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Cs. Janáky, B. Endrődi, K. Kovács, M. Timko, A. Sápi, C. Visy:: Chemical synthesis of poly(3-thiophene-acetic acid)/magnetite nanocomposites with tunable magnetic behaviour, Synthetic Metals, 160 65-71, 2010 | C. Janáky, B. Endrődi, C. Visy: Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Conducting Polymer Based Magnetic Electrodes, 216th ECS Meeting - Vienna, F5, 2729, p. 109, 2009 | Janáky Csaba: Elektromosan vezető polimerek mágneses nanorészecskékkel alkotott kompozitjai, PhD értekezés, SZTE Kémia Doktori Iskola, 2010 | G. Bencsik, Zs. Lukács, C. Visy: Photo-electrochemical sensor for dissolved oxygen, based on a poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/iron oxalate hybrid electrode, Analyst, 135 375-380, 2010 | G. Bencsik, Zs. Lukács, C. Visy: Photo-electrochemical sensor for dissolved oxygen, based on a poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/iron oxalate hybrid electrode, 216th ECS Meeting no. 1182, Vienna, 2009 | G. Bencsik, Zs. Lukács, C. Visy: Photo-electrocatalytic reduction of oxygen at a poly(3,4-ethylenedioxitiophene)/iron oxalate thin layer electrode, 2nd International Conference on Functional Nanocoatings - Dresden, P2, 2, p. 83, 2010 | Peintler-Krivan E., Toth PS. Visy C.: Combination of in situ UV-Vis-NIR spectro-electrochemical and a.c. impedance measurements: A new, effective technique for studying the redox transformation of conducting, Electrochem. Commun. 11 1947-1950, 2009 | E. Kriván, P. S. Tóth, C. Visy: Simultaneous Detection of Conductance and Spectral Changes of Conducting Polymers, 216th ECS Meeting, no. 2933, Vienna, 2009 | C. Janáky, B. Endrődi, E. Kriván, C. Visy: Properties of a Polypyrrole/Magnetite/Vitamin B12 Hybrid: A Conducting Polymer Based Electrode for Bio-electrocatalysis, 216th ECS Meeting I1, no. 2973, Vienna, 2009 | P. S. Tóth, E. Peintler-Kriván, C. Visy: Simultaneous monitoring of the in situ a. c. impedance and the optical changes in nanocoatings during their redox transformation, 2nd International Conference on Functional Nanocoatings - Dresden, P2, 1, p. 83., 2010 | C. Visy, P. S. Tóth, E. Peintler-Kriván: Simultaneous monitoring of optical and conductance changes during the redox transformation of transparent conducting layers, CIMTEC, 5th Forum of New Materials, FI-2:L09, p. 90, Montecatini Terme, 2010 | C. Janáky, B. Endrődi, A. Hajdú, C. Visy: Synthesis and characterization of polypyrrole–magnetite–vitamin B12 hybrid composite electrodes, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 14 339-346, 2010 | Cs. Janáky, G. Cseh, P. S. Tóth, C. Visy: Application of classical and new, direct analytical methods for the elucidation of ion movements during the redox transformation of polypyrrole, J. Solid State Electrochem. 14 1967-1973, 2010 | Péter S. Tóth, E. Peintler-Kriván, Cs. Visy: Application of simultaneous monitoring of the in situ impedance and optical changes on the redox transformation of two polythiophenes: direct evidence for their non ident, Electrochem. Commun. 12, 958-961, 2010 | Csaba Janáky, Gábor Bencsik, Árpád Rácz, and Csaba Visy*, Norma R. de Tacconi, Wilaiwan Chanmanee, and Krishnan Rajeshwar: Electrochemical Grafting of Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Into a Titanium Dioxide Nanotube Host Network, Langmuir 26 13697-13702, 2010 | Cs. Janáky, B. Endrődi, O. Berkesi, C. Visy: Visible-Light-Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity of a Polypyrrole Magnetite Hybrid Electrode toward the Reduction of Dissolved Dioxygen, J Phys Chem C, 114 19338-19344, 2010 | P. S. Tóth, Cs. Janáky, Z. Hiezl, C. Visy: Electrosynthesis and comparative studies on carboxyl-functionalized polythiophene derivatives, Electrochim. Acta, 56 3447-3453, 2011 | Csaba Janaky, Balázs Endrődi, Csaba Visy: Conjugated Polymer Based Magnetic Hybrids for Electrocatalytic Applications, ICSM 2010 Book of Abstracts, 6P-035, p., 273, Kyoto - Young Researcher Poster Award, 2010 | Csaba Visy, Péter S. Tóth, Csaba Janáky, Emese Peintler-Kriván: Identification of the Charge Carrier, Primarily Responsible for the Development of the Name-Giving Property of Conducting Polymers, 61st ISE Meeting, Book of Abstracts, S05 Tue 11.20, Nice - invited talk, 2010 | C. Visy, C. Janáky, K. Gresz, K. Tóth: Conducting polymer based thermoelectric nanocomposites, Eur. Workshop on Electrochem. Deposition of Thermoelectric Materials and Nanostructures Book of Abstracts, Kaub, 2011 | Csaba Janáky, Csaba Visy: Conjugated polymer based composite materials for renewable energy applications, Lengyel Kémikusok Egyesülete Fiatal Tagozata, Spring Meeting, Murzasichle, Poland - invited plenary talk, 2011 | B. Endrődi, Cs. Janáky, G. Bencsik, C. Visy: Electroreduction and Sensing of Dissolved O2 and H2O2 on a Polypyrrole/Magnetite Hybrid Electrode, ISE Spring Meeting, Turku, Book of Abstracts, 2011 | Cs. Janáky, B Endrődi, C. Visy: Photoelectrocatalytic Reduction and Sensing of O2 and H2O2 on Conjugated Polymer Based Magnetic Electrodes, 219th ECS Meeting, Book of Abstracts p. 27, Symp. I6, 2025, Montréal, 2011 | P. Tóth, C. Janáky, E. Peintler-Kriván, C. Visy: Electrosynthesis and Simoultaneously Performed in Situ Impedance and UV-VIS-NIR Studies on Poly(3-Thiophene-Butyric-Acid), 219th ECS Meeting, Book of Abstracts p. 98, Symp. I6, 2030, Montréal - invited talk, 2011 | C. Visy, Cs. Janáky, B. Endrődi: Conducting polymer based hybrids for renewable energy materials, ElecNano4 – 7th ECHEMS, Book of Abstracts OC-39, Paris, 2011 | G. Bencsik, C. Janáky, B. Endrődi, C. Visy: Electrocatalytic properties of the polypyrrole/magnetite hybrid modified electrode towards the reduction of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of dissolved oxygen, Electrochimica Acta, 73 53-58, 2012 | T. Szabó, G. Bencsik, G. Kozák, C. Visy, Z. Gingl, K. Hernádi, K. Nagy, G. Váró, L. Nagy: Interaction between photosynthetic reaction centers and ITO, European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters, 40 (2011) S179, 2011 | P. S. Tóth, E. Peintler-Kriván, C. Visy: Fast redox switching into the conducting state, related to single mono-cationic/polaronic charge carriers only in cation exchanger type conducting polymers, Electrochem Communications, 18, (2012) 16-19, 2012 | P. S. Tóth, C. Janáky, O. Berkesi, T. Tamm, C. Visy: On the unexpected cation exchange behavior, caused by covalent bond formation between PEDOT and Cl- ions, extending the conception for the polymer – dopant interactions, J Phys Chem B 116 (2012) 5491-5500, 2012 | B. Endrődi, C. Janáky, G. Bencsik, C. Visy: Electroreduction and Sensing of Dissolved O2 and H2O2 on a Polypyrrole/Magnetite Hybrid Electrode, Abstract Book of 9th Spring Meeting of ISE, Turku, 2011 | D. Ungor, E. Peintler- Krivan, B. Endrodi, C. Janaky, C. Visy: Synthesis and Characterization of Conducting Polymer Nanofiber Composites, 7th WEEM, Book of Abstracts, p. 42, Szeged-Hódmezővásárhely, 2012 | P. S. Tóth, C. Janáky, E. Peintler-Kriván, C. Visy: Vezető polimerek kombinált, egyidejű spektroelektrokémiai és vezetésváltozási vizsgálata, MKE 1. Nemzeti konferencia, Sopron, 2011 | Janáky Csaba, Endrődi Balázs, Visy Csaba: Elektromosan vezető polimerek mágneses nanorészecskékkel alkotott kompozitjai, és néhány alkalmazási lehetőségük, MKE 1. Nemzeti konferencia, Előadás összefoglalók: 109. o. Sopron, 2011 | Tóth P. S., Visy C., C. Perrouchot, M. Jouini: Tiofén típusú vezető polimerek vizes közegben történő előállítása ionos és nem ionos felületaktív anyagok alkalmazásával, Abstracts of XXXIV. KEN, Szeged, 2011 | Balázs Endrődi, Emese Peintler-Kriván, Mohd Asyadi Azam, Gergely Ferenc Samu, András Varga, Csaba Visy:: Thermoelectric and Electrochemical Properties of Highly Ordered Conducting Polymer/Carbon Nanotube Structures, 7th WEEM, Book of Abstracts, p. 13, Szeged-Hódmezővásárhely, 2012 | Csaba. Visy, Péter S. Tóth, Emese Peintler-Kriván: Contribution of the Various Charge Carriers to the Development of the Conducting State of Conjugated Polymers: Identification and Interpretation, 63rd ISE Meeting, Book of Abstracts, Symp. 8, MON 11.40, Prague, 2012 | Péter S. Tóth, Csaba Janáky, Ottó Berkesi, Tarmo Tamm, Csaba Visy: On the Unexpected Cation Exchange Behaviour, Caused by Covalent Bond Formation Between PEDOT and Cl- Ions, 63rd ISE Meeting, Book of Abstracts, Symp. 8, S08-060, Prague, 2012 | Balázs Endrődi, Annamária Bíró, Csaba Janáky and Csaba Visy: Layer by Layer Growth of Conducting Polymer/Magnetite Hybrid Assemblies and Their Application as Modified Electrodes, 63rd ISE Meeting, Book of Abstracts, Symp. 8, S08-015, Prague, 2012 | Bencsik Gábor: Vezető polimereken alapuló fotokatalitikus hatású összetett elektródok előállítása, jellemzése és lehetséges alkalmazásai, SZTE Kémia Doktori Iskola, 2012 | Tóth Péter Sándor: Egyidejű spektroelektrokémiai és in situ vezetésmérési technika megvalósítása és alkalmazása a vezető polimerek redoxi átalakításainak vizsgálatára, SZTE Kémia Doktori Iskola, 2012 | C. Janáky, C. Visy, O. Berkesi, E. Tombácz: Conducting polymer based electrode with magnetic behavior: electrochemical synthesis of poly(3-thiophene-acetic-acid) / magnetite nanocomposite thin layers, J Phys Chem C, 113 (2009) 1352-1358, 2009 | Gábor Bencsik, Csaba Janáky, Emese Kriván, Zsófia Lukács, Balázs Endrődi, Csaba Visy: Conducting polymer based multifunctional composite electrodes, React. Kinet. Catal. Lett., 96 (2009) 421-428, 2009 | Emese Kriván, Gábor Bencsik, Csaba Janáky, Péter S. Tóth, Balázs Roósz, Gábor Sós, Csaba Visy: Study on the electrodeposition of organic and inorganic thermoelectric materials for composite preparation, React. Kinet. Catal. Lett., 96 (2009) 429-436, 2009 | C. Janáky, G. Bencsik, E. Kriván, A. Patzkó, E. Pinter, C. Visy: Conducting polymer based multifunctional nanocomposites, Zing Conference on Nanomaterials, Book of Abstracts, p. 50 Playa del Carmen, 2008 | G. Bencsik, C. Janáky, C. Visy: Electrochemically synthesized conducting polymer based composite thin layer electrodes with photocatalytic and magnetic behaviour, VI. International Workshop on Electrodeposited Nanostructures, Book of Abstracts Berndorf, 2008 | C. Janáky, C.Visy: Magnetic nanocomposites based on conducting polymers – synthesis and characterization, International Workshop on Advances in Nanoscience (SIWAN), p. 17 Szeged, 2008 | G. Bencsik, C. Visy: Synthesis and characterisation of photo-active conducting polymer/iron oxalate composites, International Workshop on Advances in Nanoscience (SIWAN), p. 28 Szeged, 2008 | G. Bencsik, Zs. Lukács, C. Visy: A ppm-level oxygen sensor, based on the photo-electrochemical bahaviour of iron oxalate containing polymers, ISE Spring Meeting, Szczyrk, Book of Abstracts, p. 198, 2009 | Cs. Janáky, C. Visy: Conducting polymer based nanocomposites with magnetic behaviour, Euchems, Book of Abstracts, P-052, p. 79, Torino, 2009 | Cs. Janáky, G. Bencsik, Z. Lukács, B. Endrődi, C. Visy: Conducting polymer based hybrids for analytical and biotevhnological applications, WEEM 2009, Book of Abstracts, p. 53., 2009 | C. Janáky, O. Berkesi, E. Tombácz, C. Visy: Conducting polymer based electrode with magnetic behaviour: electrochemical synthesis of poly(3-thiophen-acetic-acid)/ magnetite nanocomposite thin layers, ISE Spring Meeting, Szczyrk, Book of Abstracts, p. 228., 2009 |
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