Preparation of self-assembled hybrid films from nanostructured materials
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Edit Pál, Albert Oszkó, Petra Mela, Martin Möller, Imre Dékány:: Preparation of hexagonally aligned inorganic nanoparticles from diblock copolymer micellar systems, Colloid Surface A Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 331, 213-219, 2008 | Edit Pál, Torben Seemann, Volker Zöllmer, Matthias Busse, Imre Dékány: Hybrid ZnO/polymer thin films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering, Colloid. Polym. Sci., 287, 481-485, 2009 | Edit Pál, Dániel Sebők, Viktória Hornok, Imre Dékány: Structural, optical and adsorption properties of ZnO2/poly(acrylic acid) hybrid thin porous films prepared by ionic strength controlled layer-by-layer method, J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 332, 173-182, 2009 | L. Janovák, J. Varga, L. Kemény and I. Dékány:: Swelling properties of copolymer hydrogels in the presence of montmorillonite and alkylammonium montmorillonite., Appl .Clay Sci. 43, 260-270., 2009 | D. Sebők, T. Szabó, I. Dékány:: Optical properties of zinc peroxide and zinc oxide multlayer nanohybrid films., Applied Surface Sci., 255, 6953-6962., 2009 | J. Ménesi, R. Kékesi, A. Oszkó, V. Zöllmer, T. Seemann, A. Richardt and I. Dékány:: Photocatalysis on silver-layer silicate /titanium dioxide composite thin films at solid/vapour interface., Catalysis Today, 144, 160-165., 2009 | E. Pál, V. Hornok, A. Oszkó, I. Dékány:: Hydrothermal synthesis of prism-like and flower like ZnO indium-doped ZnO structures., Colloids and Surfaces A., 340, 1-9., 2009 | L. Janovák, J. Varga, L. Kemény and I .Dékány:: The effect of surface modification of layer silicates on the thermoanalitical properties of poly(NIPAAm-co-AAm) based composite hydrogels, J. Thermal Anal. and Calorimetry, 98, 485-493., 2009 | E. Pál, T. Seemann, V. Zöllmer, M. Busse, I. Dékány:: Hybrid ZnO/polymer thin films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering, Colloid and Polymer Sci., 287, 481-485., 2009 | E. Pál, D. Sebők, V. Hornok and I. Dékány:: Structural, optical and adsorption properties of ZnO2/poly(acrylic acid) hybrid thin porous films prepared by ionic strength controlled layer-by-layer method., J .of Colloid and Interface Sci., 332, 173-182., 2009 | J. Ménesi, R.Kékesi, V. Zöllmer, T. Seemann, A. Richardt and I. Dékány:: Photooxidation of ethanol on Cu-layer silicate/TiO2 composite thin films, React. Kinet. Calal. Lett., 96(2), 367-377., 2009 | K. Nagy and I. Dékány:: Preparation of nanosize cerium oxide particles in W/O microemulsions., Colloids and Surfaces A., 345, 31-40., 2009 | R. Kun, M. Szekeres and I. Dékány:: Isothermal titration calorimetric studies of the pH induced conformational changes of bovine serum albumin., J. Thermal Anal. and Calorimetry, 96, 1009-1017., 2009 | A. Majzik, R. Patakfalvi, V. Hornok and I. Dékány:: Growing and Stability of Gold Nanoparticles and their Functionalization by Cysteine, Gold Bulletine, 42, (2) 113-123., 2009 | R. Kun, S. Tarján, A. Oszkó, T. Seemann, V. Zöllmer, M. Busse and I. Dékány:: Preparation and characterization of mesoporous N-doped and sulfuric acid treated anatase TiO2 catalysts and their photocatalytic activity under UV- and Vis illumination., J. Solid State Chem. 182, 3076-3084., 2009 | Alexandr V. Talyzin, Tamás Szabó, Imre Dékány, Falko Langenhorst, Petr S. Sokolov and Vladimir L. Solozhenko:: Nanocarbons by High-Temperature Decomposition of Graphite Oxide at Various Pressures, Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 113, 11279-11284., 2009 | T. Szabó, J. Wang, A.Volodin, Ch. van Haesendonck, I. Dékány and R. A. Schoonheydt:: AFM study of smectites in hybrid Langmuir-Blodgett films: saponite, Wyoming bentonite, hectorite and laponite., Clays and Clay Minerals 57, 706-714. (2009) IF: 1.171, 2009 | A.V. Talyzin, B.Sundquist, T. Szabó, I. Dékány and V. Dmitriev:: Pressure-induced insertion of liquid alcohols into graphite oxide structure., Journal of the American Chemical Society 131, 18445-18449. (2009) IF: 8.091, 2009 | T. Szabó, V. Hornok, R. A. Schoonheydt, I. Dékány:: Hybrid Langmuir-Blodgett monolyers of graphite oxide nanosheets., Carbon, 48: pp. 1676-1680., 2010 | Sz. Papp, L. Körösi, B. Gool, T. Dedeichs, P. Mela, M. Möller, I Dékány:: Formation of gold nanoparticles in diblock copolymer micelles with various reducing agent., J. Thermal Anal. and Calorimetry, 101, 865-872., 2010 | R. Kun, L. Kis and I. Dékány:: Hydrophobization of bovine serum albumin with cationic surfactants with different hydrophobic chain length., Colloids and Surfaces B., 79, 61-68., 2010 | N. Ábrahám and I. Dékány:: Size-dependent photoluminescence properties of bare ZnO and polyethylene imine stabilized ZnO nanoparticles and their Langmuir-Blodgett films., Colloids and Surfaces A. , 364, 26-33., 2010 | L. Körösi Sz.Papp, Sz. Beke, A. Oszkó, I. Dékány:: Effects of phosphate modification ont he structure and surface properties of ordere mesoporous SnO2 ., Microporous an Measoporous Materials, 134, 79-86., 2010 | L.Kőrösi, Sz. Papp and I. Dékány :: A Layered Titanium Phosphate TiO3(H2PO4)(2)center dot 2H(2)O with Rectangular Morphology: Synthesis, Structure, and Cysteamine Intercalation., Chem. Mater , 22(15), 4356-4363., 2010 | E. Pál, V. Hornok, D. Sebők, A. Majzik, and I. Dékány:: Optical and structural properties of lysosime/gold hybrid bio-nanofilms prepared by layer-by-layer method., Colloids and Surfaces B., 79, 276-283., 2010 | D. Sebők and I. Dékány:: Optical,structural and adsorption properties of zinc peroxide/hydrogel nanohybrid films., Applied Surface Sci., 256, 5349-5354., 2010 | A. Majzik, L. Fülöp, E. Csapó, D. Sebők, ,T.Martinek, F. Bogár, B. Penke and Imre Dékány:: Functionalisation of gold nanoparticles with amino acide, β-amyloid peptides and fragment., Colloids and Surfaces B. 81, 235-241., 2010 | L. Janovák, I.Dékány:: Optical properties and electric conductivity of gold nanoparticle-containing, hydrogel-based thin layer composite films obtained by photopolymerization., Applied Surface Science 256:(9) pp. 2809-2817., 2010 | T. Aradi, V. Hornok and I. Dékány:: Layered double hydroxides for ultrathin hybrid film preparation using layer-by-layer and spin coating methods, Colloids and Surfaces, 319, 116-121,, 2008 | Kőrösi L., Sz. Papp, J. Ménesi, E. Illés, V. Zöllmer, A. Richardt, I. Dékány:: Photocatalytic activity of silver-modified titanium dioxide at solid–liquid and solid–gas interfaces, Colloids and Surfaces A, 319, 136-142, 2008 | Ménesi J., R. Kékesi, L. Körösi, V. Zöllmer, A. Richardt, I. Dékány:: The effect of transition metaldoping on the photooxidation process of titania-clay composites, Int. J. of Photoenergy, Vol. 2008, Article ID 846304, 9 p., 2008 | N. Molnár Vörös, R. Patakfalvi, and I. Dékány:: Alkylthiol-functionalized gold nanoparticles for sensing organic vapours: the connection among the adsorption isotherm and the sensor resistance, Colloids and Surfaces A., 329, 205-210,, 2008 | E. Pál, I. Dékány:: Structural, optical and photoelectric properties of indium-doped zinc oxide nanoparticles prepared in dimethyl sulphoxide., Colloids and Surfaces A 318, 141-150,, 2008 | D. Sebők, K. Szendrei, T. Szabó and I. Dékány:: Optical properties of zinc oxide ultrathin hybrid films on silicon wafer prepared by layer-by-layer method., Thin Solid Films 516, 3009-3014,, 2008 | K. Mogyorósi, N. Balázs, D.F. Srankó, E. Tombacz, I. Dékány, A.Oszkó, P. Sipos, A. Dombi:: The effect of particle shape ont he activity of nanocristalline TiO2 photocatalysts in phenol decomposition. Part.3: The importance of surface quality., Appl. Catalysis B., 96, 577-585,, 2010 | T. Bujdosó, V. Hornok and I. Dékány:: Thin films of layered double hydroxide and silver-doped polystyrene particles., Appl Clay Sci. 51, 241–249., 2011 | L. Kőrösi Sz. Papp, I. Dékány :: Preparation of transparent conductive indium tin oxide thin films from nanocrystalline indium tin hydroxide by dip-coating method, Thin Solid Films, 519 (10), 3113-3118,, 2011 | S. Beke, L. Kőrösi, K. Sugioka, K Midorikawa, I. Dékány:: Three-dimensionally embedded indium tin oxide (ITO) films in photosensitive glass: a transparent and conductive platform for microdevices., Applied Physics A, Materials Scienece and Processing, 102 (2) 265-269,, 2011 | D.G. Fatouros, K. Power, O. Kadir, I. Dékány, S.N. Yannopoulos, N. Spyros N. Bouropoulos, A.Bakandritsos, M.D.Antonijevic, G.D. Zouganelis, M. Roldo :: Stabilisation of SWNTs by alkyl-sulfate chitosan derivatives of different molecular weight: towards the preparation of hybrids with anticoagulant properties., Nanoscale, 3 (3), 1218-1224,, 2011 | V. Hornok, T. Bujdosó, J. Toldi, K. Nagy, I. Demeter, C. Fazakas, I. Krizba3, L. Vécsei and I. Dékány :: Preparation and properties of nanoscale containers for biomedical application in drug delivery: preliminary studies with kynurenic acid., J. of Neural Transmission 119, 115-121,, 2011 | L. Janovák, Á. Veres, T. Bujdosó, T. Rica , E. Fodor, Sz. Tallósy, N. Buzás , E. Nagy , andI. Dékány:: Silver and phosphate functionalized reactive TiO2/polymer nanocomposite films for destructions resistent bacteria using visible light., J. of Advanced Oxidation Technology, 15, 205-216, 2011 | N. Ábraham, D. Sebők, Sz. Papp, L. Kőrösi, I. Dékány:: Two-dimensional arrangement of monodisperse ZnO particles with Langmuir-Blodgette technique., Colloid and Surfaces A, 384 , 80-89,, 2011 | Á. Veres, T. Rica, L. Janovák , M. Dömök , N. Buzás , V. Zöllmer , T. Seemann , A. Richardt and I. Dékány:: Silver and gold modified plasmonic TiO2 hybrid films for photocatalytic decomposition of ethanol under visible light ., Catalysis Today, 181, 156-162,, 2012 | L. Kőrösi Sz. Papp Sz. Beke B. Petz, R.Horváth, P. Pertik, E. Agócs, I. Dékány:: Highly transparent ITO thin films on photosensitive glass: sol-gel synthesis, structure, morphology and optical properties, Applied Physics A, Materials Scienece and Processing, 107, (2) 385-392,, 2012 | L. Kőrösi, Sz. Papp, A. Oszkó Albert, I. Dékány:: Low-temperature sintering behavior of nanocrystalline indium tin oxide prepared from polymer-containing sols., Materials Research Bulletin, 47 (4), 933-940,, 2012 | B.Streszewski, W. Jaworski, K. Paclawski, E. Csapó, I. Dékány :: Gold nanoparticles formation in the aqueous system of gold(III) chloride complex ions and hydrazine sulfate-Kinetic studies ., Colloid and Surfaces A, 397 , 63-72,, 2012 | Yang Ying-Ying; E. Csapó, Zhang Yong-Liang, F. Süssmann, S.L. Stebbings, Xuan-Ming Duan, Zhen-Sheng Zhao, M, Kingl, I. Dékány :: Optimization of the Field Enhancement and Spectral Bandwidth of Single and Coupled Bimetal Core-Shell Nanoparticles for Few-Cycle Laser Applications, Plasmonics, 7 (1) 99-106,, 2012 | Á.Mastalir, T. Szabó, Z. Király, I. Dékány:: Synthesis and catalytic investigation of organophilic Pd/graphite oxide nanocomposites, Catalysis Communications, 17 , 104-107,, 2012 | L.Kőrösi, Sz. Papp E. Csapó V. Meynen, P. Cool, I. Dékány:: A short solid-state synthesis leading to titanate compounds with porous structure and nanosheet morphology ., Microporous and Mesopopous Materials 147 (1) 53-58,, 2012 | G. Bohus, V. Hornok, A. Oszkó, A. Vértes, E. Kuzmann, I. Dékány:: Structural and luminescence properties of Y2O3:Eu3+ core-shell nanoparticles, Colloids and Surfaces A, 405. 6-13., 2012 | E. Csapó, R. Patakfalvi, V. Hornok, L.T. Tóth, Á. Sipos, Á. Szalai, M. Csete, I. Dékány:: Effect of pH on stability and plasmonic properties of cysteine-functionalized silver nanoparticle dispersion, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 98. 43-49., 2012 |





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