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Gyorgy B, Modos K, Pallinger E, Paloczi K, Pasztoi M, Misjak P, Deli MA, Sipos A, Szalai A, Voszka I, Polgar A, Toth K, Csete M, Nagy G, Gay S, Falus A, Kittel A, Buzas EI: Detection and isolation of cell-derived microparticles are compromised by protein complexes due to shared biophysical parameters, Blood, 117:(4) pp. e39-48., 2011 | György B, Szabó GT, Pásztói M, Pál Z, Misják P, Aradi B, László V, Pállinger É, Pap E, Kittel Á, Nagy G, Falus A, Buzás EI: Membrane vesicles, current state-of-the-art: Emerging role of extracellular vesicles, Cell Mol Life Sci. 68(16):2667-88., 2011 | Turiák L, Misják P, Szabó TG, Aradi B, Pálóczi K, Ozohanics O, Drahos L, Kittel A, Falus A, Buzás EI, Vékey K.: Proteomic characterization of thymocyte-derived microvesicles and apoptotic bodies in BALB/c mice., J Proteomics. 74(10):2025-33., 2011 | Pap E, Pállinger E, Falus A, Kiss AA, Kittel A, Kovács P, Buzás EI.: T lymphocytes are targets for platelet- and trophoblast-derived microvesicles during pregnancy., Placenta. 2008 Sep;29(9):826-32, 2008 | Baka Z, Senolt L, Vencovsky J, Mann H, Simon PS, Kittel A, Buzás E, Nagy G.: Increased serum concentration of immune cell derived microparticles in polymyositis/dermatomyositis., Immunol Lett. 2010 Feb 16;128(2):124-30. 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