Microspeciation of bio- and drug molecules
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Szakács, Z., Béni, S., Noszál, B.: Resolution of carboxylate protonation microequilibria of NTA, EDTE and related complexones, Talanta 2008, 74(4), 666-674, 2008 | Kiss, R., Kiss, B., Könczöl, A., Szalai, F., Jelinek, I., László, V., Noszál, B., Falus, A., Thurmond, R. L., Keserű, G. M. IF: 4,895: Discovery of novel human histamine H4 receptor ligands by large-scale structure-based virtual screening, J. Medicinal Chemistry 2008, 51(11), 3145-3153, 2008 | Kiss, R., Noszál, B., Rácz, Á., Falus, A., Erős, D., Keserű, Gy. M: Binding mode analysis and enrichment studies on homology models of the human histamine H4 receptor, Eur. J. Med. Chem. 2008, 43(5), 1059-1070, 2008 | Nagy, K., Béni, Sz., Szakács, Z., Bényei, A., Noszal, B., Kele, P., Kotschy, A: Substituent dependent fluorescence response of diazacrown-based PET sensors, Tetrahedron 2008, 64(27), 6191-6195, 2008 | Bubenyák, M., Pálfi, M., Takács, M., Béni, Sz., Szökő, É., Noszál, B., Kökösi, J: Synthesis of hybrids between the alkaloids rutaecarpine and luotonins A, B, Tetrahedron Letters 2008, 49(33), 4937-4940, 2008 | Bubenyák, M., Noszál B., Kóczián K., Takács, M., Béni, Sz., Hermecz, I., Kökösi,J: Bioisosteric hybrids of two anti-inflammatory agents, rutaecarpine and piroxicam, Tetrahedron Letters 2008, 49(40), 5711-5713, 2008 | Deák, K., Takács-Novák, K., Kapás, M., Vastag, M., Tihanyi, K., Noszál, B: Physico-chemical characterization of a novel group of dopamine D3/D2 receptor ligands, potential atypical antipsychotic agents, J. of Pharm. and Biomedical Anal. 2008, 48(3), 678-684, 2008 | Bohus, E.; Coen, M.; Keun, H.; Ebbels, T., Beckonert, O.; Lindon, J.; Holmes, E.; Noszál, B.; Nicholson, J: Temporal metabonomic modeling of L-arginine-induced exocrine pancreatitis, Journal of Proteome Research 2008, 7(10), 4435-4445, 2008 | Marosi, A., Kovács, Z., Béni, Sz., Kökösi, J., Noszál, B.: Triprotic acid–base microequilibria and pharmacokinetic sequelae of cetirizine, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2009 37 321–328, 2009 | Mazák, K., Dóczy, V., Kökösi, J., Noszál, B.: Proton Speciation and Microspeciation of Serotonin and 5-Hydroxytryptophan, Chemistry and Biodiversity 2009, 6(4), 578-590,, 2009 | Mazák, K., Hosztafi, S., Rácz, Á., Noszál, B.: Structural and Physicochemical Profiling of Morphine and Related Compounds of Therapeutic Interest, Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry 2009 9, 984-995, 2009 | Orgován G., Tihanyi K., Noszál, B.: NMR analysis, protonation equilibria and decomposition kinetics of tolperisone, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 2009 50, 718-723, 2009 | Sohajda T., Béni Sz., Varga E., Iványi R., Rácz Á., Szente L., Noszál B: Characterization of aspartame-cyclodextrin complexation, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 2009 50, 718-723, 2009 | Bohus E, Rácz A, Noszál B, , Coen M, Beckonert O, Keun HC, Ebbels TMD, Cantor GH, Wijsman JA, Holmes E, Lindon JC, Nicholson JK: Metabonomic investigations into the global biochemical sequelae of exposure to the pancreatic toxin 1-cyano-2-hydroxy-3-butene in the rat, Magn. Reson Chem. (2009) 47: S26-S35, 2009 | Haghedooren, E.; Janssens, T.; Nijs, R.; Park, S.K.; Farkas, E.; Dragovic, S.; Noszal, B.; Hoogmartens, J.; Adams, E: Selecting a Suitable LC Column for Pharmaceutical Separations using a Column Characterisation System, J. of Liquid Chromatogr. & R. T. 2009, 32(6), 747-771, 2009 | Orgován G., Noszál B: Electrodeless, accurate pH determination in highly basic media using a new set of 1H NMR pH indicators, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (2011) 54, 958-964, 2011 | Orgován G., Noszál B.: The complete microspeciation of arginine and citrulline, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (2011) 54, pp. 965-971, 2011 | Boldizsár I., Kraszni M., Tóth F., Noszál B., Molnár-Perl I.: Complementary fragmentation pattern analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry confirmed the precious lignan cont, Journal of Chromatography A (2010) 1217, 6281-6289, 2010 | Váradi A., Gergely A., Béni Sz., Jankovics P., Noszál B., Hosztafi S: Sulfate esters of morphine derivatives: Synthesis and Characterization, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (2011) 42(1-2) 65-72, 2011 | Mazák K., Kökösi J., Noszál B: Lipophilicity of zwitterions and related species: A new insight, European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences DOI 10.1016, 2011 | Béni S, Sohajda T, Neumajer G, Iványi R. Szente L, Noszál B.: Separation and characterization of modified pregabalins in terms of cyclodextrin complexation, using capillary electrophoresis and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. (2010), 51, 842-852, 2010 | Sohajda T., Varga E., Iványi R., Fejős I., Szente L., Noszál B., Béni Sz.: Separation of vinca alkaloid enantiomers by capillary electrophoresis applying cyclodextrin derivatives and characterization of cyclodextrin complexes by nuclear magnetic, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (2010) 53, 1258-1266, 2010 | Marosi A., Szalay Zs., Béni Sz., Gáti T., Rácz Á., Noszál B., Demeter Á.: Solution-state NMR spectroscopy of famotidine revisited: spectral assignment, protonation sites and their structural consequences, Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry 2012, 402, 1653-1666, 2012 | Orgován G., Noszál B.: NMR analysis and microscopic protonation constants of streptomycin, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 59, 78-82, 2012 | Tóth G., Hosztafi S., Kovács Zs., Noszál B.: The protonation states of thyroid hormones influence their biosynthesis, transport and receptorbinding, Journal of Pharmaceutical Nad Biomedical Analysis 2012, 61, 156-1164, 2012 | Pendela M., Béni S., Haghedooren E., Van den Bossche L., F. Daidone F., NoszálB., Van Schepdael A., Hoogmartens J., Adams E.: Identification of degradation compounds in an erythromycin formulation by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance, Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry 2012 402, 781-790, 2012 | Neumajer G., Sohajda T., Darcsi A., Tóth G., Szente L., Noszál B., Béni Sz.: Chiral recognition of dapoxetine enantiomers with methylated cyclodextrin: A validated capillary electrophoresis method, J. Pharm. Biomed Anal. 2012, 62, 42-47, 2012 | Mazák K., Noszál B.: Lipophilicity of morphine microspecies and their contribution to the lipophilicity profile, Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. 2012, 45, 205-210, 2012 | Rusu, A., Tóth G., Szőcs L., Kökösi J., Kraszni M., Gyéresi Á., Noszál B.: Triprotic site-specific acid-base equilibria and related properties of fluoroquinolone antibacterials, J. Pharm. Biomed Anal. 2012, 66, 50-57, 2012 | 155. Sohajda T., Szakács Z., Szente L., Noszál B., Béni Sz.: Chiral recognition of imperanene enantiomers by various cyclodextrins: A capillary electrophoresis and NMR spectroscopy study, Electrophoresis 2012, 33, 1458-1464, 2012 | Mazák K., Noszál B.: Zwitterions can be predominant in membrane penetration of drugs: Experimental Proof, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2012, 55, 6942-6947, 2012 |




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