orient, A., Sum, A., Prokai, A., Molnar, B., Vereb, Z., Rajnavolgyi, E., Kovacs, K. J., Muller, V., Szabo, A. J. and Geiszt, M.: Peroxidasin is secreted and incorporated into the extracellular matrix of myofibroblasts and fibrotic kidney, Peterfi, Z., Donko, A., Orient, A., Sum, A., Prokai, A., Molnar, B., Vereb, Z., Rajnavolgyi, E., Kovacs, K. J., Muller, V., Szabo, A. J. and Geiszt, M., 2009 | Csillag A., Boldogh I., Pazmandi K., Magyarics Z., Gogolak P., Sur S., Rajnavölgyi E., Bacsi A.: Pollen-Induced Oxidative Stress Influences Both Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses via Altering Dendritic Cell Functions, J Immunol 184(5):2377-2385, 2010, 2010 | Petheő GL., Orient A., Baráth M., Kovács I., Réthi B., Lányi Á., Rajki A., Rajnavölgyi É., Geiszt M.: Molecular and Functional Characterization of Hv1 Proton Channel in Human Granulocytes, PLoS ONE, Volume 5, Issue 11, e14081, 2010 | Cavalieri D, Rivero D, Beltrame L, Buschow SI, Calura E, Rizzetto L, Gessani S, Gauzzi MC, Reith W, Baur A, Bonaiuti R, Brandizi M, De Filippo C, D'Oro U, Draghici S, Dunand-Sauthier I, Gatti E, Granucci F, Gündel M, Kramer M, Kuka M, Lanyi A, Melief CJ, van Montfoort N, Ostuni R, Pierre P, Popovici R, Rajnavolgyi E, Schierer S, Schuler G, Soumelis V, Splendiani A, Stefanini I, Torcia MG, Zanoni I, Zollinger R, Figdor CG, Austyn JM: DC-ATLAS: a systems biology resource to dissect receptor specific signal transduction in dendritic cells., Immunome Res. 2010 Nov 19;6:10, 2010 | Majai G., Gogolák P., Ambrus C., Vereb G., Hodrea J., Fésüs L., Rajnavölgyi É.: PPARg modulated inflammatory response of human dendritic cell subsets to engulfed apoptotic neutrophils, J Leukocyte Biol 88:981-991, 2010 | Nakken B, Varga T, Szatmari I, Szeles L, Gyongyosi a, Illarionov PA, Dezso B, Gogolak P, Rajnavolgyi E, Nagy L: PPARgamma-regulated cathepsin D is required for lipid antigen presentation by dendritic cells, The Journal of Immunology (accepted for publication), 2011 | Kis-Toth K, Hajdu P, Bacskai I, Papp F, Szanto A, Posta E, Gogolak P, Szilagyi O, Panyi G, Rajnavolgyi E: Voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.7 maintains the membrane potential and regulates the activation and chemokine-induced migration of a monocyte-derived dendritic cell subset, The Journal of Immunology (under revision), 2011 | Toth, B. I., Benko, S., Szollosi, A. G., Kovacs, L., Rajnavolgyi, E. and Biro, T.: Transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 signaling inhibits differentiation and activation of human dendritic cells, FEBS Lett 2009. 583: 1619-1624., 2009 | Zsiros, E., Kis-Toth, K., Hajdu, P., Gaspar, R., Bielanska, J., Felipe, A., Rajnavolgyi, E. and Panyi, G.: Developmental switch of the expression of ion channels in human dendritic cells, J Immunol 2009. 183: 4483-4492., 2009 |




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